Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2604: Burial Saint Po!

Next, the three of them drank freely. The Baihua delicacy is made by burning paper with special condiments. It is very delicious. It makes Xiao Chen's appetite, who hasn't eaten food for a long time. As for Baihua fairy brew, it makes Xiao Chen feel surprised. , Not only sweet and delicious, but endless aftertaste, even his holy power value has been improved.

The water followed Xiao Chen, and it also had a lot of benefits, but after tasting a cup of Baihua Immortal Brew, she didn't dare to drink a second cup.

Fan Long and Beiqin Chengdu looked at Xiao Chen in surprise. This Baihua fairy brew is a great tonic for the strong old sage, but to the strong below the old sage, it is a deadly poison, even if water is like this. The Seventh-Layered Great Sage only dared to drink a small cup, but Xiao Chen had already had several cups, but nothing happened.

The two looked at each other and became more curious about their third brother.

After drinking for three rounds, Fan Long, Bei Qincheng and Fairy Baihua bid farewell, and the four left Baihualou.

"Big brother, second brother, what are your plans next?" Xiao Chen asked.

"We want to stroll around, but we haven't figured out where to go yet." Fan Long said, "The third brother has any plans?"

"I plan to go to Zhongyu. If the two brothers have nowhere to go, it is better to go to Zhongyu with me." Xiao Chen invited.

"Zhongyu is Longtan Tiger's Lair. There are many forces, many strong, and many people with identities and backgrounds. If you are not careful, you will be killed. The third brother is sure to go to Zhongyu?" Hearing this, the two were surprised. Then Fan Long said solemnly.

"It's not Longtan Tiger's Den. I'm not going to go yet. I'm saying that there are too few strong players in the Southern Territory. It is no longer challenging for me. If you want to continue to improve your strength, you can only go to the Central Territory." Xiao Chen said.

"The third brother is a Qianlong. How can this Southern Territory diving trap Qianlong? Brother, we haven’t returned to the Central Territory for a long time, and we don’t know how the family is going. Anyway, we are running out of time, so it’s better to go back. Look." Bei Qincheng looked at Fan Long and said.

"Alright, then we will accompany the third brother to Zhongyu, and we can also be a guide." Fan Long nodded.

After the four people agreed, they left Baihua City and headed towards Zhongyu, unknowingly coming to a place called Burial Saint Slope.

"I heard that the first person in the Southern Territory, a strong man who reached the peak of the ancient sage, died accidentally and was buried here, so he has the name of Burial Sacred Slope. It is a pity that I don’t know this strong man. Who died in the hands of someone."

Fan Long said with emotion.

"Yes, since the ancient sage, the strongest in the Southern Territory is the Sixth Ancient Sage, and some are old monsters that have lived for a long time, and some are not able to mix in the Central Territory before they came to the Southern Territory. Since the old sage, there is no strong one."

Bei Qincheng also said with emotion.

"It is also your honor to be able to die in the same place as the first person in the Southern Territory." At this moment, a voice suddenly rang, and then hundreds of figures rushed out of the jungle on both sides of the Holy Funeral Slope, sending Xiao Chen Si People surrounded.

Then a few people walked out of these hundreds of silhouettes, and the two leading them were Zhong Li and Wang Cai. Behind them, an old woman and old man followed.

"Cheng Lao, Fan Lao, and the kid, we meet again." Zhong Li walked up, looked at the three of them, and smiled faintly.

"What do you mean?" Fan Long glanced at the strong people around him, then looked at Zhong Li and said coldly.

"The life of the two is about to end. I specially came to send them off. After all, the two used to be very'good' to me." Zhong Li laughed, but the laughter was a little cold.

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