Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2556: Slap one!

"What my uncle said is, I also think this is a bit too much. It's better than this. Although Lingyun has already gone to the Central Continent, there are still many women with good talents in the Duanmu family. Why don't I bring back a few? Our two families can also It’s good for Qin Jin. I heard that there is a talent named Duanmu Qingluan recently, she can do it, I don’t know Uncle Duanmu, what's your intention?"

Cheng Shaotian looked at Duanmu Patriarch.

Hearing that, the Duanmuze brothers' complexion was so ugly that Xiao Chen entrusted Duanmu Qingluan to the two of them. If Duanmu Qingluan was taken away, how could they face Xiao Chen.

"This is a way." The Duanmu Patriarch nodded. He has always wanted to marry the Cheng family. At the beginning, Duanmu Lingyun's resignation made him look ugly to the extreme. Now it happens to take this opportunity to restore the relationship between the two families. .

Seeing Patriarch Duanmu nodded, Cheng Shaotian and Cheng Shaoyang both showed sneers on their faces, but they couldn't laugh the next moment.

"Don't even think about it. Although Duanmu Qingluan is not my biological daughter, I have always regarded her as her biological daughter. If you dare to hit her and pay attention, I will kill you first!"

Linghu Fragrant stood up and said coldly.

"Mrs. Duanmu, I don't know what you mean, do you want your two sons to bear the humiliation under the crotch?" Cheng Shaoyang asked coldly.

Linghu Xiangfang looked at Cheng Shaoyang with a gloomy expression. It was absolutely impossible for his two sons to bear the humiliation of his hips. But Duanmu Qingluan could not give it up. When she was a little bit unsure of how to reply, there was a faint voice. The sound came up.

"I heard that someone is beating my sister Qingluan's attention, I want to see if he has this qualification."

As the voice fell, a figure fell directly on the martial arts arena, it was Xiao Chen.

"It's him!" Linghu Xiangxiang was surprised.

Duan Muze and Duan Mu Rui looked at Xiao Chen next to them in dismay, and then hurriedly saluted: "I have seen Senior Xiao Chen."

Xiao Chen nodded, then looked at Cheng Shaotian, looked up and down, and then dismissed: "Your cultivation level is not worthy of my Qingluan sister. If it's okay, just leave quickly, don't be boring."

"Boy, who are you, there is no place for you to speak!" Feeling Xiao Chen's disdain, Cheng Shaotian said angrily.

Xiao Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense, and flashed directly to Cheng Shaotian, his backhand was a slap. Cheng Shaotian had flown off the martial arts field, fell to the ground, and passed out.

"Presumptuous, dare to do something against Shaotian!"

The sudden occurrence of the scene shocked everyone. After another young man, Cheng Jingshan reacted, he was furious, and Xiao Sheng Jiuzhong's aura exuded, and he directly killed Xiao Chen.

"You go down too."

Xiao Chen took a blow from Jingshan while hiding, and then another slap in his backhand. Like Cheng Shaotian, he fell into the distance and passed out.

"So strong, who is this young man who slapped Xiao Sheng Jiuzhong's Cheng Jingshan into a slap?"

"Senior's strength has become stronger again!"

"Asshole, you dare to do something to my Cheng family, you die!" Cheng Shaoyang rushed straight to the martial arts field, the Faxiang Zhen body appeared behind him, billowing flames, rushing out.

"not good!"

When Linghu Xiangxiang saw this, his face changed drastically. Cheng Shaoyang was the Great Sage's first-tier powerhouse, and he was good at fire attacks. Xiao Chen couldn't take it.

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