Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2603: Bow down!

"Hahaha, it's been a long time since I saw such an interesting little friend like you, I want to become a year-end brother with you." After a while, the old man laughed loudly.

"It's better for the three of us to bow down, I wonder if the little friend minds?" Old Fan suddenly suggested.

"Naturally don't mind." Xiao Chen said.

"Okay, then we will bow." Cheng Lao patted the table and stood up.

Shui, who was waiting on the side, watched this scene dumbfounded.

The three swore directly in the name of the ancestor and became brothers. Old Fan’s real name was Fan Long. He became the eldest brother and became the second brother. As for Xiao Chen, naturally he could only be the third brother. .

However, Jieyi is different from Xiao Chen's imagination. There is nothing that does not seek to be born in the same year and the same month and the same day, but to die in the same year and the same month and the same day.

Becoming a brother is good, and the relationship between the three of them has improved. The three of them talked and laughed. At this moment, the door of the room was opened and a woman in a red robe came in with several maids. Bei Qincheng and Fan Long After seeing the person, he hurriedly got up and said, "I have seen the lady."

"My third brother, this is Fairy Baihua, I have seen Fairy Baihua soon." Fan Long looked at Xiao Chen again.

"Xiao Chen has seen Fairy Baihua." Xiao Chen stood up, arched his hands, and at the same time looked at Fairy Baihua secretly. This fairy Baihua is also a rare beauty, no less than Mu Fengluan, but Mu Fengluan even more. Noble, and Baihua Fairy is so charming, even more coquettish.

What surprised Xiao Chen was that this Baihua Fairy was also an ancient sage six-fold powerhouse. No wonder Shui would say that Mu Fengluan was unwilling to provoke her.

Fairy Baihua glanced at Xiao Chen, and then ignored it, but looked at Fan Long and Bei Qincheng, and said, "You two are sure to use that opportunity and let me cook by myself?"

"Please also make me complete." The two arched hands.

"I hope you don't regret it." Fairy Baihua said, and the maid behind her brought up delicate plates one by one and placed them on the table.

"After eating, you can leave."

Fairy Baihua said, after finishing speaking, he put down the three small wine jars and left with someone.

"Thank you, Miss." The two were grateful again.

"Big brother, second brother, what happened to the opportunity that Fairy Baihua said?" After Fairy Baihua left, the three of them seated again, and Xiao Chen looked at them and asked.

"In fact, there is nothing. We are the servants of Fairy Baihua. We have the opportunity to ask Fairy Baihua to do it for us, including letting Fairy Baihua cook the food himself." Fan Long smiled.

Xiao Chen's gaze narrowed. Fairy Baihua is an ancient sage's sixth-tier powerhouse. Asking her to take a chance, you don't need to think about how precious it is, but he didn't expect that they would use the opportunity here. This question.

"Then what is going on to let you leave?" Xiao Chen asked again.

"It's okay. We are also tired and want to take a break. It's good to take this opportunity to leave Baihua Tower and look around." Bei Qincheng smiled.

"Don't talk about it, these three altars are all Baihua fairy brew, let's try it first, this kind of opportunity won't happen again." Fan Long smiled.

"Okay." Xiao Chen nodded, but he always felt that things were not that simple, but since the two did not want to elaborate, Xiao Chen would naturally not go into it.

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