Tian Cheng turned back: "Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and Ding Dang sneaked a head in.

When Tian Cheng saw it, her face was angry.

Ding Dang walked over with a grin, and tweaked, "That... I was sorry before, I didn't mean it. Can you forgive me?"

"What should I do if I don't forgive?" Tian Cheng asked angrily.

"I..." Ding Dang lowered his head and said pitifully, "I don't know. Then I keep begging you."

When Tian Cheng choked, she had never met such a shameless person!

She turned her back to Ding Dang and picked up her mobile phone to read a novel.

Ding Dang lowered his head and asked: "Then I will buy you an apology gift?"

Tian Cheng thought for a while, then turned around and said, "You don't need to buy gifts. You can help me get some food."

"Food? OK! No problem!" Ding Dang went out immediately.

Tian Cheng snorted and continued to read the novel. After a while, Ding Dang came up with a piece of food.

There is a glass of juice and a few beautiful little cakes.

Tian Cheng was about to reach for it, she immediately opened it: "Have you forgive me?"

Tian Cheng said angrily, "If you don't give it to me, I'll starve to death, and I won't forgive you even if I die!"

Ding Dang flattened his mouth and brought the cake to her: "Then you can eat it first."

Tian Cheng picked up the cake and took a bite. Ding Dang whispered, "You are so fat!"

Tian Cheng choked and was choked.

Ding Dang hurriedly picked up the juice and handed it to her, and said with a guilty conscience: "Come along."

Tian Cheng coughed twice, took a sip of the juice, and asked, "How old are you?"

"What are you asking this for?"

Tian Cheng slowly finished a small cake, and said: "I thought you were well maintained, but it's not so good, right? Are you about the same age as me?"

In fact, what she wants to say is: too naive! Where is it like a mature woman?

So she wondered if the other party had grown up!

If he is not an adult, then Yu Qingliu is too beast? !

Ding Dang asked angrily: "Why do you think I am well maintained? Am I very old?"

"Because... You and Uncle Yu are a couple." Tian Cheng said innocently.

"Why do I get old as a couple? Are we old and young, okay?"

"So..." Tian Cheng's eyes lit up, "Can you tell me your story?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Uh...I'm curious."

Ding Dang bit his lip and said entangledly: "I want to say it, I'm afraid he scolds me for not being able to control my mouth and telling me everything."

Tian Cheng couldn't help smiling.

Ding Dang snorted: "He is fierce!"

It wasn't that Yu Qingliu asked her to apologize, otherwise she would not come.

"I'm leaving now," she said.

"I haven't said to forgive you yet." Tian Cheng said.

Ding Dang was taken aback and ran back immediately, looking at her pitifully: "Little sister, please forgive me~"

Tian Cheng: "..." How does she feel that she is a big sister, she is a little sister?

"Fine, forgive you!" she said helplessly, "but you don't need to be so impulsive in the future, there is no need to guess about others."

"I know, I know." Tian Cheng said hurriedly, "I know I was wrong. I just like him so much, so I will be a little impulsive when I meet him. I didn't mean to offend you."

Tian Cheng curled his lips: "It's okay. You also reminded me that no matter what the situation is, I should be stronger, so as not to make people misunderstand."

"Uh..." Ding Dang said awkwardly, "My words are unintentional." (To be continued~^~)

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