Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2577: En will revenge!

Shui looked at Xiao Chen and said solemnly, if he killed Zhan Tianxia, ​​Fairy Fengluan would definitely avenge him. At that time, I am afraid that the entire Southern Region will be dispatched for him.

"It seems that Fairy Fengluan is an amazing character, but I am thinking about it more and more for a while."

Xiao Chen smiled and looked at the waterway again: "You are following Zhan Tianxia. You should know a lot of Southern powers. If you know what you know, tell me in detail."

"It's the master." Shui sighed in his heart, and then began to introduce the forces of the Southern Territory.

Wan Fazong is not too far away from the Misty Sect. In about three days, Xiao Chen has already come within the power of Wan Fazong.

Just when they came to the sky above a forest, two embarrassed figures suddenly rushed towards this side, and soon they came to Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen saw that it was a young girl with a little saint cultivation.

"Two seniors, help." After seeing the two of Xiao Chen, the young man's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he hurriedly said, and just as his voice fell, several figures rushed out behind him, one by one fierce.

After seeing a few people, a look of horror flashed in the young girl's eyes, and then hurriedly hid behind Xiao Chen and the two, while looking at them with beseeching eyes.

"Ten Thousand Fazong, boy, I advise you not to be nosy!" The leading man glanced at Xiao Chen and Shui. He couldn't see through the cultivation level of Shui, but he could still see through Xiao Chen's cultivation level. Yes, after discovering that Xiao Chen was just a little sage, he didn't take it seriously and said viciously.

"Master, what should I do?" Shui whispered.

"What if I have to take care of my business?" Xiao Chen glanced at a few people and said lightly.

"Dare to take care of my Ten Thousand Fazong's nostalgia. I think you don't want to live anymore. Take advantage of your labor and management's good mood and get out quickly, otherwise you will kill you together." The big man said coldly.

"Brother, that girl is not bad, it's better not to kill it first, let's catch it back and play for a few days before talking." Behind the big man, a man with eyebrows and mouse eyes looked at the waterway wretchedly.

"Master, I will kill them." The water turned cold, and said coldly.

"No matter how small a mosquito is, it's meat, I'll do it myself." Xiao Chen directly cast the magic flame peerless, and several people instantly turned to ashes.

When the young girl saw this scene, her eyes were full of shock and even horror, but the next moment, there was a look of fear in the eyes of the two, but the fear was not because of Xiao Chen's methods, but because of the death of the Ten Thousand Fazong.

"We asked you to save us, but didn't let you kill them. Now that the disciples of Ten Thousand Fazong are dead, a catastrophe is imminent." The girl looked at Xiao Chen and complained.

"Sister, ignore them. Taking advantage of Ten Thousand Fazong's ignorance, we hurried to flee, saying that it was them who killed people, and it has nothing to do with us. Even if they are caught by Ten Thousand Fazong, it is not our business.

The boy looked at the girl and said hurriedly.

The girl nodded, followed behind the boy, and left in a hurry. In a blink of an eye, she disappeared.

"Master, don't you kill them?" Shui asked in a cold voice. This is not a good thing for young girls. Not only did they pull them into the water, but after an accident, they also pushed all the blame on them, which is extremely shameful.

"Two ants, don't worry about it. I'm talking about this kind of self-righteous guy who will revenge revenge. I have seen a lot. Don't worry about it. Let's continue on our way." Xiao Chen said, the reason why he shot is not to save the second People, it’s just because the other party belongs to Wanfazong. When Huangfu Zhan led people to besiege him, there was the young master of Wanfazong, and he was still alive.

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