Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2602: start a feud!

Hearing this, Cheng Lao's expression turned gloomy in an instant, turned his head to look at Zhong Li, and said coldly: "What do you do, do you have the right to interrupt?"

"Cheng Lao, you ask Master to cook for a great sage and heavy ant personally. If this matter is spread, wouldn't it be a loss of Master's face? I will definitely not allow this matter." Zhong Li said coldly. .

"Even though some of our old guys are old, they have not yet reached the point of dying. You don’t allow it. What are you, or you think you are Baihua Fairy’s apprentice, so you don’t put us old guys on In the eyes?" At this moment, Old Fan also spoke.

Zhong Li's complexion sank, Fan, and their cultivation is not weak when they are old, and they are the old people around Baihua Fairy. Although she is the proud disciple of Baihua Fairy, she really angered the two of them.

Thinking of this, Zhong Li looked at Xiao Chen on the ring and said coldly: "You'd better be a little self-knowing. If I were you, I would leave here immediately."

Xiao Chen glanced at Zhong Li, and then jumped off the ring.

Seeing Xiao Chen jumping off the ring, Zhong Li's eyes flashed a sneer, but the next moment, the sneer on her face instantly stiffened on her face, because Xiao Chen not only did not leave, but instead said to the old man on the ring: "Cheng Old, why bother about these irrelevant people, disturbing our Yaxing."

"That's what I said." Cheng Lao was taken aback for a while, smiled, and then said to Lao Fan: "Brother Fan, call the two old guys, this opportunity is not much."

"Okay!" Old Fan nodded, and then the three of them had already left, leaving only Zhong Li and Wang Cai with sullen faces.

"The **** boy, dare to ignore us and not teach him a lesson. I can't swallow this breath." Wang Cai said gloomily.

"There are also those two old things who dare to teach me, how are you preparing for that matter?" Zhong Li said gloomily, looking at Wang Cai.

"It's almost there." Wang Cai nodded.

"Always pay attention to that kid's movement, this time I have to get rid of the two old things together." Zhong Li said gloomily, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes.


A certain room.

"The two old guys aren't coming?" Cheng Lao said in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter if you don't come, there are still two less rushers." Old Fan said with a smile, but an indescribable complex color flashed in his eyes.

"Little friend, when you and Lao Cheng were dueling just now, how do I feel that you still have room!" Fan Lao looked at Xiao Chen again. In fact, Cheng Lao and Xiao Chen only collided with dozens of punches, and Wang Cai Zhongli and the others came to the ring. When they got up, they had already finished the fight, and they were tied.

"I have no grievances with Cheng Lao, so naturally I don't need to fight life and death." Xiao Chen smiled.

"If it's life and death, how long can you stay in the hands of the old man?" Cheng Lao asked suddenly. In fact, after dozens of punches against Xiao Chen, his heart was already shocked. You must know that he is the Old Sage Third Layer. And Xiao Chen is only the Great Sage's First Heavy. He can touch him dozens of punches without losing the wind. If he says it, no one will believe it.

"Does Cheng Lao want to hear the truth or lies?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Naturally is the truth." Cheng Lao took it for granted.

"If it's a life-and-death struggle, it's not how long I can hold on to Cheng Lao's hands, but whether Cheng Lao can escape in my hands." Xiao Chen said.

Hearing this, both Cheng Lao and Fan were taken aback, and then stared at Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen was stared at by the two people without any discomfort, just a faint smile.

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