Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 92: Dream field?

This is the second more! ——

Heavenless Capital, Five Elements Palace!

Long Wanyu, Houtu, Gou Chen, Changsheng, and Ziwei stared at Cat Tianyun together.

"Xiaozi, you are too frustrated this time, and finally you asked to do something, but you are still under control? If it was not my master's patience, I asked you to go this time, but helped me!" Hook Chen Tong cried with a look of sunflower seeds.

"Meow, how do I know, my head is not clear yet!" Cat Tianyun said depressed.

"What did you encounter? How did you get confused and get picked up by Xia Hou Shou at last? Instead, you were controlled?" Hou Tu Niangni curiously asked.

"I don't remember well. I went in, of course I looked around. I broke through eight gossip arrays, and when I reached the ninth, I couldn't remember any time soon!" Cat Tianyun frowned.

"That is to say, you had an accident in the ninth gossip array, and you managed to escape, and you were arrested by Xiahou Shou? What is in the ninth gossip array, you should remember?" The chicken leg asked.

"I don't remember, it's the inside that made me confused! It seems like a dream, but I can't remember what dreams!" Cat Tianyun frowned.

"This is, the dream field of dreams?" Long Wanyu frowned.

"Dream field?" Everyone looked at Long Wanyu in doubt.

"Yes, Dream Force Field, no matter what you encounter when you go in, when you come out, it's like a dream, fragmented." Long Wanyu frowned.

"Eh, it seems like it. I just remember a little bit of debris, it's like dreaming, and I forget it more and more!" Cat Tianyun recalled.

"Shard? What is it?" Long Wanyu asked.

"Not too clear. I saw a cat that looked exactly like me, everything was the same, and then we started fighting, and then I couldn't remember!" Cat Tianyun recalled.

"You are exactly the same?" Hou Tu Niangni curiously asked.

"The location of the dream field, do you remember?" Long Wanyu asked.

"Yes, I remember, as long as there is a map!" Cat Tianyun recalled.

"Go, go to your brother-in-law, and tell your brother-in-law as soon as possible!" Long Wanyu said.

"Okay!" Cat Tianyun nodded-

Underworld, Donglinghuohai, a gossip array.

Hanging hook and Jingwei waiting, Jiang Lianshan came quickly.

"Father, are you okay?" Jing Wei worried.

"I'm fine!" Jiang Lianshan shook his head.

"What about my sister? Is my sister okay now?" Jingwei still worried.

"That evil barrier, all right! If I hadn't given her everything, how could she have rebelled against me today! Huh!" Jiang Lianshan looked angry.

"Sister is fine!" Jing Wei laughed.

"Well, Jingwei, this is the last gossip array, you need to drip the essence of blood and integrate into the power of Suzaku god, hurry up!" Jiang Lianshan said.

While talking, the whole gossip array suddenly moved, and then, in the center of the gossip array, a flame mountain stood up, and on the top of the flame there was an altar.

"Any more blood? Father, every time I bleed, I feel a sense of fear!" Jingwei worried.

"Fear?" Jiang Lianshan frowned at Jingwei.

"Yes, these days, we have dropped a total of sixty-three drops. As I told you, as long as the blood drips into the altar, I suddenly feel a danger closer to me. Each drop drops, this drop The danger will become more and more serious. Although I am in a sea of ​​fire, I feel a sense of shudder, so scared! "Jingwei worried.

"With me, what are you afraid of?" Jiang Lianshan said softly.

"Yes, there is a father, what am I afraid of?" Jing Wei nodded.

When he reached the altar, Jingwei forced a drop of blood, but he hadn't dripped into the altar yet. Jingwei shuddered suddenly, his face showing horror.

"Ah!" Jing Wei exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Lianshan asked.

"I, I saw a bird, I seemed to see a bird, it was so scary, all its red hairs were blown up, it was fierce to me, it seemed to be coming over to eat me!" Jing Wei said in panic.

"This is all hallucination, nothing!" Wu Go comforted.

Jiang Lianshan showed excitement: "Yes, it seems I am right. After 800,000 years of searching, I will find it after all!"

"Father, I'm scared, can I not let in the essence?" Jingwei sweated.

"Don't you want me to go out with you? Jingwei, father needs you now, and only you can help me!" Jiang Lianshan comforted Jingwei immediately.

Jing Wei's eyes were cloudy for a while. After all, that illusion just was too scary. A giant bird wants to tear itself up? That sloppy face is terrible.

"Hurry up!" Jiang Lianshan shouted.

With a rage, Jing Wei stared at his father. My father shouted at me?

Jiang Lianshan also found himself in a state of disability, and under the state of disability, he was no longer ready to pretend to be a loving father.

"Hurry up Jingwei, hurry up blood!" Jiang Lianshan said coldly.

"Father, you are not, you were not like this!" Jing Wei looked at his father in amazement.

Jiang Lianshan grabbed Jing Wei's right hand, and the blood on it was trembling, and Jiang Lianshan immediately shook into the altar.


At the moment where blood dripped into the altar, Jingwei saw the phantom again. No, it should be a phantom seen through the Suzaku god. The red giant bird, the claws, seemed to tear itself apart, and grabbed .

"Ah!" Jing Wei shouted in horror.


The altar got fine blood and blood, and immediately sank into the ground.

"Are you all right?" Wu Gou looked forward.

"Yes, it's all right. Jingwei's Suzaku God senses Suzaku Supreme, only one last step! Only one last step!" Jiang Lianshan suddenly looked at Jingwei, a flash of excitement and coldness flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Jing Wei was shocked by the phantom, and suddenly looked up to see Jiang Lianshan's slightly scary look.

"Father, you, what's wrong with you? Me, I'm a little scared!" Jing Wei said in horror.

"Don't be afraid, it will be fine soon! Go, I will take you to the dream zone!" Jiang Lianshan looked coldly.

At this moment, there is no longer the tenderness of the previous loving father, but a coldness, as if looking at a dead body toward Jingwei.

"Father, don't look at me like this, father!" Jing Wei looked at Jiang Lianshan in horror.

"Let's go, don't talk nonsense!" 嬴 The detective grabbed Jingwei.

"Don't touch me!" Jing Wei wanted to run away.

However, the strength of the hook is much greater than that of Jingwei, and Jingwei cannot move at all.

"Father, save me!" Jing Wei horrified.

Jiang Lianshan didn't bother, he strode forward, and grabbed Jingwei, followed closely.

Sudden by the shackles, his father's indifference to himself suddenly made Jingwei shocked.

For a moment, Jingwei thought of her sister. Previously, the previous sister tried to save me, but I .........!

Although I do n’t know what happened to my father, Jingwei has regretted it, regretted her previous decision, and regretted her waywardness! ——


Houyi chased Jingwei and Hugo for a while, but because he was not familiar with Dongling Huohai, he lost his eyes and could only return.

But when he returned to the previous battlefield, he found that Gu Hai and his party were in front of him.

"Holy, the minister is incompetent! Lost!" Houyi came to plead guilty.

He did not bother Houyi, but instead looked at the three people in the ancient sea, especially Shennong.

"Meet the long princess!" Shennongyu said weakly.

Meet the long princess?

Hei and Houyi both frowned, because in the memory of the two, they did not know the old man.

"Forgot the long princess? When the princess made her first private visit with Weifu, the old gang helped the princess conceal the Holy Ghost!" Shennongyu said bitterly.

"Shennong 锄?" 妭 stared suddenly.

Shennong nodded his head: "Old decay is now a rotten wood, so I can't see the original look! Hehe!"

"Shennongyu? Are you the Shennongyu?" Houyi recognized it and was surprised.

There was a cloudiness in his eyes, and suddenly, thinking of the words that Gu Hai had said earlier, he suddenly squinted and looked at Gu Hai: "You said just now, wasn't that Jiang Lianshan just now?"

"We also just knew that we had heard a lot of movement on your side before, so we came here, but unfortunately, we were one step behind and ran for him!" Gu Hai nodded.

"You said he wasn't Jiang Lianshan? Are you sure?" I asked again.

"Let Shennongyu talk!" Gu Hai nodded.

This matter was only persuasive by Shen Nongyu.

He looked at Shennong 锄, Shennong 锄 nodded his head, and sighed slightly: "The Holy Lord had been ridiculed 800,000 years ago. Just now it was not Holy, it was .........!"

Shennongyu said the story of Jiang Lianshan Vulcan.

"No wonder, no wonder, he knows even the old man's most secret things, but he has such a character, it turned out to be only Vulcan, posing as an old man!" He looked cold.

Hou Yi widened his eyes aside, the original Jiang Lianshan was fake? Houyi was suddenly worried and almost fooled by him.

"Yes, long princess, do n’t blame the Holy Lord. I have experienced 800,000 years of reincarnation. I know everything in that year. In addition, Gu Hai just said your resentment to the Holy Lord. In fact, it is no wonder that the Holy Lord is him. It is this holy fire god, he deceived holy god, and he got great benefits from him that year, and he remembers you so much. He wants you, Chiyou, and baby girl to get great benefits, and he designed those methods. If it ’s not your life , Is gone now.

The saint is innocent. He did not know that you would be suffering that time, and did not know that you were in danger of death. The vulcan **** of the saint vowed that everything was safe, and that was what the saint did.

Holy is deceived! I was deceived by myself. He is the fire **** of the Holy Spirit. He knows the Holy Spirit best, so he deceived the Holy Lord, the long princess. Do n’t blame the Holy Lord! Hehehehe "Shen Nong said bitterly.

Suddenly there was a cloudiness on his face. It turned out that it wasn't Jiang Lianshan who was resentful over the years. His father was still the father who loved himself, but he was deceived by this fire god. He was his father's fire god. Is it all because of him?

There was a flash of anger in his eyes. At the same time, I was relieved that my father was still the father, and all bad things were done by this **** of fire.

Suddenly, Su suddenly changed his face: "You said that Suzaku Supreme was sealed. He planned for 800,000 years for Suzaku God. Use Suzaku God to find the seal and open the seal? Is he going to use that sacrifice method? "Yi suddenly shrank her pupils.

"I suppose so!" Shen Nongyu said bitterly.

"Not good, Jingwei must be found as soon as possible, Jingwei is in danger!" He sank.

"But, holy, how can we find it?" Houyi said bitterly.

Nuo and Shennong Nuo also looked pale.

"I may know where they're going!" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed suddenly.

Because, where the skull is, Cat Tianyun has pointed out a location on the map. Although Cat Tianyun came in and suffered a big loss before, it helped Gu Hai find an extremely important place. That dream field!

"Oh?" Everyone looked at Gu Hai.

"Follow me, I know a place, fast!" Gu Hai stepped in one direction at once.

The crowd followed with a hint of hesitation.

PS: After two days, I have something to do today. After two nights, I can save today ’s day. Sent in advance!

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