Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 70: Advance to heaven

Hundreds of giant trees in the blood maple forest, together with Ji Dihong's little fairy dome, entered the ancient fairy dome. Suddenly, the ancient fairy dome was completely decomposed!

The space debris was crushed and turned into nutrients of the ancient immortal dome. Hundreds of blood-colored maple trees are hundreds of avenue lines, which also shows Ji Dihong's accumulation over thousands of years.

The rule of chess is the most profound one mastered by the ancient seas. The rule of chess is the main way, quickly crushing all the imprints of Ji Dihong in the avenue.

The book of life and death was recorded one by one, and then perfected into the ancient immortal dome.

The ancient sea can only shed a consciousness to control the ancient immortal dome.

"Father, was that your ancient immortal vault just now? Have you taken in the blood maple forest?" Mr. Wu Xing looked a little expectantly.

"Gu Ming, all these years, you have worked hard, now we should go back to a family reunion!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Huh!" Gu Ming nodded.

I glanced at the eight Heipao people in the forest in the distance. Those eight people were the eight Guming subordinates who just helped Gu Ming replace Ji Dihong's spirit.

However, Gu Ming did not call them out, as if he did not want to expose them to others.

Gu Hai glanced at Gu Ming, seeing that he did not say hello to others, he no longer reluctantly, flung his sleeves, and led Gu Ming to the sky.

The speed of the ancient sea is extremely fast, and it didn't take long before it reached the Chongtiandian Square, the borderless sky capital.

"Your Majesty!" The ministers surrounded him with excitement.

Although many courtiers can't see the situation of Xuanyuan City, they can still hear it if they have a figurine.

"Fu Jun!" Chen Xianer and Long Wanqing also walked up in peace.

"Baby Guming, meet your mother!" Gu Ming suddenly bowed down to Chen Xianer.

"Xiao Ming, get up, the ground is cold!" Chen Xianer smiled suddenly.

The ground is cold? To everyone, the ground will not be affected even if it is cold, but this familiar sounds like Gu Ming is still warm in his heart.

The weather roared.

Gu Hai waved his hand.

The rolling luck of the Huanghuang dynasty was immediately sent by the ancient sea, and urged to the mouth of Yinyang Valley. Through the two-way passage, it suddenly poured into the underworld.

The luck of the yang world has reached its peak, but the luck of the yin world is lacking too much.

Although the underworld is rapidly expanding its territory, and there are countless ghosts, the formation of luck still needs the cohesion of the people's hearts, and it takes a long time for all ghosts to recognize it.

However, at this moment, it doesn't need to wait that long. The big yellow qi luck, how big the big dynasty qi luck, suddenly made the eternal Yin qi luck in the underworld explode.

The ancient Han, the ancient Qin, the unborn, and the Cangjie came to the Temple Hall.

At this moment, the unborn and Cangjie are all staring at Gu Ming. Although the face in the hat cannot be seen clearly, it is not difficult to guess the two are surprised at this moment.

Mr. Wu Xing is Gu Ming? And still life repair?

When Gu Ming saw the two, his eyes suddenly flashed, but then he smiled slightly.

"Meet the big brother, the second brother!" Gu Ming worshiped the ancient Qin and ancient Han.

"Xiao Ming, it's great that you can come back!" Gu Qin patted Gu Ming's shoulder suddenly.

"Xiao Ming, I didn't expect that you have been lurking in the rhubarb heaven!" The ancient Han also laughed.

"By the way, what about Xiao Tang's soul?" Gu Hai suddenly looked at Gu Ming.

"Here, father!" Cumming immediately took out a blue light ball.

Gu Hai took it right away, and while walking, her body flickered and disappeared.

"Father this ...?" Gu Ming wondered.

"Your father should go and reshape Xiao Tang's body!" Chen Xianer laughed.

The ancient sea stepped into the ancient fairy dome, and indeed reshaped the ancient Tang body.

Perhaps it was too long to wake up. After Gu Hai urged the blue light ball, the soul inside was extremely weak.

"Tiantianli! Rules of chess, reunite!" Gu Hai waved.


Billowing the strength of the heavens poured into the soul of the ancient Tang. At the same time, the law of chess moves mobilizes the power of the ancient immortal dome to quickly help the ancient Tang reshape the body.


Use the rules of chess to consolidate the body, fill the power with full strength, and possess the soul.

Ancient Tang's body, little by little solid. It didn't take long before a cowardly body slowly formed.

The ordinary person was restored, and his body was empty. However, the ancient Tang slowly came to life.

Gu Hai found a suit to put on the ancient Tang. The ancient Tang slowly opened his eyes. When he saw the ancient sea, he was weak and surprised.

"Father, baby, is the baby dreaming?" Gu Tang was extremely weak.

"No dream, Xiao Tang, it's safe now, our enemies have been destroyed, you finally woke up!" Gu Hai kindly consoled.

"It's all gone?" Gu Tang's eyes were red.

"Go, take you out for a look at my father, our home is getting more prosperous now!" Gu Hai softly comforted.

The ancient Tang seemed to be recovering from a serious illness, and the action was a little slow. With the ancient sea, it stepped out of the ancient fairy heaven.

An ancient fairy dome. Everyone looked over.

"Xiao Tang!" Ancient Qin and Ancient Han suddenly came to hug in surprise.

"Xiao Tang is weak, be careful!" Cried Gu Hai.

The ancient Qin and ancient Han suddenly stopped and did not dare to hug. After all, the two are now not strong or small, and it is bad to hurt the ancient Tang.

When the ancient Tang Dynasty saw the ancient Qin and ancient Han, they also showed a smile of happiness.

"Gu Tang meets Big Brother and Second Brother!" Gu Tang happily said.

"Okay, okay, you can live here, just wait a while and go to my house. I have all kinds of natural treasures, and I will definitely make you up!" Gu Qin laughed suddenly.

"No, go to me. There are a lot of forged bodies in Buddhism and Taoism. I will surely restore you to the top!" Gu Han also argued.

Gu Tang smiled happily after watching the two brothers rushing to invite each other.

"Brother 3, it's great that you can wake up! In this way, our four brothers are complete!" Gu Ming also laughed suddenly.

Gu Tang looked at Gu Ming and smiled slightly: "Xiao Ming, I can only be resurrected thanks to you this time!"

No one found that when Gu Tang looked at Gu Ming, his eyelids were unconsciously picked.

"One generation, four brothers, what is the third brother kind to me!" Gu Ming laughed.

Gu Tang nodded, but suddenly looked at Chen Xianer.

Chen Xianer was looking kindly towards the ancient Tang at this moment.

"The mother is up, the baby gave her a hoe!" Gu Tang's eyes were red and he knelt down to Chen Xianer.

"Get up, get up, the ground is cold, and you are not allowed to kneel in the future!" Chen Xianer immediately lifted him up.

"Yeah!" Gu Tang said with red eyes, some crying.

Although Gu Tang stood up crying, but no one was joking at this moment. This is happy tears. The ancient Tang Dynasty actually suffered the most in these years.

Gu Hai looked at the four sons, and felt relieved for a while.

On the one hand, Mr. Cangjie kept silent, and Gu Hai did not force him to honor his bet at this time.

Above the starry sky, in the nothingness, Yuan Shi Tianzun and Ji Dihong have not yet returned, but Ji Dihong's ending is already doomed, and almost all the luck of Rhubarb is flowing.

Gu Hai looked up at Qiyun Yunhai: "Gu Qin, start decorating!"

"Yes!" Gu Qin answered.

With a dazzling figure, he once again entered the ancient dome of heaven. When the ancient sea stepped out, he was already wearing a black gold robe and wearing a Mo Yuping crown.

The ministers suddenly looked at each other, and stood on both sides in a respectful manner, facing the ancient sea with the tendency to worship the king.

Between the ancient Qin waves, a huge altar was immediately placed on the Chongtian Temple Square.

Gu Hai stepped onto the huge altar.

The ministers worshiped and showed excitement.

Chen Xianer, Long Wanqing, Bing Ji, Gu Qin, Gu Han, Gu Tang, Gu Ming stood quietly not far away. Looking at the ancient sea on the altar.

Gu Hai turned his hands and took out the Tianzhen God Seal. At the same time, a holy order was taken out, but it was the title list of the Emperor Dahan, and it was placed on the stone table of the altar.

"The heaven is above and the earth is below! The mother of the immortal sky is pregnant, and three thousand avenues are born of all things! The emperor of the Great Han Dynasty is facing the ancient sea, adhering to the will of heaven, educating all people, soothing the people, using the town's seal of heaven as the proof and the seal of God as evidence Please watch heaven and earth, and bless the Three Thousand Avenues. Based on this, Dahan officially promoted to the heavenly kingdom, got the seal of the immortal dome, and established the Dahantianchao!

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

On top of the clouds of Qi Yun, the golden dragon of Qi Yun suddenly made a long howl. Above the long howl, the voice of the ancient sea suddenly spread to the ears of all the people of the Great Han Dynasty.

Countless people at work suddenly stared, revealing the color of astonishment. I am the Dahan Emperor, and is being promoted to Heaven?

When you establish a dynasty, you need to worship heaven and earth! When the Emperor Jin Dynasty, he only worshiped the sky, not the earth! When you were promoted to heaven, you were with the heavens, not worshiping the heavens or the earth, and heaven and earth were friends.

The luck of the Dahan emperor has already reached, but the ancient sea has been pressing it. This time, it is finally no longer pressed.

But I saw that the lucky Jinlong dived down suddenly, and the dragon chanted suddenly into the ancient town's seal of the ancient sea.

For a time, the ancient town of Xihai, where the ancient sea was lifted up, dazzled with golden light, and as the ancient sea slammed against Fengshen.


Tianzhen Shenxi fell on the Fengshen list, as if some kind of contract was established.

There was a roar between heaven and earth. Then, bursts of fragrant incenses spread across the borderless sky, and in the sky, there were thousands of rays of sunshine, and the ghosts of countless gods and beasts fluttered, and the bursts of fairy music came, as if to celebrate this heaven and earth.

Not far away, Long Wanyu in a hall, sitting at the door of the hall at this moment, looked at the sky weather, showing a smile.

Ziwei, Changsheng, Gou Chen, Hou Tu, Mao Tianyun, Hou Qing are all here.

"My master is going to be promoted to the holy place, Long Wanyu, this is the pomp you made in those years!" Gou Chen laughed.

"Of course, but since it is brother-in-law's promotion to the Holy Land, naturally it must be different from others. At least, the matter of heaven and earth cannot be confined to the borderless sky. I want the two worlds of yin and yang, and this place sounds everywhere. Let ’s show this auspiciousness! This will make it worthy of your brother-in-law ’s appearance! ”Long Wanyu said a bit, she looked a little.


It's like opening a node in the void. A ripple of void rippled from the hall to all directions.

"Don't!" Houtu and Mao Tianyun screamed.

But everything is late.


The three thousand avenues of Yin and Yang shook at the same time. Then, the fragrant fragrance of the heavenless city suddenly drifted to every corner of the land of Shenzhou. That fairy music suddenly made all the creatures in the world hear the beauty. The borderless sky is exclusively enjoyed, but at this moment, like Changhong, runs through the two realms and sprinkles all parts of the land of Shenzhou.


The Quartet of the world shows the promotion of the dynasty.

Long Wanyu was quite happy, but Houtu Niangniang and Cat Tianyun were apprehended. It's over, this is going to alarm the six immortals. Long Wanyu is about to be exposed, it is going to be miserable.

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