Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 885: Yu Qingliu and Ding Dang get engaged

After arriving at the airport, Tian Cheng escorted her aunt to board the plane alone.

The sister-in-law said, "Do you know if you study hard? Your school is full of beautiful women and handsome guys. I heard that some people are irregular. You should not play with them."

"I know." Tian Cheng said impatiently, "you also go to work, if you feel tired, spend your savings to live. Anyway, I will work after a few years, and I will not be afraid of spending it. I will support you when the time comes. Three aunts and six wives are mixed together. Money is not allowed to move. If someone asks you to invest or something, you must tell me! Now there are many scammers. If you are cheated out of the money, I won't care about you!"

"Okay, okay... I see!" The sister-in-law ran towards the security checkpoint, "Go back, don't send it away!"

"Be careful on the road." Tian Cheng said, "There must be no bus when you get off the plane. Don't bear the money. Ask a taxi to take you to your door. Call me when you get off the plane and when you get home."

"Good, good!" The sister-in-law was afraid of her, "Really, let me say one thing, you have to say ten things, who is the daughter and the mother of the two of us?"

"It's fine if you know you are a mother." Tian Cheng said helplessly.

My sister-in-law suffocated, she really didn't dare to mess with her this time.


One month later, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Yu Qingliu and Ding Dang are engaged. Because Ding Yuan was soliciting votes, he didn't dare to make a big deal, so he invited only his closest relatives and friends to hold it in a low-key manner in the Yu family villa.

Sheng Nanxuan and Gong Mo went over after breakfast. All the Yu family was there except Yu Qingliu.

"Come on~" Wu Surong saw them and happily stretched out her hand and hugged the tiger in front of him.

"Grandma~" Huzi took the initiative to greet everyone, and everyone liked her soft voice.

Wu Surong hugged him for a while and rubbed it, and said happily: "Let's grow up~ Be a flower girl for your uncle next year!"

Gong Mo asked: "The wedding day is set?"

"Next May, the specific date has not yet been decided."

"Where's uncle?" Sheng Nanxuan asked.

"They went to pick up Dingdang."

More than an hour later, Yu Qingliu took Ding Dang and Ding's relatives and friends.

The elders of the Yu family and Ding family are very happy.

For the Yu family, Yu Qingliu's marriage is the blessing of the ancestors!

For the Ding family, Ding Dang is uneasy. If you don't seize this opportunity, no one will dare to ask for it in the future!

In short, it's fun.

Because it was the Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone had to return to their homes to reunite, so the ceremony was held at noon. After the guests finished their meal, they all left before the evening.

Gong Mo and Sheng Nanxuan stayed here to celebrate the festival in the evening.

Gong Bai said to leave, but Yu Xinran didn't stop him. He plans to go to school to find Tian Cheng, if she is okay, he will take her to dinner at night.

Ding Dang also stayed. Her parents went back, and went to her grandmother at night, without her, she wouldn't be lonely.

When Wu Surong saw everyone there, she suddenly felt like a house full of children and grandchildren.

Looking at everyone, she aimed at Yu Xinzhuo for the last time: "When your uncle gets married, it's your turn. You're not too young!"

When Yu Qingliu and Yu Xinzhuo have children, they will be full of children and grandchildren!

Yu Xinzhuo felt like a beeping dog, and suddenly had a very unkind thought: I hope Yu Qingliu will never get married!

Wu Surong swept toward the others again, and there was another Yu Xinran who was not married.

Yu Xinran tensed her body and dared not look at her.

Wu Surong smiled and let her go. Anyway, she's making a boyfriend. If you have a boyfriend, you will get married, so don't worry. (To be continued~^~)

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