Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 69: Ji Dihong

The eyes of heaven are gone. Commander Ao Ying, Xiong You, and An Wei disappeared. The body that devoured the sky was gone. Shinto deprivation is gone. Cangjie is gone.

Everything is caused by the ancient sea.

Ji Dihong's anger pierced the sky, and the speed was extremely fast. The new Xuanyuan Sword in his hand cut out hundreds of millions of swords, and the starburst burst and burst open.

Cut the ancient sea into the air again and again.

Gu Hai can't compete with Ji Dihong in terms of strength, but Gu Hai's flesh is inaccessible. Ji Dihong cut himself into the air again and again, but never hurt his body.

Gu Hai wanted to bring Ji Dihong into nothingness, not to fear Ji Dihong, but to worry about the reincarnation of Yuan Shitianzun. After all, Yuanshi Tianzun was brought in by himself, and if hundreds of billions of people are killed, this killing will have its own share.

"Gu Hai, you have the ability, don't run!" Ji Dihong stared.

"I don't want to run, but I don't want your people to be killed innocently!" Gu Hai shouted as he retreated.


Ji Dihong seemed to guess Gu Hai's thoughts, and at an extremely fast speed, he immediately reached the front of Gu Hai, blocking the road from Gu Hai to nothingness.

"This time, can't you run away?" Ji Dihong sulked.

Gu Hai's face turned cold.

"Hill the princes, take the gods, kill them, Gu Hai, today, you can't run away!" Ji Dihong chuckled coldly.

Gu Haiyan looked at Ji Dihong. Although the ancient sea can not be compared to Ji Dihong, but the battle between life and death is really true, Ji Dihong is not afraid.

"Dead!" Xuanyuan Sword was cut again.

Gu Hai's eyes were cold, and his hand waved.


An entrance suddenly emerged from the void, but it was the ancient sea that opened the entrance to the secret place of the Hungry Ghost Road. Gu Hai stepped into it.

The mighty Xuanyuan Sword was chopped down, but the moment it penetrated into the mysterious realm of the Hungry Ghost Road, it weakened instantly.

Inside, Gu Hai explored a little.


Jian Xi burst into pieces.

"Ji Dihong, aren't you trying to kill the cricket? Come on, you come in and try, and the cricket doesn't close the entrance, so that you can continue to mobilize the power of the past, how about it? You come in?" Gu Hai sneered.


The ancient sea suddenly swayed into a huge black dragon.

The black dragon is huge. In the secret state of the Hungry Ghost Road, stretching its body, there are eighteen thousand feet, which is extremely vast, and it has awesomeness.

Eighteen thousand feet!

You know, Ji Dihong used to have Chiyou's body in the past, and it was only 15 thousand feet in length. The longer the length, the harder it is, and the greater the difference in power.

The void entrance opened by the ancient sea is directed towards the upper part. Therefore, no one can see how the ancient sea is in the secret state of the Hungry Ghost Road, only Ji Dihong can see clearly.

Ji Dihong also did not expect that Gu Hai could open the secret state of Hungry Ghost Road at will and look at the powerful dragon body. Ji Dihong showed boundless resentment.

"It's mine, it should have been mine!" Ji Dihong roared facelessly.

The black dragon turned into a human figure again.

"Oh, it turns out that you didn't dare to come in either, and it was so hoarse and exhausted that it turned out to be just a shit, but so!" Gu Hai sneered.

Within a flash, Gu Hai closed the entrance. The next moment, the entrance was opened again over Ji Dihong, and Gu Hai stepped out.

"You came out?" Ji Dihong stared at Gu Hai with a stare.

"Yeah, since you don't dare to go in, then I come out!" Gu Hai said coldly.

But it is because Gu Hai felt that the Yuanshi Tianzun below had reached the edge of the outbreak, and his powerful murderousness was suddenly filled with the entire land of Divine Land.

Suddenly, how many strong men were agitated, and looked in horror at the direction of murder.

"When you come out, you'll be dead!" Ji Dihong carried Xuanyuan Sword again and beheaded.


Gu Hai and Ji Dihong chased after one another and fled towards nothingness again.

Below, Yuan Shi Tianzun has asked everything.

Everything was done by Ji Dihong.

"Ji Dihong? Oh, Ji Dihong?" After Yuan Shitianzun smiled, he suddenly extended his right hand.


The right index finger pierced into Feng Bo's eyebrows instantly, and a powerful impact force caused Feng Bo's back brain to explode instantly.

Heavenly Temple complete?

Killed in an instant?

In the distance, everyone watching wait and see showed horror.

Li Mu wanted to help, but what if Yuan Shi Tianzun killed Feng Bo with one finger, how could he hurt himself?

Turning around, Li Mu escaped into the distance.

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked expressionlessly at the direction Li Mu ran away. The next moment, his body flashed, and he suddenly appeared in front of Li Mu.


Li Mu suddenly exclaimed.

"Li Mu? Just now Feng Bo said, you also participated!" Yuanshi Tianzun said lightly.

"He's bullshit, he's bullshit, don't believe him!" Li Mu exclaimed suddenly.

"Nonsense? Do you think I can't tell the difference? He said everything, so I gave him pleasure. And you want to lie to me? Oh!" Yuan Shitianzun smiled slightly.

Under that slight smirk, a tear dripped from the corner of his eye, and a sense of killing poured out, just like a sword, and the stimulating Li Mu had pain all over his body.

"Every time the old third fights with me, I used to feel annoyed, but he is my third brother, after all, you have to test Wanshou Taoism's fineness, come to me directly, can't you? Must kill my third brother? I want He argued with me, but you killed him. He is the only loved one in this world, and he is extinct, so terrible! "Yuan Shitianzun sneered.

Li Mu felt a cold heart, knowing that Yuan Shitian respected his true anger, and there was no room for maneuver, escape? There must be no Yuanshitianzun.

Now that there is nowhere to run, let's break the net!

Li Mu's face showed a puppet, and he immediately rushed to Yuan Shi Tianzun with one punch. He punched with all one's strength, and the void suddenly shattered countlessly. Instantly, that punch came in front of Yuanshi Tianzun.


With a muffled sound, the fist stopped suddenly in the air, but was grasped by the palm of Yuan Shizun's hand.

"What?" Li Mu's face changed.

"Ka!" Yuan Shi Tianzun pushed hard.

"Ah!" Li Mu screamed. However, the entire left arm was crushed into pieces by an invisible force, and the blood on the arm was scattered.

"I won't let you be so easy to destroy, just like the purple jade demon, I want you to suffer my torture for life!" Yuan Shi Tianzun sang coldly.


I do n’t know what method Yuanshi Tianzun used. Li Mu ’s body exploded and burst into pieces, and turned into countless pieces of minced meat scattered to the Quartet. However, the center of the minced meat was a complete three souls and seven souls. Sleeves, in the sleeves.

Heavenly Palace is great, Li Mu? In front of Yuanshi Tianzun, like a chicken, was he crushed completely?

The Quartet, Houyi, Xingtian, Cangjie, Gu Han, Long Aotian and others all took a cold breath.

This Yuanshi Tianzun's strength is too terrifying, right?

Yuan Shi Tianzun beckoned, Yuan Shizhang flew back to his sleeve.

Looking up, Yuan Shi Tianzun looked deep into the sky, where there was the culprit, Ji Dihong.

"Ji Dihong?" Yuan Shitianzun's face was already gloomy and scary.

Take a step, billions of miles in a flash, into the depths of the starry sky, in front of the ancient sea, Ji Dihong.

At this moment, the three have reached the edge of Liudaoxianqiang, and the space and time around them have been distorted.

"Yuanshi Tianzun? How is Feng Bo?" Ji Dihong stared.

"Oh, to this day, you still think about Feng Bo and Li Mu? Oh, Ji Dihong, my third brother didn't provoke you!"

The detective punched Ji Jihong.

Ji Dihong's face changed, and a punch also daredly greeted Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Their fists exploded in the stars, and countless twisted stars burst into pieces. Under the mighty force, even Gu Hai also retreated a bit.

At this moment, Ji Dihong mobilized the strength of one day, and his powerful strength finally blocked the punch of Yuan Shitianzun.

But Gu Hai understands that this is Ji Dihong's all means, but it is the strength of the beginning of the iceberg that Yuanzun Tianzun exposed.

Yuan Shitian respected Lu Senhan and looked at Ji Dihong: "Move the trend? Oh, do you think that by virtue of the trend, you can stop me?"

There was a flash of killing gas in the eyes of Yuan Shitianzun.

At this moment, the two fists stalemate, stiffened in the void.

Gu Hai's face sank, and the detective cut it off with a stab.

"Ten Sundays!"

The blade went straight to Ji Dihong, with great power, with great power, chopped Ji Dihong out of the six immortal vaults.

"Gu Hai, how dare you!" Ji Di Hongfei shouted out of his face, roaring indignantly.

Because, as soon as it enters into nothingness, the power of the people will dissipate.

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked down at the ancient sea with cold eyes: "I'm the enemy of Ji Dihong, you dare to intervene, I will kill you together, hum!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun snorted and stepped out.


The two entered into a void battle.

The ancient sea exhaled secretly. The ancient sea was not to kill Ji Dihong, but to save the people of the Huanghuang dynasty, because Yuan Shitianzun had just been exposed to the idea of ​​destroying hundreds of billions of people.

Forcing Ji Dihong into nothingness, Yuanshi Tianzun will not kill the people anymore.

Looking down, the ancient sea looks down.


Ji Dihong's fortune cloud crashed and burst into pieces.

But it was Ji Dihong who entered nothingness, and could not sense the existence of the king, and his luck fell apart.

The ancient sea stepped towards Xuanyuan City.

With a wave of his hand, the former Xuanyuan City Pond was once again released from the ancient immortal vault. The people eventually have relatives and friends, and Gu Hai does not want to forcibly relocate them, even if they are not Dahan people.

The only thing collected by the ancient sea was the blood maple forest.

When he was previously fought by Yuan Shi Tianzun and Ji Dihong, he had already loosened up.

The ancient fairy dome swallowed suddenly.


Hundreds of scarlet maple trees were suddenly included in the ancient fairy heaven.

"No, holy!" The people who came out of Xuanyuan City saw the collapse of Qiyun Yunhai, and then they mourned.

"It's the ancient sea. The ancient sea killed the holy god. My rhubarb is lucky and is losing to the north, and is losing to the north!" Exclaimed the people.

"Luck?" Gu Hai froze slightly.

Indeed, the air transportation over Xuanyuan City is falling apart, and it is now flowing to the skyless city of Xinjiang.


In the capital of the sky, the golden dragon roaring for luck was also unexpectedly inexplicable.

"I understand that the ancient emperor finally forced the Holy Spirit into nothingness, and the laws of heaven and earth sensed that the ancient emperor killed the Holy Spirit. Therefore, except for the disintegration and destruction of the rhubarb heaven, most of the luck will flow to Emperor Dahan. Toward? "Cang Yanran said.

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