Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1014: Please get in the car, my queen

Sheng Nanxuan asked, "Aren't you handsome?"

"Handsome!" Huzi replied loudly.

"Do you want it?"

"miss you!"

"Go!" Sheng Nanxuan said.

"Go!" Huzi echoed excitedly.

Gong Mo was speechless: "How much do you men like cars? You can be so excited when you are less than three years old!"

"The car is a little wife~" Sheng Nanxuan said.

"Heh~" Gong Mobai glanced at him, "It looks like you have a lot of little wives~"

Sheng Nanxuan immediately said, "For others, it's a little wife, but for me it's just a pile of broken copper and iron!"

The manager who led the way in front: ...hehe, it's enough to say that it's broken copper and iron! The rich are really capricious!

Walking to the center of the hall, a few people stopped.

There is a black car parked in front of it, which is similar to the president's car, very handsome! It happens to be Gong Mo's favorite style!

"Is it this?" Gong Mo asked Sheng Nanxuan incredulously.

Sheng Nanxuan smiled and nodded, walked over to put the tiger on the ground, opened the door of the back seat, and bent over to make a gesture to her: "Please get in the car, my queen."

Hearing the words, Gong Mo raised his head proudly, put his hand in the palm of his palm, and sat sideways in it.

Huzi blinked: What games are mom and dad playing? I want to play too!

He immediately jumped up in front of Sheng Nanxuan: "Dad!"

Sheng Nanxuan picked him up and threw it in.

Huzi fell dizzy and sat up holding Gong Mo with both hands.

Sheng Nanxuan then sat in, Huzi turned his head and looked at him angrily: Dad is good or bad! Why not be gentle with me?

Sheng Nanxuan rubbed his head and showed Gong Mo the various functions of the car.

Huzi gradually widened his eyes, showing a keen interest.

Although Gong Mo was surprised, he was not very interested. Sheng Nanxuan asked: "What's wrong? Don't like it?"

"No... I just think, why don't you live in the car every day, and make the car so functional?"

"Be prepared for it~ I can go camping occasionally, just drive this one."

When Gong Mo heard this, he became even more depressed: "With my body now, will you let me go camping?"

Sheng Nanxuan: "..." That must not be possible!

He sighed and said again: "Be prepared for it. We can go for a ride~"

"My body can't blow air, right?"

"...At least it's safe."

Gong Mo nodded: "That's not bad."

"..." The car that focused on safety for her and Huzi was done right!

He opened the door and got out of the car and took her to see the other two cars.

Gong Mo was surprised: "Why buy so much?!"

"Huzi will go to kindergarten next year. When he grows up, there will always be a time when the three of us will go out at the same time, right?"

Gong Mo was speechless: "There is still a long time to go, why are you in such a hurry? Are you prepared?"

"Yeah, yeah... my wife, don't be angry, it's a big deal I will give it back."

"Who is angry? Anyway, you don't need the money, just buy it!" Gong Mo said domineeringly.

"Buy!" Huzi roared full of anger.

Sheng Nanxuan: "...how do I feel that I have given birth to a prodigal son?"

After watching the car and returning to the hotel, the Yu family was already arranging dinner, and the three of them went straight to the restaurant.

When they walked to the entrance of the restaurant, they met Lu Wei who was entertaining the guests and greeted each other.

Lu Fei watched them into the table and saw them at the table of Yu's house... Yu Xinran hadn't come yet.

He waited for a while, until Yu Xinzhuo's voice sounded behind his back: "Lu Wei."

Lu Fei hurriedly turned around, saw him alone, and asked, "Isn't my heart down?"

Yu Xinzhuo took a deep look at him, wanting to see some emotions on his face. However, Lu Fei's expression has no flaws, and there is no happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy.

"She is a little uncomfortable and can't come down anymore," Yu Xinzhuo said.

"...Oh." Lu Wei smiled slightly, "Then you can eat first."

"How about you?"

"Me?" Lu Fei paused, "I'll go and see if anyone else has come."

Yu Xinzhuo nodded and walked in.

Lu Wei turned around and walked to the elevator with a heavy step.

Entering the elevator, watching the numbers change layer by layer, finally stopped at the floor where Yu Xinran lived.

He took a deep breath, walked out of the elevator, and walked quickly towards her room.

On the other side of the corridor, Wu Huang appeared on the spot, preparing to go downstairs to eat. Seeing Lu Wei's back, he was puzzled and followed quietly.

Lu Wei walked to the door of Yu Xinran's room and rang the doorbell.

After a while, Yu Xinran opened the door, looking a little haggard. Seeing him, she was slightly surprised: "Lu, Brother Lu? Are you okay?"

Knowing that Lu Wei is interesting to herself, she has always avoided meeting with Lu Wei alone to avoid embarrassment. Unexpectedly, he found it by himself.

"I want you to go down for dinner." Lu Wei looked at her face worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Yu Xinran held the door, did not invite him in, and said at the door, "I don't have an appetite, so I won't go."

"Because of pregnancy?" Lu Wei asked erraticly, not knowing what mood he was in asking this sentence.

The woman he likes is pregnant with someone else's child...

"Yes..." Yu Xinran nodded indiscriminately, feeling that the atmosphere was too weird and didn't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, and said hurriedly, "I will trouble you to run, I will not go."

She returned to the room, trying to close the door.

Lu Fei suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed the door. (To be continued~^~)

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