Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2576: Already killed!

"He still wants to kill the world. Just let me see how long you can be rampant." Gao Jingyao was taken aback, and then joy flashed in his heart. Although he didn't dare to do anything to Xiao Chen, he was very happy to see Others act on him, you know, the hatred of an ancient sage strong man can not be easily forgotten.

"Sect Master, where is the Supreme Elder Yan Mu?" Until Xiao Chen left, the elder and others came to Gao Jingyao and couldn't help asking.

"Dead." Gao Jingyao said blankly.

"Is it killed by that kid? Sect Master, don't you just watch him leave, why don't you avenge the Supreme Elder?" the elder asked angrily.

"If you want revenge, go, who stopped you?" Gao Jingyao snorted, then flung his sleeves and left.

The expression of the great elder instantly stiffened on his face and asked him to take revenge. Isn’t that the same as asking him to die. All the disciples of the entire Misty Sect fell into silence, and the ancient sage realm Yan Mu was killed, then What revenge are they taking?

Xiao Chen left the Misty Sect and just arrived at the foot of the mountain when he saw the water rushing in.

"Master!" Shui hurriedly saluted after seeing Xiao Chen.

"Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Let's go, go to Ten Thousand Fazong!"

"Go to Wanfazong?" Shui was taken aback, and then questioned: "Master, shall we go to the Misty Sect?"

"I have been there."

"Have you been there?" Shui was stunned again, and said, "Didn't you take revenge, master? Don't you want to take revenge?"

"It has been reported, and the people have been killed. Next, we should go to the Ten Thousand Fazong to kill people." Xiao Chen said flatly, as if he had done a trivial thing.

"What, people have already been killed?" Shui was full of sluggishness. Going to the Misty Sect to kill people must at least get the consent of the Misty Sect Master. Couldn't even the Misty Sect Master stop him?

In other words, does Xiao Chen have the hole cards to make Old Sage regress? Thinking of this, Shui became more and more determined that she was right to take refuge in Xiao Chen, because even her original master fighting the world, if it were not for the name of Fairy Fengluan, she would not be able to retreat from the strong ancient sage.

"You're too slow, come up." Xiao Chen glanced at the water channel. Although she was the Seventh Layer of the Great Sage, flying with full force consumes physical strength and is not as fast as the fire dragon.

"It's the master!" Shui hurriedly stood beside Xiao Chen, the fire dragon roared, and he had already left for Ten Thousand Fazong.

On the way, Xiao Chen looked at the waterway: "Do you know the specific strength of Fairy Fengluan?"

"In response to the master, the servant girl is not quite clear, but it must surpass the ancient sage five-fold, because even an ancient sage five-fold guest in the Tianji Palace was defeated by Fairy Fengluan."

Shui thought for a while, then said a little solemnly.

"Old Sage Fifth Layer?" Xiao Chen murmured, and then said: "You are telling me about other things about Fairy Fengluan."

"It's the master. Fairy Fengluan is not only powerful, but also extremely beautiful. He can be called the number one beauty in the Southern Territory. Even her disciples, Nanmen Qianshan, Nanmen Qianque, etc. are not as good, and according to rumors, Feng Luan Fairy Luan has a good status, and seems to have a very high status in Zhongyu."

"Moreover, Fairy Fengluan is bold and likes to accept disciples. Therefore, the entire Southern Territory is not only afraid of his strength, but also very admired for him. It is said that even the actor Huangfu of Tianji Palace once expressed his love, but he was completely obliterated. It refused."

"Almost all the giants in the Southern Territory are their admirers, so master, there are some things, I hope you can consider them carefully."

The water is solemn.

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