Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2563: Return to the central continent!

"It is an honor for the younger generation to have the help of the seniors." Xiao Chen arched his hands.

"Cheng Wenxing, you have already lost, then for the first stop, go to the star field where your Cheng family is located." Duan Mu Yinsheng looked at Cheng Wenxing and said.

"Good." Cheng Wenxing nodded.

"The ancestor actually lost?" Cheng Shaoyang and the others looked at this scene dumbfounded. They looked at Xiao Chen, who was coming side by side with Cheng Wenxing, and wanted to say something, but they didn't know what to say.

After Xiao Chen asked Linghu Xiangang to bid farewell, he stepped on the fire dragon's head and walked towards the Cheng Family Senior Star Territory with Duan Mu Yinsheng and Cheng Wenxing.

Everything went smoothly. The Demon Extinguishing Abyss was cleared by Xiao Chen. Even if they went to other high-level star regions, Cheng Wenxing and Duan Mu Yinsheng had the guarantee. If the ancestors objected, Xiao Chen would directly suppress them with strength. He also closed his mouth.

As there were more and more monsters in the Demon Territory, Xiao Chen conquered these monsters faster and faster. After half a year, the monsters in the Ten High-level Star Territories were wiped out by Xiao Chen.

The strength of the entire Demon Region has made a qualitative leap.

Xiao Chen killed the strong in the Canyon of the Dead and obtained a lot of resources. Although it was of no use to him, it still had a great effect on Duanmu Yinsheng and others. After these resources were handed over to these ancestors, it was regarded as a reward. Xiao Chen walked toward the central continent again.

This time he went to the Central Continent, Xiao Chen still set out from the Duanju Star Region, not absorbing the power of the stars in the middle, and there was also the fire dragon as a transportation tool, so in less than a month, Xiao Chen had already arrived in the misty town.

At this time at the Whitebeard Pirate Group's resident, Li Ying, Xin Tieshu and other members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group were surrounded by many pirate groups, but Li Ying, Xin Tieshu and others were all injured, and none of them were intact.

"Oh, Li Ying, surrender."

A fat man looked at Li Ying helplessly, he was the head of the Blackbeard Pirates, Blackbeard.

"We are the Whitebeard Pirate Group. It is absolutely impossible to merge into other pirate groups. If we are annexed by other pirate groups, how can I explain to him when the head of our group returns."

Li Ying said solemnly.

"Li Ying, it's useless, you also know the current situation, even if the white beard comes back, what is the use?" Black beard persuaded again.

"No matter what, the Whitebeard Pirate Group must not be destroyed in my hands." Li Ying said solemnly.

"Tell him so much. Since you don't want to surrender, just kill it directly and destroy the Whitebeard Pirate Group, leaving no one behind."

At this moment, a young man walked out and said coldly.

Hearing that, Blackbeard sighed. He wanted Xiao Chen to let his brother-in-law die on that day, so he didn't want the Whitebeard Pirate Group to die, but he didn't expect Li Ying to be so stubborn.

"Yes, messenger!"

Hearing the youth's words, the surrounding pirates immediately said that when they were about to do something, a faint voice suddenly resounded.

"Exterminate the Whitebeard Pirate Group, have you asked me?" As the voice fell, a figure fell in front of Li Ying, it was Xiao Chen.

"Head!?" Li Ying and Xin Tieshu said in disbelief when they saw Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen glanced at the situation of Li Ying and others, his face suddenly became cold, and his eyes flashed with killing intent.

"The next thing is left to me." Xiao Chen said, then turned to look at the youth and others.

"Head?" After seeing Xiao Chen, the young man was taken aback for a moment, and then said lightly: "Are you the head of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, Whitebeard?"

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