Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1013: I have a surprise for you

Sheng Nanxuan asked Liuguang Group to order a car that was exactly the same as the President's in performance, but with a slightly different appearance. This one is mainly for his own use, and he can work in the car. In addition, two vehicles were made to focus on safety performance, for Gong Mo and Huzi.

The Lu's car took the guests to the hotel. Sheng Nanxuan took Gong Mo back to the room to put his luggage and said, "Let's visit the production line of Liuguang Group."

"What's so good about that?" Gong Mo was not interested.

Automobile production lines are definitely all iron blocks. If it's the food production line, she would like to see it.

"You go." She said, "I will take Huzi to find Tang Xin and the others to play."

Sheng Nanxuan twisted his eyebrows and asked Huzi: "Baby~Should we go to see the car?"

Huzi nodded: "Yes!"

Gong Mo asked: "Should we go to eat cake?"

"Uh..." Hu Zi thought for a while, "eat first, then drive!"

"Mother first, then dad." Sheng Nanxuan felt that the point was this, which was a bit unhappy.

Gong Mo was also unhappy: "Can I just eat?"

"It's still early to eat." Sheng Nanxuan said, "Tang Xin might want to play with Wu Di, so don't bother you. I have a surprise for you."

Gong Mo was taken aback and looked at him: "The surprise is on the production line of Streamer?"

Sheng Nanxuan nodded. He didn't want to mention in advance that she was not interested in cars.

"Did you buy a car for me?" Gong Mo asked excitedly, and then became depressed, "but I can't drive..."

"It's just that I taught you!" Sheng Nanxuan patted his thigh, regretting that he hadn't, "Why didn't you expect it? You are so bored lately, you should learn the car."

"Really learned, will you let me go out alone?"

"……"will not!

Sheng Nanxuan coughed and thought of a wonderful way: "We can drive when we go out together!"

"Then you sit down?" Why does it feel weird?

Aren’t ordinary men driving and women taking the co-pilot? In turn, it feels... men eat soft food.

"What's wrong with me sitting next to me? It's my honor to have a wife driving! Walk around and see your car!" Sheng Nanxuan urged.

When the two left the room, Gong Motian asked, "You really bought it for me? But I didn't know how to drive before. Why did you buy this? You don't ask me first. I don't like those small cars."

"Then what do you like?" The presidential model is not small at all.

"Domineering!" Gong Mo said, "off-road vehicles, and presidential cars, look handsome! No, they are cool! But even if I learn to drive this kind of car, I shouldn't be able to drive it. You drive this kind of car. It must be so handsome~"

"Isn't I not handsome if I don't drive?" Sheng Nanxuan touched his face, doubting his appearance.

Gong Mo smiled and said, "You can be handsome in another way~"

After half an hour's drive, the two took Huzi to Liuguang Group.

The Streamer Group occupies a large area. An entire industrial area is equivalent to a city. The car drove in the park for another ten minutes before stopping.

"Mr. Sheng." A man walked over to pick them up, "Sorry, the president and the others are too busy lately to be able to receive them in person, so please invite Haihan."

"It's okay." Sheng Nanxuan shook his hand.

The man smiled and led them towards the white building ahead.

After entering the door, the inside is spacious and bright, with various cars and accessories displayed on the air and on the ground, which looks like an exhibition hall.

"Wow--" Hu Zi exclaimed, staring curiously. (To be continued~^~)

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