Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1036 Is Bloodline Guard still useful?

Chapter 1036: Is Bloodline Guard still useful?

Le Sheng mistakenly believed that Yun Fei was going to die after being blown up.

This joke is a bit too big.

But Yunfei had no intention of explaining.

He even lowered the defense of Yutianzhitu.


He wanted to experience the power wielded by the Temple Guardian.

This opportunity is relatively rare, and you probably won't get it elsewhere.

Although the power of rules used by the temple guardians are just fake chaos rules, they are too far away from the real chaos rules.

But since they are fake, why are they so similar.

Yunfei wants to find the rules that integrate each other.

This is for the sake of the future.

Everyone in the temple was feeling happy as they watched Yun Fei being knocked away by the temple guardians.

"Okay, great. Now as long as I wait for Yunfei to die, God's Domain will be the hall of my temple."

The people in the temple were very excited.

Just think for a moment that all the huge oracles must obey the orders of the temple, it's very cool, isn't it?

"Don't be careless. What if Yun Fei is able to make a comeback? What if the Zulong comes to save him?"

This is a relatively rational deity.

"Don't worry, if Zulong dares to take action here, we can just call that adult."

The adult in this mouth is Mo Fei.

If Zulong doesn't follow the rules, demons will naturally show up, so there is no need for the temple to take action.

As for whether Yunfei himself has the ability to make a comeback, the people in the temple don't believe it anyway.

Look, what the temple guardians have done to this is that it keeps rolling in the air, like a tumbling baby cow.

The mood of joy and celebration is contagious. All the people in the temple were very happy. This joy lasted for one hour, two hours. When this mood lasted for the third hour, the taste of joy changed a little. .

In the sky, the scene is still the same, it has never changed.

The temple guardian chased Yunfei and punched him in various ways.

Yunfei rolled in various ways and never stopped.

This scene is certainly happy, but as it lasts for a long time, it inevitably makes people have other thoughts.

"Lesheng, you control the temple guardian and know the situation best. What is the situation now? Then Yunfei..."

A god appeared next to Le Sheng.

If it had been anyone else who had been beaten so violently by the temple guardian, he would have died long ago.

However, after being beaten for three hours, Yunfei was still very active and had no intention of dying.

This is very intriguing.

"That Yunfei is indeed a little weird, but the temple guardian can definitely keep him suppressed. Don't worry. As for the energy in the guardian's body, you and I both know it. I don't believe that Yunfei can still use up more than the guardian."

Although Lesheng controls the temple guardian, he only knows the condition of the temple guardian and does not know whether Yunfei is injured or not, or how serious the injury is.


"Don't worry, please calm down the disciples. There is no need to watch here. Stay away to prevent Yunfei from jumping over the wall."

Le Sheng opened his mouth and gave instructions.

What he said is not impossible.

If Yunfei is really going to be killed by the temple guardians, and he wants to drag some people to their death, that is very likely to happen.


After the deity here agreed, he began to direct the people in the square to evacuate.

Yunfei saw if this would still work?

None of these people can run away.

"An, work is done, no one can run away."

Yunfei also gave an order, and then he became serious.

After three hours of comprehending the rules of pseudo-chaos, Yunfei understood the specific situation clearly, and there was little point in continuing to comprehend it.

"It seems that this handsome dragon has really been underestimated. Dragon Bones, it's time to get to work."

Yunfei muttered to himself, and then the quicksand in front of him immediately became thicker, blocking Yunfei's face like sand dunes in the desert.

Yunfei's sudden change of moves shocked those who were still paying attention to the battle in the sky.


What's coming?

Could it be that Yun Fei can't stop him?

Depleted of energy in your body?

All the people in the temple stared and watched.

The temple guardian's fist landed on the sand dune, the power of the explosion remained the same, and the dune was blown apart.

But if it can withstand the power of the explosion, Dune's mission will be completed.

The next moment, Yunfei's hand grabbed the temple guardian's fist.

In a real competition of strength, the guardian of the temple is no match for Yun Fei. Burning thirteen drops of blood essence to understand?


When Yunfei grabbed the wrist of the temple guardian, Yunfei opened his mouth and ordered.

Then a huge suction force came from the keel in Yunfei's body, and the stuff that made up the body of the temple guardian was torn and sucked into Yunfei's body.

Originally, Yunfei thought that the temple guardian was not that big. With the urinary properties of dragon bones, he could be sucked into dregs in the blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, Yunfei's estimate was wrong.

The Temple Guardians are very strong.

He didn't know what made up his body, but the absorption speed of the keel was actually very slow.

From the looks of it, I'm afraid it won't be able to be absorbed in a short time.

This is so fucked up.

Yunfei is naturally not afraid of the earth that controls the sky to resist the pseudo-chaos rules, but if the pseudo-chaos rules are directly applied to his body, Yunfei cannot guarantee whether he can withstand it.

But this is the situation now. If you want to swallow the temple guardian, you must catch him.

If you don't hold it, the keel won't be able to absorb it.

How to do it?

The temple guardians would not give Yunfei time to think about it, and he did not even care about the fact that his body was being absorbed.

The next wave of regular energy in his body began to explode, rushing toward his arm.

"Guardian of blood."

Yunfei used a skill that he had not used for a long time.

A skill that was forced not to be used due to fear of demonic evil.

Is Bloodline Guard still useful?

Whether it is useful or not, I will tell you after using it first.

Even if it doesn't work, at worst, it's the end of the world if you let go of the temple guardian.

If you can't suck him into a pulp once, just suck him a few more times.

A bloody mask appears.

It covered Yunfei's body like an eggshell.

The power in the temple guardian's body had reached his arm, and when the energy was about to rush into his fist, he encountered a bloody light shield.

Yunfei has already made plans to let go of the temple guardian.

But the next moment, he won't let go.

The reason is that the energy in the temple guardian's body actually retreated when it encountered the blood-colored light shield, and was unable to invade the light shield at all.

"Damn it, are you so awesome?"

Yunfei gave himself a thumbs up.

The five-second real male dragon is talking about himself.

Yunfei's side is rising, but the temple's side is immediately wilting.

"This? This, this..."

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