Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 294 Nono: What if there is no so-called organization at all?

Chapter 294 Nono: What if there is no so-called organization at all?

"Not only that, through simple restoration of the traces at the scene, we found that these kidnappers did not simply fall asleep directly due to the power of the spirit of speech, but were instead exerted the effect of the spirit of speech after being defeated head-on."

"The problem is, they are not ordinary kidnappers. Almost every one of them is equipped with a firearm. They can be said to be an armed force. Even if we mobilize all our existing forces to attack, it will be difficult to capture them in a short time. ."

Tang Yungang looked at a few people solemnly, his tone was serious,

"But even though the combat effectiveness of this armed force cannot be underestimated, it did not get the slightest benefit from the three combatants of the mask organization."

"They are very strong!"

Ye Sheng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and understood what Tang Yungang meant.

The potential danger of the mask organization is very high, not only because of their advanced bloodline and powerful speech spirit, but also because of their powerful ability to face the enemy head-on.

If Cassel wanted to arrest these people, their two A-level specialists and a preparatory student would not be enough.

"We understand." Ye Sheng nodded towards the man in front of him.

Seeing that the Kassel commissioner understood his prompt, Tang Yungang interspersed his handwriting back and forth to indicate the follow-up.

"After the hostages were rescued, we found that the mask organization launched a final head-on confrontation with all the kidnappers on the fourth and fifth floors. The battlefield was in chaos, and the specific situation has not yet been sorted out."

"But the only thing that's clear is"

Tang Yungang turned his attention to the two Kassel commissioners in front of him.

"Deadpool's scales were indeed found at the scene, and the traces of damage caused by each layer also indicate that a battle involving a hybrid took place there."

"Although Deadpool's body was not found, there is a high probability that he was killed by the organization. This is indeed more than a simple kidnapping case, and involves too many things."

"This is exactly why we are here. The task assigned to us by the college is to investigate as much as possible the entire story of this matter, especially the mysterious hybrid organization." Ye Sheng nodded, continued, and touched He held his chin while analyzing, and the more he talked, the more troublesome he felt.

"A leader with extremely high frontal combat power, a skilled ninja, a sniper with a high pedigree, and a network hacker responsible for cleaning up after the war."

A single person must be highly vigilant, let alone one who belongs to the same organization.

Even if you don't take into account the fantasy speech-like spirits that are likely to reach a high-risk level, the danger level of this organization has reached the extreme.

Fortunately, the task they received was only to investigate and organize information. If they were to pursue arrests, they only had such a small number of manpower, which was indeed not enough.

"Nono, do you have any ideas?" Ye Sheng couldn't help but look at Chen Motong, who was distracted. To complete this task, he mainly needed the profiling ability of the girl in front of him.

Chen Motong didn't answer. He raised his head and silently browsed and wrote down all the information on the analysis board.

Finally, the girl frowned slightly and pointed to a photo on the analysis board.

"Who is this person?"

Tang Yunrou glanced at it and answered first while her father was flipping through the information,

"His name is Lu Mingfei. He is the only conscious hostage in this kidnapping case and has provided us with many clues."

"Hmm? A hostage?" Chen Motong narrowed his eyes slightly and couldn't help but murmured, "It doesn't feel like it."

She stood up suddenly, became somewhat interested, and took the initiative to greet several people,

"There is nothing more that can be analyzed here."

Chen Motong raised her hand and pointed to the door with her thumb, with an exploratory smile on her lips.

"Why don't we go to the scene together to see it?"

"Maybe there is something you haven't discovered yet?"

"Nono, I didn't expect you to be right." Ye Sheng looked up at the small coastal building that his group passed by. Thinking of what Chen Motong suddenly said at that time, he couldn't help but sigh,

"A kidnapping case really happened here, no! This is not just a kidnapping case. If I had known then, I would have come down to take a look."

Chen Motong didn't reply, her four-leaf clover earrings swayed slightly, and she turned over and stepped into the mud, regardless of whether her trousers were dirty.

The golden pupils lit up, and the profiling ability was quietly activated.

The flow of air, the undulations of the soil, the scratches on the wall. All kinds of information poured into his mind, and were combined into pictures, which were presented before Chen Motong's eyes.

Chen Motong knelt down, gently rubbed the soil from his fingertips, looked at the ground without any trace of blood, and subconsciously whispered something shocking.

"People have died here."

Chen Motong looked around at the crooked branches and leaves. There were many withered yellow leaves with tiny holes punched into them, as if they had been bitten by insects.

"No, not a human. Corrosive blood, scales? Did Deadpool die here? The body was also disposed of cleanly, as if it had been devoured."

Chen Motong stood up and retreated, looking into the sky. The scratches on the seventh-floor wall and the cracked window turned into new information.

She couldn't help but murmur the picture in her mind,

"The sharp blade fell from the sky very quickly! It cut off the sword! And there was thunder and lightning? Senior Sister Aki, is there any word spirit that can release thunder and lightning? The kind that can wrap around the knife."

Shutoku Aki was stunned and subconsciously answered, "Indra and Cang Lei seem to be able to control it, but the high-risk word spirit can do a lot of damage to hybrids. If it is wrapped around a knife, it is a bit impossible to do this. To that extent, I’m afraid it’s only about dragons.”

Without replying verbally, Chen Motong kept this in mind and walked around touching the wet wall.

Jiude Aji didn't think anything was wrong. She knew this was a sign that Chen Motong had completely entered the state.

I saw Chen Motong slowly walking into the building, looking around at the footprints on the floor of the empty room, and continuing to murmur softly,

"Dispersed, assembled, surrounding the intruders? Dispersed again, they are alert to possible reinforcements? Is this? The footsteps with an obvious target, moving upward collectively, are they receiving orders from high-level support?"

second floor,

"Execution chamber? The knife was very fast, and the hand was cut off at once! Wait, penetrated the neck? Cut off the hand? That person is angry! Why is he angry? Because of the treatment of the female hostage? But the sense of justice? Or...knowing the hostage ?”

"Did the female hostage named Su Xiaoqiang suffer any injuries? For example, her left hand?" Chen Motong touched his left hand that suddenly felt sore and hot.

"No," although Tang Yunrou was a little confused, she still shook her head and said, "The news from the hospital said that she was just in a coma due to shock."

"That's weird." Chen Motong couldn't help but frown. She felt that Su Xiaoqiang should have been injured, but the facts in the hospital and the reality that there was no trace at the scene told her that her guess was wrong.

Shaking his head to write down this doubt, Chen Motong was about to leave, but was stunned.

"There's something wrong with the traces of blooming blood, the kinetic energy of the glass, and the way someone is struggling. Is it too fast?"

Chen Motong suddenly turned around, hurriedly came to the window, then looked at the scene again, and suddenly said,

"No! More like time, someone's got a problem with time?"

"Sister Aki, please remember, there is probably someone in the opposite organization who has a time-based speech spirit, and he is most likely their leader."

A time-based language spirit? Could it be the same as the principal!

wrong! Time-like spirit? Doesn’t the leader of the opposite organization possess an amplifying speech spirit?

Ignoring the shock of Ye Sheng and Jiude Yaji looking at each other, Chen Motong continued to survey the scene.

three floors,

"Most of them are traces of kidnappers running back and forth."

fourth floor,

"You cut off a hand tendon through a door, and killed more than twenty people by one person? Is this... splitting bullets? And flash bombs? So that's it, such a bold way of fighting! But isn't he afraid of death?"

"The kidnappers spread out to occupy places? Was it their boss who asked for it? But why did they do this?"

"The traces of sneak attack and dragging are that little gangster rat. Spikes and chains, so that's it. Is this the weapon of that ninja? Huh? Why did he suddenly use the back of the sword again? The leader has never killed anyone? No! That's not right. ! A swordsmanship that has never killed anyone would not be so brutal."

Facing this extremely confusing layer of traces and images, Chen Motong became increasingly puzzled.

There were indeed three different weights of footprints and completely different marks, but why did she always feel like something was wrong?

fifth floor,

"The gangsters killed one team in a sneak attack, and the ninjas and gangsters killed another team. The last one was...water? Why is there the sound of water? Is it a spirit? But it didn't leave any traces. Is it an illusion?" Chen Mo Hitomi pinched her brows as she had a headache.

"This big hole? Is it the battle between Deadpool and the leader? Something's wrong! If he's really injured like this, there's no way he can still move."

An incredible sound sounded, and Chen Motong jumped down the big hole. Chen Motong, who was becoming more and more confused, ran back and forth between the fourth and fifth floors.

"No! No! Blood! There should be a lot of blood here!"

"It can't be wrong, it can't be wrong this time! His chest was penetrated by Deadpool's claws! But why can he still move? Is there a healing word spirit?"

"That's not right! Looking at the marks, the blade should have been broken. Is there more than two of them?"

In the end, Chen Motong stood in the burning dark room, staring blankly at the cracked hole in the wall.

"Burning flames? Falling thunder? That's right! There are such traces, but why do the effects of these two speaking spirits seem to come from the same person?"

"Is this? There is a sneak attack! The sneak attack penetrated his chest! But why? Why can he still move? He really has a healing spirit!"

Under the puzzled looks of Ye Sheng, Jiude Yaji, and the Tang family's father and daughter, Chen Motong clapped his hands, frowned, bit his nails in confusion, and murmured something they couldn't understand.

She found too many things in the leader of that organization that were not in line with the common sense taught in the preparatory class.

For example, a large number of words and spirits are piled on one person.

Four floors, five floors, four floors, three floors, two floors, one floor, four floors, five floors, six floors

Seven floors!

Chen Motong stood quietly where Zao Jian Li Yi was, her eyes distracted.

She felt intense emotions here! The emotion of being on the verge of death!

The cold blade cut across the throbbing neck, and the hot blood splashed out. It was like falling into the deep sea and being unable to breathe. The vitality of the body was passing away, bit by bit.

The taste of despair!


Under everyone's puzzled gazes, Chen Motong collapsed to the ground, his whole body soaked in cold sweat, breathing heavily, and his face turned pale.

"Nono!" A shocked Shuude Aki hurried forward and tried to help the girl up, but found that her body was very weak.

"I'm fine, I just took it too deep."

His face slowly recovered, Chen Motong stood in front of someone who had experienced what Hayajian Liyi felt before her death, pointed at the clean ground and turned around to ask,

"The police are here. Didn't they find a lot of blood and dead people?"

Tang Yungang frowned slightly, recalled the information, and shook his head, "No, strange to say, almost all the kidnappers fell into a coma, and some were seriously injured, but none of them died."

"Since almost all of them already have phantom-like speech spirits, why not put everyone in a coma? That organization needs them to be awake?"

Chen Motong murmured, always feeling that he had grasped something important.

"Is it possible that someone is deliberately misleading everyone?"

The events that occurred on each floor are basically consistent with what the police learned, but the time of occurrence is not necessarily certain.

But if someone is really deliberately misleading someone, is that organization really breaking through from the fourth floor and launching attacks on all floors?

Is it possible to break through from top to bottom?

Or even, does that so-called organization really exist?

If this organization does not exist, then what is the purpose of that person fictionalizing this organization?


As soon as the conjecture emerged, it expanded uncontrollably in my mind.

Chen Motong was stunned, various clues flashed and intertwined in her heart.

In the female hostage room on the second floor, the leader’s angry emotions and unusual venting behavior

Amplifying power, slowing down time, healing, fire, thunder and lightning, many kinds of speech spirits are gathered in one person.

And where we are now, the person who should have died in front of the little gangster rat has come back to life.

Chen Motong's eyes grew wider and wider.

In a flash of inspiration, all the information and pictures she had just obtained were connected in a completely different order!

Chen Motong couldn't help but raise her hand to her forehead, and said to Jiude Yaji and the others with a strange look on her face,

"My reconstruction of what happened may be quite outrageous."

A top-down approach to breakout, a deliberately misleading mask organization, and

Listening to Chen Motong's restoration, several people had different reactions.

Some frowned and touched their chins in deep thought, some opened their mouths slightly and didn't know what to say, and some looked confused and worried about the girl's condition.

"In short, if that mask organization does not exist at all, and is just a person with a lot of abilities from beginning to end, then he can no longer be regarded as a human being. Anyway, if there is such a guy." Chen Motong looked around a few people and explained seriously, " I can eliminate most of the doubts in the information I get.”

"No!" After hearing Chen Motong's guess, Tang Yunrou shook her head repeatedly, "No! No! No! No!"

"If that organization never existed from beginning to end, how can we explain the various traces left in the whole building?"

"The other party can quietly eliminate Deadpool's body, so what's the difficulty in leaving only the traces he wants to leave or even changing the traces?" Chen Motong asked rhetorically.

"What about the surveillance?" Tang Yunrou thought about the photos cracked by her technical department, "The three people captured on the surveillance don't look like fakes!"

"I said, if it's not difficult to change the traces, is it difficult to change the image?" Chen Motong frowned slightly, "It would be better to say that this is a doubtful point."

"I remember you said that these photos were 'recovered' by the technical department, right? But if a person who can package all the case information and send it to the police in a short period of time, if he really wants to eliminate all surveillance videos, how could he do it by such a coincidence? He left photos for you to recover. It feels like he deliberately exposed the images of the three of them."

"What about the kidnapper's confession? Can they still give false evidence to their enemies?" Tang Yunrou argued again.

"The biggest doubt is here." Chen Motong didn't give in at all. "Since the other party can make the kidnappers fall into coma, why do they still leave the conscious people behind? Fortunately, by coincidence, the personnel of the so-called mask organization and the breakout were revealed. plan?"

Tang Yunrou was stunned and suddenly speechless.

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