Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 854: That singer knows your family well?

Tian Cheng looked at her: "It's not unintentional, right? I know that there are indeed many such women in this world who show weakness and deceive them for benefits. In fact, their hearts are blacker than others. I am still young, if it weren't for you to wake me , Maybe I will really become like that in the future. Now, surely not. Thinking about it, that kind of woman is really annoying!"

"Hehe...hehe..." Ding Dang said embarrassingly, "Then I will go out first. I will invite you to dinner later. By the way, I am a policeman. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can call me."

Tian Cheng's expression changed: "Don't want this, right?"

Ding Dang was taken aback, covering his face and said: "I can't speak, you forgive me!"

Tian Cheng chuckled, "It's okay."

"Woo..." Ding Dang covered his face and ran away.

Tian Cheng smiled, picked up the cake on the plate and took a bite. Thinking of the problem of gaining weight, he immediately put it back.

She wiped her hands and turned on the computer, and typed a line in the document: Old man and young wife...

She checked it online and found that writing novels is a good way to make money. It happens that she has a hobby in this area, and she wrote several love stories in her diary when she was in high school. In the future, I will be a screenwriter again, and writing novels can be regarded as a professional counterpart.

Just now I was still thinking about writing something, now I saw Yu Qingliu and Ding Dang, and decided to write a story about an old man and a wife.

The hero is a doctor like Yu Qingliu, mature and stable. The heroine is a little girl like Ding Dang, lively and cute... Well, let's set it to be a policeman.

Doctors and policemen, if the policemen are injured, they need a doctor. Ding Dang said that she often twisted, wouldn't it be on purpose? So there is a reason to go to the hospital and take the opportunity to throw the uncle down——

Huh? Why are you still a woman chasing a man?

No matter, let's set it like this first!

Tian Cheng was thinking when the door was suddenly opened.

She was taken aback and turned around to see Ding Dang running back.


"Hush--" Ding Dang hurried over and asked in a low voice, "That singer is familiar with your family?"

"Huh?" Tian Cheng wondered, why did he sing?

"It's the one that won the championship in the recent competition!" Ding Dang didn't like listening to music or watching TV, and didn't pay attention to gossip, and didn't know Cindy. It's just that "Sound of Nature" is so popular that she has an impression.

Tian Cheng wanted to be unfamiliar, but the other party was a celebrity that Gong Mo liked at any rate, and he liked it very much. It was a bit unsympathetic to say that, so he asked, "What are you asking her for?"

Ding Dang pointed outside and said mysteriously: "I think she's going next door, won't she come to steal things?"

"Should not?" Tian Cheng murmured, but it was strange to come here suddenly.

She got up and walked out, Ding Dang hurriedly supported her: "Be careful!"

"It's okay." Tian Cheng whispered, and found that her feet no longer hurt so much. But she still didn't dare to make any effort and could only limp.

Opening the door and going out, she didn't see any figure. She asked, "Where did you go?"

"Over there." Ding Dang pointed in the direction of the master bedroom.

Tian Cheng hurriedly walked over, stopped when he reached the door of the master bedroom, and looked at the closed door.

Ding Dang urged: "What are you doing? Hurry up!"

"Really in?" Tian Cheng asked, afraid that she would deliberately lie to herself.

If no one went in and opened the door like this, Ding Dang pushed her again, and then closed the door. Afterwards, she said she deliberately seduce Sheng Nanxuan, and she would jump into the Yellow River and couldn't clean it! (To be continued~^~)

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