Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 886: Parcel from country M

"Hey..." Wu Surong held the tiger, stroked his back a few times, and sighed, "If Qinghuan is still there, there will be everyone!"

Everyone's face changed slightly and it was difficult to answer the conversation.

Yu Zhengming said, "What do you sigh and sigh every day? Nanxuan has found it. If Qinghuan is still there, he will be back."

Wu Surong nodded, but still worried. I'm so old, where can I still wait for it?


On the way home, Gong Mo asked Sheng Nanxuan: "Is there no news from Mom?"

Sheng Nanxuan shook his head: "If she is with Carter, Carter is just an ordinary person. She may use her ID wherever she goes, and will leave traces on the Internet. But she is almost without a trace or a trace. It is difficult Find."

"But Carter is no longer there. Will they still be there?"

Sheng Nanxuan nodded: "There is such a possibility. I have asked someone to follow Carter, hoping to find him and get clues from him."

Half a month later...

Gong Mowo was reading a novel on the sofa, Huzi sat next to him and picked up the literacy card: "One!"

"Hmm..." Gong Mo nodded.

Huzi was dissatisfied and picked up another one: "Two!"

"Good." Gong Mo agreed.

Huzi became angry and continued to raise the card: "Three!"

"Yes, yes..." Gong Mo turned the novel to the next page.

"Huh!" Huzi threw away the card angrily.

con man! Obviously he took the same card, how could it be two and three again?

The door intercom rang, Gong Mo raised his head and wanted to call Sister Li to pick him up. Suddenly he remembered that Sister Li was going to buy food, so he put down his book and stood up.

As soon as she walked away, Hu Zi immediately picked up the book and stuffed it under the sofa!

Humph, mom ignores him if he has a book, he wants to hide the book so mom can't find it!

Gong Mo switched on the intercom, and a man appeared on the screen, "Hello, is this Sheng Nanxuan's home?"

"Yes." Gong Mo looked at him questioningly, "Who are you?"

The man held up a cardboard box covered with tape: "I am a post office worker. Here is a package from him. It was sent from country M. I didn't write a phone number, so I can only notify you like this."

Gong Mo reached out to the unlocking position in doubt, and put it back.

Country M? package? I haven't heard Sheng Nanxuan mention it at all, it may be a liar!

What if you trick her into opening the door and kidnap her?

Gong Mo said: "Wait for me, I will come down immediately."

She returned to the living room, picked up the phone, and saw Huzi sitting on the sofa obediently, and couldn't help but wonder.

When was he... so behaved?

Huzi twisted his head, with an expression of "I didn't do anything", and pressed his **** heavily: Press the book! Don't let mom find it!

Gong Mo ignored him and dialed Sheng Nanxuan's number, "Someone is downstairs, saying that it is a staff member of the post office, and he said that there is a package for you, which is sent by country M."

Sheng Nanxuan was taken aback: "Have you been shopping?"

"Why do I write your name on Haitao!" Gong Mo said, "I don't know if what he said is true or false, so I can only call you and ask me for fear that someone will deliberately trick me into opening the door."

"It looks like you are very smart~" Sheng Nanxuan smiled, "You tell him to wait and I will go back now."

"Be careful," she exhorted. "He's downstairs, maybe the killer."

When Sheng Nanxuan heard this, he became nervous, "You just have to be careful! I'm not allowed to open the door to anyone before I go home, you know?"

"I got it." Gong Mo hung up the phone, ignored the man, thought about it for a while, and ran to lock the door behind him. (To be continued~^~)

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