Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2588: Fairy Fengluan appeared!

Afterwards, a group of powerful men walked out of these battleships, all looking at Xiao Chen above the boulder.

Immediately afterwards, a young figure leaped out of the many battleships, came to Xiao Chen, looked at Xiao Chen, and said in a condescending manner: "Fairy Fengluan sits down on Ye Xiangwen, and by the order of Master Feng, comes to take your head. "

Xiao Chen raised his head to look at Ye Xiangwen, his eyes flashed with surprise. Although Ye Xiangwen is not very old, he is already a strong old sage. With this alone, he has thrown out dozens of streets from Tianjiao in Qingzhou.

"You don't have the qualifications to talk to the young master, you want my Xiang Shang head, and ask Fairy Fengluan to pick it up personally!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Arrogant!" Ye Xiangwen looked cold.

"Because the young master has the qualifications to be arrogant, otherwise why do you think the young master will be waiting for you in the Canyon of the Dead, because this is the best place for your burial."

Xiao Chen said indifferently, although his voice was not high, he was a strong person in everything he did. After hearing this, his face became cold.

"Hmph, I don't know how high the sky is." Ye Xiangwen snorted coldly.

"Little master knows that you are all here to take the head of the little master item, so don't look at it. Are you going to go together or come one by one." Xiao Chen stood up, Ling Tian Huajian appeared in his hands , Glanced at the strong around, said lightly.

"Your head, Fairy Fengluan, is booked. Why don't you need other forces to take action? I will personally take your head." Ye Xiangwen said coldly. After hearing these words, the powerful people around them stopped. Down.

"You can't do it." Xiao Chen looked at Ye Xiangwen and shook his head, then said loudly: "Fairy Fengluan, if you are there, come out if you are there, lest you, the ancient saint disciple, lose your life in vain."

"You're looking for death!" Ye Xiangwen stared at Xiao Chen, Chi Guoguo's contempt for him. When Ye Xiangwen walked north and south, when he was underestimated, his heart was filled with anger and killing intent.

"A little sage killed the old sage with one move. Although these rumors are not credible, in the face of so many powerful people chasing and killing you, you still don’t change your face, chatting and laughing, but it’s kind of interesting. It makes me think of accepting followers meaning."

At this moment, a clear voice sounded, and then a few figures walked out slowly. The leader was a purple skirt that looked like a beautiful face, had a peerless appearance, a tall figure, and was graceful and luxurious. woman.

"I have seen Fairy Fengluan!"

All the strong men said at the same time, and many strong men looked at Fairy Fengluan's eyes, full of admiration.

Xiao Chen looked at Fairy Fengluan in front of him, and there was a look of loss on his face.

"Unfortunately, I need a secret order, so I can only kill you!"

Fairy Fengluan looked at Xiao Chen, and the crisp voice sounded again.

"Fairy Fengluan, you are so beautiful, why don't you be my woman, I'll help you grab the secret order, how about?"

Xiao Chen looked at Fairy Fengluan, a strange expression flashed in his eyes, and then smiled.

But as his voice fell, Fairy Fengluan had a brief loss of consciousness on her face, and the entire neighborhood was terribly silent, and the faces of all strong men were full of shock.

Fairy Fengluan was chosen to play?

Nanmen Qianque and Nanmen Qianshan behind Fairy Fengluan also stared at Xiao Chen stupidly.

After a long time.

"Asshole, you dare to blaspheme Fairy Fengluan, you're not sorry to die!"

"Asshole boy, dare to desecrate Master, I want your life!"

A series of angry voices rang out one after another, and Xiao Chen instantly aroused everyone's anger.

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