Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2557: Invincible under the Old Sage!

She just wanted to rescue, but found that Xiao Chen had appeared behind Cheng Shaoyang, and a hand knife hit Cheng Shaoyang's back of the neck. Cheng Shaoyang's Faxiang Zhen body trembled a few times, and then rolled her eyes, she had fallen down, and apparently passed out. .

Seeing this, a fire dragon following Cheng Shaoyang's body suddenly stiffened in the air, and his eyes were full of incredible color.

Not only him, but Linghu Xiangxiang and all the powerhouses in the Duanmu family have an unbelievable expression. Cheng Shaoyang, the Great Sage, was knocked out like this?

Xiao Chen glanced at the middle-aged man and said coldly: "You should be the fire dragon of the Cheng family. I just lack a means of transportation, so you will serve as my mount."

Xiao Chen's unquestionable words made the fire dragon's expression stunned.

"If you don't surrender, I will kill you!"

Xiao Chen said again.

Huolong's face changed, he felt a terrifying killing intent from Xiao Chen, and the indisputable tone made Huolong feel that Xiao Chen could really say it.

"Meet the master!"

The fire dragon knelt down in a hurry.

Xiao Chen nodded lightly.

"Senior Xiao Chen is so handsome, one solution to Cheng Shaotian, one solution to Cheng Jingshan, and another solution to Cheng Shaoyang. Now even the fire dragon has surrendered because of a word, so handsome!"

Duan Muze couldn't help saying.

Duan Mu Rui couldn't help but nodded straight.

Xiao Chen came directly in front of Linghu Xiangxiang, bowed his hand and said, "Senior, I have something to discuss with you!"

Linghu Xiangfang looked at Xiao Chen with a little shock in his eyes, and then nodded and said, "Come with me!"

Xiao Chen nodded, then looked at the Duanmuze brothers and said, "You two come together."



In a hall of Duanmu's house, Linghu Xiangxiang was sitting in the main seat, Xiao Chen sitting in the lower position, Fire Dragon standing behind, and Duanmuze brothers sitting opposite him.

"Didn't you go to the Central Continent?" Linghu Xiangxiang asked.

"Because of some things, I was chased and killed, so I fled back first." Xiao Chen said.

"So, what are you looking for to discuss with me?" Linghu Xiangang didn't ask the specific reason, but said lightly.

"I want to enter the Demon Extinguishing Abyss under the Duanmu Star Territory." Xiao Chen said straightforwardly.

"Yes, but Xiao Chen, I have a question for you, I hope you can answer it truthfully." Linghu Xiangang didn't ask the reason, just said lightly.

"Excuse me."

"How strong are you now?"

"Invincible under Old Sage!" Xiao Chen said.

Linghu Fragrance's eyes condensed, staring at Xiao Chen, and after a while, he said in a deep voice, "I didn't want to tell you something, but now it seems that you are qualified to know that you come with me."

"Okay." Xiao Chen nodded, then looked at Brother Duanmuze, took out two essence pills, handed them to the two, and said: "This is the essence pill, which will help you condense the true body of the Fa-xiang. You should practice hard. Weakened the reputation of Duanmu family."

With that, Xiao Chen taught the effects and usage to the two of them, and then let the fire dragon wait in place, and then came to a secret room with Linghu Fragrance.

"Tell me about your experience during this time."

Linghu said fragrantly.

"Yes, auntie!"

Xiao Chen said, and then briefly explained the experience, but he did not say how to return to the Duanju Star Territory.

"Your talent is stronger than your parents'. It seems that I underestimated you at the beginning." Linghu Xiangang was a little shocked, and she took out another jade slip.

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