Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1015: Your sister-in-law cheated

Yu Xinran was startled and looked up at him.

His hands trembled slightly and looked at her intently: "Are you really going to marry him?"

Yu Xinran looked at him in amazement, "Lu Na..." What does he want to do?

Yu Xinran was nervous, for fear that he would do something extraordinary.

He hadn't confessed for more than 20 years earlier. When she was about to get married, what was the mess?

The Yu family has already let out the news about her marriage. He appeared at her door like this. How could she be cleaned up when someone saw him? !

"Xin Ran..." Lu Wei called her name uncomfortably, feeling a sting in his throat.

He looked at her sadly in his eyes, as if he had lost the most precious thing in life.

Yu Xinran dared not meet his eyes, and hurriedly looked away.

He took her into his arms, and Yu Xinran was shocked: "Lu Fei! Let go of me!"

"Heart Ran..." He called depressively, tightening her arms strongly.

Yu Xinran frowned in pain, feeling that his bones would be crushed by him.

After a long time, he slowly let go, and said in her ear: "Okay...you have to do it well."

As long as she has a good life, he doesn't care alone.

He let go of her, turned and strode away, panicking and embarrassed.

Yu Xinran leaned against the door, and it took a long time to recover.

She turned around, closed the door, reached out and touched her arm, still feeling a little pain.

She suddenly thought: Why didn't he say so long ago? If he speaks early, she will not necessarily look for others. He and her are right at each other. When discussing marriage, he can't always encounter such annoying things as the Gong family, right?

Yu Xinran walked slowly back to the bed, and just sat down when the phone rang.

She saw that it was Gong Bai.

Looking at his name, she smiled.

Why be sentimental for irrelevant people? Gong Mo is the love in her heart.

She answered the phone and heard Gong Bai ask: "Have you eaten yet?"

She didn't want him to worry. Instead of saying that she had a bad appetite, she said, "I'm going to eat, how about you?"


Wu Huang hid in the dark and walked out only after seeing Lu Wei entering the elevator.

He picked up the phone, glanced at the photo he had taken, smiled, and edited the text message to send.


Gong Fei was eating at home, and Hu Yinghong nagged and said: "I see the Internet saying that Yu's family has gone to Beiyao to attend whose wedding, these rich people are really public. Your brother must have gone...running around. But ignore me, he doesn't really want to recognize me, right?"

"What do you care about him?" Gong Fei frowned on the other side.

Hu Yinghong is patriarchal, in her heart Gong Bai is always more important than herself, even if Gong Bai threatened to deny her, she still couldn't let go!

Gong Fei was very dissatisfied. What's wrong with me? Now that Gong Bai drove her away, didn't he take her in by himself?

Gong Fei took a sip of the ribs soup and said disgustedly: "You put too much cooking wine!"

Hu Yinghong was taken aback, and said depressed: "Do you think you can do it for you?"

"Then you go do it for Big Brother! See if he ignores you!"


Ding Ding Ding! Gong Fei's cell phone rang.

She picked it up and saw that it was a text message from Wu Huang, and immediately smiled happily.

Wu Huang went to Beiying City today, but refused to take her with her. She thought he didn't want her anymore.

The content of the text message surprised her: Your sister-in-law cheated. image]

She opened the text message suspiciously and saw a picture of Yu Xinran hugging a man.

That was... the door of the hotel room!

Should Yu Xinran also go to Beiyong City? Didn't Gong Bai stay with her? (To be continued~^~)

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