Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 93: Pangu vs Guhai?

Under the guidance of the ancient sea, Jiu, Houyi, Da Ri Ru Lai, Shennong Yu followed closely, and went straight to the place where Mao Tianyun had previously recruited!

Xia Houshou drew a map of Donglinghuohai. Cat Tianyun found the place according to the map, and the ancient sea clearly showed the map. Naturally, in the shortest time, he found the area.

It was a land of mountains and forests surrounded by billowing flames. The fire here soared into the sky, forming a stream of fire around it, but it was a huge gossip array, which was stronger than the previous Bafanghai.

"Here is ...?" He sank.

"This is a little south of Donglinghuohai, it should be the place where Suzaku Supreme worshipped! There is a field of dream power here, compare ...!" Gu Hai explained.

Halfway through the ancient sea, suddenly, there was a scream of screaming in the huge gossip flame forest.


The voice of a woman, hissing exhausted, passed through the array.

"Waner!" Gu Hai exclaimed.

"Jingwei!" I also exclaimed suddenly.

"Asshole, you dare to hurt Jingwei, I want your life!" He narrowed his eyes and flung in.

"Wait!" Cried Gu Hai.

However, I already rushed in.

It wasn't just 妭, Shennong 锄 followed, and rushed in instantly.

Houyi also chased after him, but after all, he didn't seem to care about it, but it was chaotic.

Gu Hai could not be in a hurry at this moment, but Gu Hai knew the horror inside from Long Wanyu.

"Darri came, Houyi, we also went in, remember, here is the field of dreams left by Dang, extremely dangerous!" Gu Hai explained to Dari Rulai.

"Dream force field?" Houyi showed a puzzlement.

"Wait, Mr. Gu!" Da Riru suddenly called.

"Huh?" Gu Hai looked at Da Riru.

"Yi's dream field field? The master Shakyamuni Buddha once broke through!" Said Da Ri Ru Lai suddenly.

"Really?" Gu Hai's eyes brightened.

Regarding the field of dreams, even Long Wanyu knows only a little about it, and only knows the danger, so there is no other way for the ancient sea, but to break in and watch, I did not expect that the Buddha Shakyamuni had seen in the heaven of heaven.

On the side Houyi was surprised to look at Da Riru.

Houyi knows about the coming of Dayi, a peerless powerhouse who has completed the Heavenly Palace. But what do the names in Gu Hai and Da Riru's words just mean?

Shakyamuni Buddha? Who is this Why haven't I heard it? Moreover, from the day of Ruhi, he has a great respect for Shakyamuni Buddha. Does the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom hide the Buddha Shakyamuni who is more powerful than Da Riru?

And, just now I mentioned a puppet!

Who is he? Is it great? Why did Gu Hai and Da Ri have a terrible feeling when they mentioned him?

"If you do n’t wake up, the dream force field will dig deep into your memory and make you imagine yourself, that one will attack you, and what you have in your memory will be what he is. How strong you are in your memory , How strong he is! "Da Riru explained.

"Is it just hallucination, fight yourself?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes! Your opponent is yourself. Unless you are awake at the beginning and know that it is a dream, then your opponent will not be able to gain the power in your memory. That way, if you defeat him, you can break the field of dream power. "Daru Rulai explained.

"Wake up from a dream?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Don't worry too much, I have a way, you will give me your hand!" Da Riru said.

Gu Hai and Hou Yi immediately extended their right hand.

Dairi Rulai quickly drew a '卍' in the hands of the two.

"This slang word is sensed by Shakyamuni Buddha, and can make people wake up in advance. Remember, wake up as soon as possible, the sooner you wake up, the less ability it will get you!" Explained Da Rirui.

"Okay, thank you!" Gu Hai nodded.

Houyi nodded blankly.

"Remember, the dream force field can dig deepest into your memory, even some deep memories that you do n’t even know about yourself. Wake up quickly, otherwise, once you are immersed in your dream, it will be extremely dangerous!” Shouted.

"I know, remember the deepest thing!" Gu Haiying whispered.

I can't wait, and Gu Hai can't wait. After getting the help from Da Riru, he immediately fell into the sea of ​​fire.

Houyi and Dairi came to look at each other, and the two stepped into them instantly.

The ancient sea stepped in.


The dream force field immediately acted on Gu Hai. Even Gu Gu, a mighty man, suddenly felt a sudden rush, as if entering a dream.

The golden rune of the 卍 character only speeds up sobriety, not immediately. There is no doubt about the strength of the puppet. The strength of the ancient sea against the puppet power is still extremely reluctant.

Gu Hai seems to be in a dream moment.

In the dream, it was dark. Up, down, left and right, it was all dark.

"Why am I here? Where is this? What am I doing?" Gu Hai rubbed his head, fuzzy.

Obviously, the field of dream power is extremely powerful, and Gu Hai was instantly dreamed, forgetting how he came.

The surroundings were dark, Gu Hai rubbing his head to remember, while exploring the surroundings, but there was nothing around, not even the aura of heaven and earth. As if into the nothingness, I suddenly heard a roar from the dark depths.

"When you came, there were only three souls and no body. If it weren't for my relief, you would have been buried in nothingness. I would give you survival, give you rights, give you strength. You stole everything from me, took me strong, Broke my gods, steal my world, hurt my people, alas, take my life! "A loud roar suddenly exploded.

The roaring master seemed to have a mighty power, and a powerful and explosive breath came straight to the ancient sea, making Gu Hai's heart tremble.

Gu Hai stared, faintly seeing the roaring figure.

It was a shirtless man with a muscular upper body, and at one glance, there was an explosion of force coming at his face.

The man was as tall as a man with blue veins and anger. Above his right hand, he was holding a huge axe.

The axe is not a side object, and Gu Hai recognized it at a glance. Isn't this axe a sky axe?

The man with the axe in hand?

Is it the Dragon Warring States? Gu Hai followed the explosive body and looked at the man's face.

At this moment, a male voice came again in the darkness, the voice was extremely cold, without a trace of emotion.

"The king is defeated, the three thousand avenues are in my hands, all your magical powers have been taken away by me, and the power to open up the world? The body that stands up to the sky? It's all mine, and even the three souls and seven souls are destroyed by me. Will come to this nothingness, because only here will you be completely decomposed into nothingness, and it will be gone forever. No, all your traces will disappear, reincarnation? Rebirth? Rebirth? You have no chance, forever and never, no more The strength of turning over, eternal life will never turn over. As for other people, I will destroy them together. This world is mine! "The cold voice came from the darkness.

The man with the axe was full of blue muscles. It seemed to be irritated again, and it was about to erupt.

"Is it because the Dragon Warring States and the Hu are fighting?" Gu Hai thought in his mind.

As he pondered, his eyes finally turned to the head of the giant giant, and he saw the giant giant's face clearly.

"Not the Dragon Warring States?" Gu Hai was surprised.


Suddenly, the ‘卍’ gold rune on the right hand gave a hot feeling, which stimulated the ancient sea.

"It turned out to be a dream! The field of dreams?" Gu Hai exhilarated, and hissed.

However, the next moment Gu Hai looked in amazement at the giant giant who held the sky axe. The appearance of this giant is not the Dragon Warring States. His face is extremely stubborn, his eyes flushed, and there seems to be boundless anger.

Not the Dragon Warring States? Who is that person in front of you? How can there be such a person deep in his own memory? I don't know him at all.

However, somehow, looking at this giant, Gu Hai felt a kind feeling in his heart.

That anger, depression, Gu Hai even had a feeling of empathy.

In my own memory, it seems that there is no such figure, and the one who holds the sky axe is no one except the Dragon Warring States.

"No, there is another person who took away the axe, that's ...!" Gu Hai looked at the giant in shock.

"Pan, Pangu?" Gu Hai's eyes widened.

In front of the giant, is Pangu?

But how is it in your own memory? I don't remember Pan Gu confrontation in nothingness.

Had he thought it out inadvertently before?

However, it is not important why there is Pangu right now. Importantly, with the soberness of the ancient sea, the opposite Pangu suddenly stared at the ancient sea.

"King and defeat the king? Oh, huh, I don't believe in kings and defeat the king, I am the king! You are just a dog in front of me who waddles and begs for mercy, and the dog will bite the master! Today, let me kill you An evil dog! "Pangu roared.

Pangu shed his hair, and his long hair floated, like an invincible demon, holding the axe in his hand and rushing towards the ancient sea.

Does Pangu consider himself a puppet?

Gu Hai's face changed, and she constantly tugged herself: "Aren't you awake, why hasn't Pangu disappeared? Am I awake?"

That Pangu arrived with Tianwei, and under the axe of heaven, it seemed to split everything in the world, destroy God and destroy Buddha, and everything was broken.

The huge murderous force went straight to the ancient sea, so that the ancient sea was trembling.

"Wait, I'm not nagging, I'm Gu Hai, you recognize the wrong person!" Gu Hai suddenly called.

However, at the moment Pangu couldn't listen to Guhai at all and was unwilling to communicate with Guhai at all. Just kill the ancient sea in front of you-

In the field of dreams.

In front of the uncle, there was one more emperor uncle, exactly the same, and the two men fought fiercely together.

In front of Shennong Ao, there was an intact Shennong Ao, and the two started fighting.

Battle against the Sun Rilai.

Houyi stunned after the war.

Only Guhai, at this moment is Pangu.

Open the axe out, destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and split the ancient sea straight. In desperation, Gu Hai could only take out the health knife and greeted him.

"Boom ~!"

The loud sound rang through the sea of ​​fire.

ps: Today I asked the company of Wanguxianqiang animation production. Wanxianxianqiong is not in production yet, let everyone wait. However, in the second half of this month, there will be some publicity pictures, some stills, and they will definitely be posted to the public account. Stay tuned.

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