Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2587: Gather in Canyon of the Dead!

The disappearance of the entire Ten Thousand Fazong was quickly discovered by people passing by. The news, and the words of Xiao Chen slaughtering Ten Thousand Fazong, swept the entire Qingzhou with the force of a hurricane. At the same time, the ancient sage of the Misty Sect was beheaded. The news of Xiao Chen, as well as the news that Xiao Chen sought revenge from all the forces, also spread under the deliberate intention of the Misty Sect.

Suddenly the entire Qingzhou boundary was shaken, and all the forces were in danger. You must know that at that time, all the forces in the entire Qingzhou boundary began to attack Xiao Chen.

A turmoil swept across Qingzhou.

At this time, Xiao Chen had already arrived in the Canyon of the Dead. After the King's Contest was over, the Palace of Heavenly Mystery once again placed restrictions, but in front of Xiao Chen, none of this was a problem.

Through the system, Xiao Chen opened a gap in the prohibition, then rushed in directly, and began to absorb the demon power in the Canyon of the Dead through the Mark of Demon.

When Xiao Chen was absorbing the demon power in the Canyon of the Dead, the Heavenly Mystery Palace again issued an order, once again with a celestial order as a reward, and had measured Xiao Chen’s location, summoned all the forces in the entire Southern Region to go to the Canyon of the Dead and beheaded. Xiao Chen.

All the territories and forces in the entire Southern Territory are heading towards the Canyon of the Dead.

"He is still alive!"

Gao Xuantian, Huang Song, Cai Shaoling, Huangfu Zhan, Nanmen Qianque, Nanmen Qianshan and others all showed shock and disbelief when they received the news.

Then they headed towards the Canyon of the Dead in unison, and this time, everyone who went to the Canyon of the Dead was strong, almost all of them were strong at or above the great sage level, and there were very few small sages.

Slowly, on the Plains of the Dead, a number of battleships have appeared, and there are signs of various forces on the battleships. At this time, somewhere in the Plains of the Dead, Huangfu Zhan and two young people are together.

"How did that kid run?"

"Also, in less than a year, he can actually kill the Old Sage. This is too horrible."

The two young men couldn't help saying, thinking of the scene where the Great Sage Peak was beaten to death by Xiao Chen in the Canyon of the Dead, there was a panic of fear in their hearts.

Huangfu Zhan was also full of shock: "Although I don't know how that kid did it, but he will never escape this time. My father, eldest brother, second elder brother, all the giants in the Southern Territory, and Fairy Fengluan have all come. Now, even if he is strong, it is difficult to fly."

"Since Fairy Fengluan is here, the secret order this time will definitely fall into Fairy Fengluan's hands." A young man said.

"Yes!" The other young man nodded in agreement.

"The last piece of heavenly secret order fell into the hands of Tian Yanzong, and this time another piece was taken out. Who on earth has such qualifications in Tianji Palace?" Huangfu Zhan did not speak, but he was very puzzled in his heart. The real high-level of the Tianji Palace can only give one piece, but this time he actually took out another piece, even if it was him, he was puzzled.

At this moment, the Plain of the Dead was shaking, and the restriction outside the Canyon of the Dead was once again opened by the strong of the Heavenly Mystery Palace, and then all the forces had directly rushed into the Canyon of the Dead.

At this time, on the highest peak in the Canyon of the Dead, Xiao Chen sat faintly on a boulder. The demon power in the Canyon of the Dead had been absorbed by him, and after feeling that the restrictions outside the Canyon of the Dead were opened, Xiao Chen Look up into the distance.

Soon, battleships appeared in the distance. It didn't take long. Around Xiao Chen, the sky and the ground were full of battleships.

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