Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1035 Yunfei is a little disappointed

Chapter 1035 Yunfei is a little disappointed

If you want to ask which company has the best hard steel technology, go to the cave technical school...

Uh, wrong, just ask Yunfei anyway.

Yunfei, who was burning with essence and blood, was the spokesperson of bravery, and he could defeat the temple guardian who was twice his height without falling behind at all.

That's right, it's that tough.

Of course, that is, Yunfei doesn't want to, otherwise his true body will be revealed, a small 4-meter-high iron lump.

In front of Yunfei, he is not even a younger brother.

It is of course normal for Yunfei to be able to fight against the Temple Guardian.

It would be abnormal if his power after burning the essence and blood was not as strong as the temple guardian.

But this kind of thing, which is normal in Yunfei's eyes, is abnormal in other people's eyes.

For example, the master of Lesheng Hall.

Although he could sense that the temple guardian itself did not consume much.

But Yun Fei was so brave that it really made him confused.

Didn't he get knocked away just now?

Why is it so violent all of a sudden?

However, what made him even more unexpected was that Yunfei had a tendency to become more and more fierce.


Because Yunfei had a great time playing.

Burning ten drops of essence and blood could no longer satisfy Yunfei's desire for power. The essence and blood in his body burned rapidly, eleven drops, twelve drops, and it was not until thirteen drops that Yunfei felt that his body had reached its limit again.

This is very refreshing.

Thirteen drops of blood essence gave Yunfei even more power. Although there were only three more drops, these three drops were an overwhelming advantage.

The Temple Guardians could have been on a par with Yun Fei. Although they could not win with one blow, of course the Temple Guardians were not afraid of attrition. They had been charging the Temple Guardians for so many years. The durability is certainly imaginable.

But now the temple guardian couldn't withstand Yun Fei's power, and he was forced back by Yun Fei's fist.

This is unacceptable to the Master of Lesheng Hall.

Others in the temple could not accept this reality.

"Hmph, let me show you the true strength of the guardian."

Le Sheng no longer hides the true power of the Temple Guardian, and the violent hybrid rules appear in the Temple Guardian's fist.

Although the level of this mixed rule power is not high individually, and some of them do not even reach the level of fairy power, you can't resist the many different powers.

Combining them together not only increases the level, but also has the tendency to transform into other rules.

"This is?"

Yunfei retreated a distance.

For some reason, when he looked at the temple guardian with the power of rules erupting from his body, he suddenly felt as if he was looking at himself.


Because Yunfei's body also contains so many rules powers. Although Yunfei has not yet mastered some of the rules powers, in terms of types, he does not have many fewer rules than the opposite temple guardian, right?

The dark rules controlled by Yun Fei are not available on the other side.

Now, the combination of the rules and powers of the temple guardians is going to produce a qualitative change, which Yunfei cannot help but notice.

"What's the rule?"

Yunfei said he couldn't understand it.

The rules and powers of the temple guardians include many of the seven supreme rules, such as space and light. So, with their participation in the blending of forces, what will eventually form?

Suddenly, two words appeared in Yunfei's mind.


Yunfei's knowledge reserve is much larger than that of people in the God's Domain. According to the myths and stories he knew before, the world was in chaos before it was first opened. It was only after the chaos was broken that so many rules were subdivided.

Therefore, the rules of chaos are the first of the three supreme rules.

"Are these rules going to be blended into chaos rules?"

Yunfei's eyes gleamed.

Madhu, if the temple guardian can do it, can I do it too?

Yunfei was a little excited.

"How's it going? Are you scared?"

Yunfei looked a little excited because of his excitement, which made Yunfei scared in the eyes of Master Lesheng Hall.

Look, they're all shaking.

Lesheng was very embarrassed. Just when he was about to continue to laugh at Yunfei, Yunfei's eyes fell on the master of Lesheng Hall.

"Roll over, baby cow."

Yunfei was still in a good mood, because he saw in the temple guardian the path he would take in the future.

Very strong, very fierce, I like it very much.

"what for?"

There is definitely a generation gap between the old antique Le Sheng and Yun Fei. As long as Yun Fei says something profound, Le Sheng will definitely not understand.

"The common translation is, get lost."

While Yunfei was explaining Lesheng, he waved Lesheng away like a fly.

However, Yunfei didn't harm Lesheng. He just used the wind of Youtian to blow the person away and that was it.

Master Lesheng Hall had no preparation. Although he was blown away by a relatively gentle wind, it would already be a big insult, right?

"You still dare to say such arrogant things? Kill him."

Le Sheng was very unhappy and commanded the temple guardians to rush towards Yun Fei while waving their fists.

Yunfei was naturally not afraid, he just wanted to study the power of rules in the temple guardian.

The quicksand formed a body-hugging armor and was put on Yunfei's body, and then Yunfei continued to fight with the temple guardian Hard Steel without using any other power.

When the temple guardian's fist fell on Yunfei's body, the power of the rules in the fist exploded.

As if they had found some outlet, the power that did not erupt into a huge conflict on the temple guardians all started to go berserk when it fell on Yun Fei.

The final result of all kinds of unsociable people coming together is an explosion on the spot, which is still very violent.

Yunfei was blown away and did some somersaults.

However, he was only thrown away by the huge force and was not injured. The defensive power of Yutianzhitu was more than just talk.

The power of the rules used by the Temple Guardian is still within the scope of the God Lord. Although it is essentially close to the rules of chaos, it is only somewhat close.

I dare not say that Chaos encompasses everything, but it is almost there, and the power that the Temple instills into the bodies of the Temple Guardians is still many types short.

Therefore, it is still far from the rules of chaos.

If they really came up with the rules of chaos, I'm afraid Yunfei would really not have a good day today, but they didn't.

Yunfei, who was blown away, shook his head, he was a little disappointed.

I originally wanted to see how sharp the rules of chaos are, but of course I was disappointed not to be able to.

This is the supreme rule that he may control in the future.

Yunfei is disappointed, but Lesheng is not disappointed. He is very excited. How about it?

You Yunfei can't stop you, can you?

I'll let you die right away, I won't keep you waiting for long.

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