Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2562: A little trick!

"My Cheng family cannot be taught by anyone. They are beaten. Naturally, my ancestor will come forward. If you fight with me, I will only teach you a little bit at most. Take your life."

Cheng Wenxing said angrily, the voice fell, and he took a step, and at the same time a hot breath came out, and the terrifying temperature instantly enveloped Duanmu's house.

"The strength of Cheng Wenxing has improved again!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that his talent is much stronger than ours." Duan Mu Yinsheng said slightly solemnly after feeling the breath of Cheng Wenxing.

"Senior wants to fight, and juniors are naturally willing to accompany them, but juniors want to make a bet with seniors. If juniors can beat seniors by one and a half moves, juniors hope seniors can do something for juniors."

Xiao Chen said.

"What if you lose?" Cheng Wenxing said solemnly.

"The juniors won't lose. Of course, if the juniors really lose, the seniors can make any demands." Xiao Chen said calmly, his voice full of confidence.

"You are quite confident." Cheng Wenxing took a deep look at Xiao Chen, and then said: "Okay, I promise your bet."

The two came directly to the starry sky and stood opposite each other.

Cheng Wenxing took the lead, condensing a fire dragon with both hands, full of flames, illuminating the entire starry sky.

"The magic flame is peerless!" Xiao Chen stretched out a hand and spoke faintly, and as his voice fell, black flames suddenly appeared around Cheng Wenxing. These black flames formed a cicada pupa that circled Cheng Wenxing.

Cheng Wenxing's complexion condensed, and the fire dragon in his hand directly attacked Hei Yan, but to his shock, when his fire dragon hit Hei Yan, it only collided with some sparks, but Hei Yan did not move.

"What kind of flame is this, although I can't feel a little temperature, but it gives people a very dangerous feeling." Cheng Wenxing's heart sank, urging the real body of Faxiang to shoot out fire dragons, but no matter how he attacks, he can't break it. Black inflammation.

"Senior, can you continue to fight?"

At this moment, Hei Yan dissipated, Xiao Chen looked at Cheng Wenxing and said lightly.

"What is your method?" Cheng Wenxing asked in a deep voice.

"It's just a little trick, it's not worth mentioning. If the senior wants to continue fighting, the junior is willing to accompany him." Xiao Chen said.

However, Cheng Wenxing's face condensed, because when Xiao Chen's voice fell, he found that Xiao Chen had already reached his side. This unpredictable speed made his heart sink to the extreme.

"If your black flame attacks, how strong can it be?" Cheng Wenxing asked in a deep voice.

"The Great Sage Peak won't survive either!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Cheng Wenxing was startled suddenly, and after a while looking at Xiao Chen, said, "Are you from the Central Continent?"

"That's it."

"I lost this battle, what do you want me to do?" Cheng Wenxing said, in his opinion, only the Central Continent can cultivate such a arrogant talent.

"It's actually very simple." Xiao Chen said, and then he said about his desire to enter the abyss of the Cheng Family's Demon Slayer. At the same time, he hoped that Cheng Wenxing could go with him to other high-level star regions and persuade other ancestors.

"Little friend, since you want to remove all the monsters in the top ten high-level star regions, this is also a good thing for the top ten high-level star regions, then I will also accompany the little friend."

After Xiao Chen explained his thoughts, Duan Mu Yinsheng also came to his side and said.

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