Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 102: Suzaku Sei


Suddenly the eyes of heaven closed suddenly, and the red clouds slowly dispersed.

Looking at the place where Zhu Qiqi's spirit exploded, Chi You was a little unbelieving. Everything came too fast, but this Zhu Qiqi's strength is comparable to himself, and it was instantly destroyed?

Even with the help of his own, but the eye of heaven in the ancient sea is too evil.

Zhu Qiqi's soul fluttered, but his physical body was generally intact.

The ancient eye of heaven, the physical attack is invalid, only the soul?

The shattered void around is slowly recovering, but you can pay attention to the countless strong men in this battle, but your heart can't recover.

Between a mountain forest.

Hu Gou clutched the fresh gourd just got, and his eyelids looked at the ancient sea far away.

"That's Suzaku Supreme, so it's easy to be killed by the ancient sea?" Wu Gou looked ugly.

Yin Shen Diankou.

"Lord, is Zhu Qiqi pretending to be dead? She is Suzaku Supreme!"

"It's dead!" Shenmian Shenmo said loudly.

Everyone was silent. The soul is flying away. The heavenly eye of Gu Hai is so powerful?

Donglinghuo over the sea. The ancient sea eyes closed.


In the sky, the heavenly eyes of the ancient sea closed their eyes instantly and melted into the dark clouds, which gradually dissipated and opened.

Gu Hai also stood quietly at high altitude, looking at her own masterpiece just a little shocked. Originally, Gu Hai thought that it would seriously damage Zhu Qiqi's soul, but did not expect it to be so thorough.

Gu Hai's face was pale for a while, and Xiu was a little worse after all. Just mobilizing the Eye of Heaven just consumed too much.

However, even though everyone can see that the ancient sea is hugely consumed, no one dares to underestimate the ancient sea at the moment. The power just now is really terrifying.

Eternal capital.

"Brother-in-law, you are so amazing! Was that the opening of the axe and the eye of heaven just now? The first magic weapon in the world and the first glance in the world?" Long Wanyu was excited.

Skeleton Guhai did not speak.

Aside from the shock of Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, and Dragon God, they were also happy for the ancient sea.

The crowd continued to look at the newly restored battlefield.


The last trace of Nirvana was completely consumed, and Jingwei's body shuddered.

"Awake?" Houyi suddenly opened his eyes.

Alas, Gu Hai stepped in at once.


He waved his hand, and was surrounded by the raging fire again. He didn't want to let the outside world see the scene.

But I saw that on the altar, Lin Wan'er awoke, besides Lin Wan'er, there was a dim shadow, but Jingwei.

Both Jingwei and Lin Waner were born again, and the two women were separated.

"I, this is ...!" Lin Wan'er was a little disagreeable.

"Live, sister, I'm alive!" Jing Wei cried suddenly incomparably wronged.

"Waner!" Gu Hairou whispered.

Lin Waner turned her head and saw Gu Hai, her eyes suddenly red, she suddenly understood what Gu Hai had done for herself.

"Gu Hai!" Lin Wan'er got up hard and flew towards Gu Hai.

"You are physically weak, don't move around!" Gu Hai suddenly hugged Lin Wan'er.

Holding the ancient sea tightly, Lin Waner's eyes suddenly felt a mist of water.

Deeply smelling the sweat and **** smell from the surface of the ancient sea, Lin Waner was extremely moved and intoxicated.

Gently stroked Lin Lin's back: "Okay, everything is fine, we will go back immediately!"

"Huh!" Lin Wan'er nodded desperately.

Jingwei also pounced on the side.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I shouldn't listen to you, oh oh!" Jing Wei cried and apologized.

I saw Jing Wei's regretful and poor look, and said softly, "Well, don't cry, Gu Hai and I have prepared a new body for you. I will help you refine the body and blend with the soul!"

"Well! I listen to my sister!" Jing Wei nodded desperately at this moment.

He supported Jingwei and arrived at Zhu Qiqi's body.

But he saw that the Jingwei spirit and the corpse of Suzaku were fused together, and a fierce fire broke out in the palm of his hand, and he was being burnt.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

For a moment, Suzaku's body burst into flames.妭 Use its own flame to help it remove incompatible parts, and refine the most perfect container for the spirit of Jingwei.


The fire burned for an hour.

At this hour, the ancient sea appeased Lin Wan'er, and she was very careful to collect the debris from the big sun. Slowly packed into a box.

Looking at the relic of Da Riru in the box. Gu Hai is extremely solemn: "If the big sun comes, your revenge has already been reported. What I said will always be valid. You wait. I will resurrect you one day!"


Cover the relic box gently, and Gu Hai carefully closed it.

Lin Waner has always been with Gu Hai, feeling the dull mood of Gu Hai, holding Gu Hai's hand tightly to pass the warmth to Gu Hai.

"I'm fine!" Gu Hairou whispered.

"Huh!" Lin Waner nodded.

"Gu Hai, what were the souls of Zhu Qiqi you just hit hard?" He turned to look at Gu Hai.

"Her three souls should be chopped out, Qi Po? It should also be cut in half. Zhu Qi Qi's consciousness must be gone in Qi Po!" Gu Hai recalled.

"The princess's behavior cannot improve? This Suzaku is supreme, just a body?" Hou frowned.


Suddenly, Suzaku shouted in the fire.

Under the long shout, the voice passed through the world, and a fiery red avenue suddenly appeared behind Suzaku.

"Well? This is the Great Perfection of Heavenly Palace? How is it possible that the three souls of the little princess are not so powerful?" Houxi was surprised.

"No, it's Zhou Tian's consummation!"


There was another long howl, the voice spread all over the world.

The people in the Holy Land of God suddenly changed their faces.

"Impossible, isn't Zhu Qiqi dead? What's wrong with this voice?" The God Scorpion and the Sky Demon understood.

"Suzaku has the ability to regenerate Nirvana, isn't it that Zhu Qiqi Nirvana is reborn? Is he alive again? Gu Hai, I have been here for a long time, and I'm busy?" Wu Tiantian magic puzzled.

Dazuo Tianmo shook his head slightly: "It shouldn't be, the three souls are gone, it's completely gone, and it is impossible for Nirvana to be born again!"

"Yes, the fire in the distance is shrouded, and we can't see the inside at all?" Wu Shangtian anxiously said.

Da Zun Tian Mo turned his head to look at the ancient capital of Yin, hoping to see from the expression of Skeleton Ancient Sea.

However, the skull on the ancient sea was expressionless and could not see anything.

Dong Linghuo.

The huge Suzaku shook her figure into a human figure, this time into a middle-aged woman.

"Sister, I succeeded, I am now Suzaku!" Jing Wei said with great surprise.

"Jingwei, your cultivation, why did you suddenly reach the peak?" Frown frowning.

"I don't know, it seems that there is a mysterious power that has stimulated my three souls and helped me to reach the top of the three souls!" Jing Wei said happily.

"The power of 卅? The power of 卅 which Zhu Qiqi previously absorbed has not been refined. It may be misunderstood that you are Zhu Qiqi, so help you achieve the peak?" Gu Hai looked.

"Who is he?" He curiously asked.

"Before the Six Immortals, it was Cangtian, that is, Cangxian. Before Cangxian, it was Zhuxian! You are the master of Zhu Qiqi. I just absorbed the power of Xun. In the past, in search of the strong, I went to nothing Among them, countless years have passed! "Gu Hai explained.

Just talking about the puppets described by Long Wanyu, he said nothing about the puppets of the earth.

"Huh?" He frowned slightly.

"Four hundred thousand years ago, Fu Xi and Xi a pair of divine thoughts ended up in the end. If I guessed well, he should be able to return shortly after!" Chai Sheng solemnly said.

"Will he be able to die with Fuxi with a ray of divine thought?" He said in surprise.

Gu Hai nodded.

I took a deep breath and didn't doubt the words of Gu Hai, but I was shocked by this one.

"Is he so powerful? It must be better than my sister! Gu Hai, are you afraid of him?" Jing Wei cried immediately.

"Jingwei, don't be big or small, Guhai saved you just now. Be kind to him, you haven't thanked Guhai for his life-saving grace!" Shen Shen said.

"I? I, not my sister just now ...!" Jing Wei reluctantly.

"Who saved your life, but you will revenge? If Gu Hai had not helped you, can you live again? Gu Hai has saved you twice and helped you get Suzaku, what is your attitude? .

Jingwei was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

"Gu Hai, thank you!" Jing Wei solemnly salutes Gu Hai.

Although it was because of her sister that she realized this great grace, since she realized it, Jingwei also showed enough respect.

Gu Hai nodded, begun to accept Jingwei's gratitude.

"Gu Hai, I see that you have consumed a lot just now, and your face is still pale, so that's it for today!" I looked at Gu Hai.

"Farewell!" Gu Hai nodded.

Yi Lalin Waner, Gu Hai's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

I also said, "Okay, let's go!"

"Yes!" Hou Yi said.


, Jingwei, Houyi disappeared instantly.

Above the East Spirit Sea of ​​Fire, the fire that never ceased for thousands of years also left, and suddenly vanished.

Eternal capital.

Long Wanyu looked at the empty Dongling Huohai in the distance and took a deep breath: "It's okay, everything goes well!"

"Yeah! If Zhu Qiqi wasn't trapped, my heavenly eyes wouldn't have received a magical effect, really luck!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Yeah, if Zhu Qiqi's brothers are resurrected, it will be miserable!" Long Wanyu nodded.

"What brother? Zhu Qiqi and his brother?" Gu Hai looked at Long Wanyu for a moment.

"Yes, Suzaku Supreme is seven people, and Zhu Qiqi is the youngest!" Long Wanyu nodded.

"Seven people? Seven Suzaku Supreme?" Kong Xuan and others were also surprised.

"Yes, she is Lao Qi, so she is called Zhu Qiqi. There are Zhu Yiyi, Zhu Erliang, Zhu Sansan, Zhu Shisi, Zhu Wuwu and Zhu Liuliu. They sacrificed together to worship the uncle It seems that only Zhu Qiqi survived! "Long Wanyu sighed.


But at this moment, the Dongling Huohai, which had just extinguished the flame, suddenly made a loud noise, and the billowing flame broke out again, instantly filling the entire Dongling Huohai.

"Oh!" "Oh!" ……………………

A series of six different Suzaku screams spread across the heavens and the earth in an instant.

"Uh, six of them are also resurrected?" Long Wanyu froze.

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