Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2605: Trapped to bury Shengpo!

"Hey, Miss I, the famous name, will accept you as a narrow-minded disciple. Both of us have no threat to you, but we still don't let us go." Fan Long sighed, then looked at the old man and old woman, and said: " Did you two decide to be loyal to her?"

The old man and the old woman did not speak, but looked at them coldly.


Fan Long and Bei Qincheng shook their heads in disappointment.

"Unexpectedly, in order to kill the two of us, even the real Qingxuan pavilion Qingxuan, the Beishan hero of the Beishan Sect, and Luo You of the Daluo Sect were invited. The three ancient sages and the fourfold, plus so many people , I really value us."

Bei Qin looked a little dignified, and then pointed at Xiao Chen and the waterway: "However, this matter has nothing to do with them. Let them go. We promise that we will never resist and let you handle it."

"It's impossible. This kid dares to ignore me and not crush his bones. It's hard to dispel my hatred." Wang Cai said coldly.

"What kind of thing is this kid, he can eat the delicacies of Hundred Flowers made by Master himself. Based on this alone, he must die today!" Zhong Li said coldly.

"The third brother, it seems that we are hurting you. We will cut a path for you in a while, and you will take the opportunity to escape." Bei Qincheng said.

Xiao Chen didn't reply, glanced at the strong people around him, and didn't pay attention to it, but at this moment, behind Zhong Li and others, a young man walked out and looked at the water gloomily and said: "Shui, why are you here? Here?"

"Master, he is Fairy Fengluan's most proud disciple, fighting the world!" After seeing the youth, Shui flashed fear in his eyes, and then hurriedly said to Xiao Chen.

"Is he Zhan Tianxia?" Xiao Chen looked at Zhan Tianxia with a slight surprise in his eyes. Zhan Tianxia's cultivation base was even higher than Ye Xiangwen's, and he had reached the second level of Ancient Sage.

"I'm asking you, why are you here?" Zhan Tianxia asked in a cold voice, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

"She is my person now, don't threaten her, or don't blame me for being polite." Xiao Chen stood in front of the water and said.

Hearing this, Zhan Tianxia's brows condensed, looked at Xiao Chen, and said coldly, "Where is Feng Lin Huo?"

"Dead." Xiao Chen said lightly: "I killed it!"

"Whoever dared to kill me, no matter who you are or how you did it, you can't escape death today, and I hate traitors the most. This traitor will die too!"

Zhan Tianxia said coldly, then looked at Zhong Li and said: "These two people belong to me."

"You do what you want, but it's best not to let them die too easily." Zhong Li said.

"This is natural, I will let them experience what is better than death." Zhan Tianxia said coldly, with a perverted killing intent on his face.

Zhong Li nodded, then looked at Fan Long and Bei Qincheng, and said lightly: "You two are already surrounded. I advise you not to resist. If this is the case, I can still give you a decent death. law."

Fan Long and Bei Qincheng looked heavy. If there were only the old man and the old woman, they would not be afraid at all with their cultivation bases. But Qingxuan Pavilion, Beishan Sect, and Daluo Sect had three ancient sages, four powerful people, Coupled with several other ancient saints, they couldn't escape at all.

After that, the two looked at Xiao Chen and then at each other, and they had made a decision in their hearts.

"The third brother, we will buy time for you through self-destruction in a while. You must take this opportunity to escape. With your talent, the future must be extraordinary and you must not die here." Fan Long said through sound transmission.

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