Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2606: Excited three old saints!

"Two brothers, don't be pessimistic. I once said that if you are fighting for your life, even your second brother will have to run for your life. That's not a joke. With the strength of the three of us, it is not easy to deal with them."

Xiao Chen said lightly, but he did not have a voice transmission.

"Third brother, your talent is very good, but Qingxuan Pavilion, Beishan Sect, and Daluo Sect have three ancient sage four-fold powerhouses. The power of the ancient sage four-fold powerhouse is not comparable to the ancient sage three-fold." Bei Qin Cheng said solemnly.

"Qingxuan Pavilion, Beishan Sect, and Da Luojiao have never heard of them. I think they can't be on the stage. The two brothers don't think I have only the Great Sage, but I am also the Sect Master of the Sky Star. They will see me. I ran with my tail clipped."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

Hearing that, the entire Burial Saint Po has calmed down. Qingxuan Pavilion, Beishan Sect, and Da Luo Sect are all well-known giants in the Southern Region, and there are old monsters of the Sixth Layer of Ancient Saints sitting in the town. No one in this Southern Region knows. Who doesn't know that these three powers are not on the stage. Isn't this just looking for death?

On the contrary, it was the Sky Star Sect, they had never heard of it.

Bei Qincheng and Fan Long looked at each other, looking at each other, then gave a wry smile.

Zhong Li, Wang Cai, Zhan Tianxia had a sneer in his eyes, and he secretly said in his heart.

The three powerful forces all looked at Xiao Chen coldly, with undisguised killing intent in their eyes.

Only the next moment, they were all stunned.

"Your Excellency is the Sect Master Xiao Chen Xiao Chen?" I saw the real person Qingxuan Pavilion walk out and asked carefully.

"It's this sect!" Xiao Chen said lightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It turned out to be the famous Sect Master Xiao who is well-known throughout the Southern Territory. The master Qingxuan of the Xia Qingxuan Pavilion is really lucky to meet Sect Master Xiao here!"

Real Qing Xuan said excitedly.

Famous and famous throughout the Southern Region? Bei Qincheng, Fan Long and others opened their eyes wide, why they had never heard of the Sky Star Sect, and even Xiao Chen.

It's no wonder that Heaven's Secret Order is a treasure, and the things that reward Xiao Chen are all known to the high-levels of various forces, and most people don't know it.

"I saw Sect Master Xiao in Beishan, Sect Master Xia Beishan!"

"In the Lower Daluo Sect, Luo You, I have seen Sect Master Xiao!"

The Beishan hero of the Northern Mountain Sect and Luo You, the leader of the Daluo Sect, also walked out. They looked at Xiao Chen with the same expression of excitement, as if they had seen some amazing person.

Seeing the appearance of the three great sages, everyone was dumbfounded. Their heads were simply not enough, and they couldn’t understand why they saw a sect master with three great powers. After the youth of Yizhong, so excited.

In fact, it's very simple. These three people had also been to the Canyon of the Dead, and then they were captured by Xiao Chen, and now they belong to Xiao Chen.

"Well, the three are polite." Xiao Chen nodded faintly, then pointed to the three of Fan Long and said: "This is my elder brother Fan Long, this is my second brother Bei Qincheng, this is my little maid Xiaoshui!"

"I have seen Senior Fan Long, Senior Bei Qincheng, and Miss Xiao Shui!"

The three of them bowed their hands, and the three of them, Fan Long, were taken aback, especially Shui. She had never been so respected before, but the three of them also knew that the three strong men in front of them all looked at Xiao Chen's face. .

"Who is the third brother? Is it because we have been in Baihualou for too long and have been out of touch with the outside world?"

Fan Long and Bei Qincheng looked at each other.

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