Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2561: The strength is too low!

"It has been completely resolved, and the Mu Family at the back end does not have to worry about monsters anymore, but there are still some monsters in the Demon Extinguishing Abyss, which can be used as a trial for Duanmu Family disciples."

Xiao Chen said calmly.

"Solved!" The three ancestors glanced at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

"Three seniors, these few pills can help the three seniors consolidate the real body of Faxiang, which is a bit of the younger generation's mind." Xiao Chen took out a few essence pills and said.

"Then thank you for your kindness." Duan Mu Yinsheng was not polite. He already knew the identity of Xiao Chen, and naturally thought that it was left by Xiao Chen's parents.

"The matter has been resolved, and the younger generation should also say goodbye." Xiao Chen arched his hands as he was about to leave. Suddenly, an angry voice sounded over Duanmu's house.

"Old Duanmu ghost, come out!"

"This voice seems to belong to Cheng Wenxing, the ancestor of the Cheng family. Why did he come to my Duanmu house?"

"Listening to his voice, it seems a bit unkind."

"Whatever he does, let's go and see what he is talking about first." Duan Muyin said, and then the three ancestors disappeared.

"The ancestor of the Cheng family, it just so happened. Since you are here, you can save some things." With a move of Xiao Chen's eyes, the person disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already reached the sky above Duanmu's house.

At this time, there were a dozen figures standing opposite Duanmu Yinsheng, all with an angry expression, Cheng Shaoyang and Cheng Shaotian stood behind them.

"Cheng Wenxing, what do you mean by coming to my Duanmu house?" Duanmu Yinsheng asked straightforwardly.

"Old Duanmu ghost, my younger brother from the Cheng family, was bullied at your Duanmu family, and the culprit was in your Duanmu family. I came to Xingshi to inquire."

Cheng Wenxing said angrily, and did not obscure, directly explaining his intention.

"Master Xing asked the crime?" The three ancestors of Duan Mu Yinsheng frowned slightly. They didn't even know about Cheng Shaotian's being beaten, so naturally they didn't know the reason.

"It turned out to be looking for me." Xiao Chen was startled slightly, and then people had come to Duan Mu Yinsheng's side and said: "Senior, they are here for me. I will take care of this matter."

Duan Muyin was taken aback, and Xiao Chen had already taken a step forward, looking at Cheng Wenxing and said, "The culprit you mentioned is me."

"Asshole, you dare to come out!" Cheng Shaotian roared bitterly after seeing Xiao Chen.

Cheng Wenxing looked at Xiao Chen and frowned slightly. He could naturally see that Xiao Chen only had the four-fold cultivation base of the Little Sage. This cultivation base was not as good as Cheng Shaotian. He could really slap Cheng Shaotian and Cheng Jingshan with one slap. Is there another way to beat Cheng Shaoyang?

"I heard that you stunned Cheng Shaoyang of our Cheng family with one move?" Cheng Wenxing stared at Xiao Chen and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing Cheng Wenxing’s words, Cheng Shaoyang’s face instantly turned pale. His ancestor is good, but he never speaks through his brain. It’s embarrassing to be defeated by a single move. Cheng Wenxing still speaks in front of so many people. I'm afraid that others don't know that he was knocked out by a junior.

"Haha, Cheng Shaoyang's strength is too low, and I don't have any grudges with your Cheng family, so I just taught a little bit." Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Cheng Shaoyang almost squirted out a mouthful of blood, and was said by a little sage junior that his strength was too low, lower than your sister, he was a great sage.

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