Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 103: Your command

The ancient sea proprietor took Lin Waner back to Zhendidian Square! Suddenly heard Dongling Huohai scream in six directions.

The faces of the two ancient seas were all sinking, Kong Xuan, Long Wanyu and others all looked at the East.

"Zhu Qiqi's six brothers?" Kong Xuan said blankly.

"There are six Suzaku Supremes?" The mosquitoes were horrified.

There was a dignity in the eyes of both ancient seas.

"Brother-in-law, you are back. Is this Jingwei, or ...?" Long Wanyu looked at Lin Waner.

"This is Waner!" Gu Hai ontology explained.

Long Wanyu looked at Lin Waner's frown slightly, and she didn't know what to shout for a moment.

Lin Wan'er smiled at Long Wanyu. Although the second daughter didn't speak, she seemed friendly.

"Extreme Suzaku? How about their strength compared to Zhu Qiqi?" Gu Hai looked at Long Wanyu.

"Of course, their six elder brothers are amazing. They are all puppets, but I don't know if there is any puppet power!" Long Wanyu solemnly said.

Gu Hai looked at the distance and was slightly silent.

"Let's go, let's go back to the sun first!" Said Gu Hai, faintly.

Lin Waner nodded.

The ancient sea proprietor took Lin Wan'er to Yin Yang Valley, and Long Wanyu followed.

Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist and Dragon Gods all looked at the ancient sea of ​​skulls.

Skull Guhai frowned deeply: "Notice, Quartet alert!"

"Yes!" Kong Xuanying said.

"Six people who are more powerful than Zhu Qiqi? Holy, it is extremely tricky!" Mosquito Taoist worried.

"This is the end of the matter, you can only face it. Mosquitoes, you have countless black mosquitoes, responsible for exploring the Donglinghuohai movement!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Yes!" Said the mosquito.

The skeleton ancient sea is ready, even if the six Suzakus are killed, they must face up.

Yin shrine!

Dazuozhai Tianmo and others have been watching Dongling Huohai.

The Dongling Huohai, which was destroyed in a blink of an eye, turned into flames again. Six beeps, and the sound of the world.

"Brother Suzaku? They haven't died yet?" Dazuo Tianmo was surprised.

"Lord, the six Suzaku brothers, if they knew that Zhu Qiqi was dead, would they be crazy?" The Scorpion and the Demon said with a hint of expectation.

Everyone blinked.

"Yes, their six brothers, just this younger sister, Zhu Qiqi died, isn't it ...? The ancient sea is over, and the cricket is over!" Wu Shangtian Mo also expected.

"Lord, your subordinates go and tell the truth?" The Scorpion and the Demon expected.

"You want to die, you go!" Dazuo said indifferently.

"Ah?" The Scorpion and the Devil said blankly.

"The six of them are crazy. Zhu Qiqi has just died. They need to vent. You go now, no matter what you say right or wrong, they will be enraged by that time ...!" Dazuoxiantianmo said lightly.

"Eh? Yes, thank you, Lord!" The Scorpion and the Devil looked stiff, and did not want to go through this muddy water.

But at this moment, there was a sudden roar of Dongling Huohai.

"Little Seven, who killed you, ah!"

"Xiao Qi is dead? I want to take revenge on you, Xiao Qi ...!"

"Roar, who is it!"




The voice of anger spread throughout the entire Donglinghuohai, and the whole world heard this horrendous voice of hatred. Zhu Qiqi's six brothers are about to go away?

The scorpion, the demon, and others are all looking happy, looking forward to it.

The ancient capital of ancient times, the ancient sea is even closer to the enemy. Ready to mobilize Dahan's world.

But in this fury, the Dongling Huohai suddenly converged and returned to its normal size.

The six big Suzakus also disappeared for a moment, and they were strangely quiet.

"What's going on? Why are they suddenly dying?" The Scorpion and the Devil were surprised.

The great free demon is also puzzled.

Dongling Huohai, strangely quiet. The six Suzakus who were just holding on to revenge suddenly lost their voices?

Dong Linghuo.

In the place where Zhu Qiqi was sealed, there were indeed six void gaps. Six huge Suzakus stepped out from the inside, one by one showing their faces and their feathers exploding.

Slightly inductive, feeling that Zhu Qiqi was dead, he was immediately furious, and howled the world.

But just as the six great Suzakus were looking for their enemies, they suddenly burst into the six Great Suzakus from their voids.

When the six Suzakus got excited, all of them calmed down, and then turned into six red robe men, kneeling at the altar mouth with great respect.

"Master, master!" Said Suzaku respectfully.

"Master, Xiao Qi was killed. We want to avenge Xiao Qi!" A big man was extremely anxious.


A slap rang suddenly on the big man's face, and his face suddenly swelled strangely.

But even if his face was swollen, the big man didn't dare to repair it by magic, but he didn't dare to say a word with fear.

The six Suzakus knelt quietly, and they were extremely quiet.

Six human body surfaces, a hint of simmering force overflowed, slowly evoking the void, forming a majestic sound.

"Next, listen to every word of Benxian!" The majestic voice said coldly.

"Yes!" The six men nodded with excitement.

"Last time, because of the strength that was transmitted to you, the path of the return of the beast fairy was stolen. After so many years, you cannot return. You will have to pay most of the responsibilities!" A dignified voice came.

"I don't know, the master forgive me!" Said Suzaku in panic.

Suzaku's master, naturally, was embarrassed.

"In the nothingness, there is no way, but in the past, this fairy can make a new path, and naturally can make another one. Fortunately, in the past, you can send a force such as Yier to make a fairy with you Contact! Through you, it won't be long before this fairy can return to the land of Shenzhou. During this time, none of you, six of you, will be allowed to die! "He said coldly.

"Yes, I won't die if I wait!" The six men assured immediately.

"So, no matter what resentment you have now, you must not set up enemies everywhere. After the return of this fairy, let yourself be indulgent!" Chuckled coldly.

Six people's faces changed, this is not to let revenge? However, the death of Qi Qi was injustice.

The six men are as deep as the sea, but he spoke, and no one dared to go to the enemy at this moment.

"I was stolen on my way back. Someone must have come back through that road. Six of you, you found the person outside the immortal vault!" Shen Shen said.

"Outer Celestial Dome?"

Is there any other fairy sky?

"Yes!" The six answered.

If others mentioned the matter, the six would definitely not believe it, but this is what the owner said, who would dare not believe it?

"Second, inquire about the situation in the world, this fairy wants to know, how is the world today!" Lu Leng said.

"Yes, master rest assured!" The six answered.

"If you don't die, this fairy will come back quickly. If you die, this fairy will have to find a new way. In the past, you almost found a new way back. Fuxi was destroyed. Once Fuxi died, the injured fairy was looking for it again. In the meantime, no grudges can be settled, even ordinary people may not create variables for Benxian! "Lu coldly said.

"Yes!" The six answered.

"Who dares to violate the yin and yang, this immortal is outside the immortal vault, and can also make you instantly flutter your soul, fly ash annihilation!" Wu Han said.

"Yes!" The six were afraid to rebel.

"Explore things all over the world, and report to Benxian once every month! Benxian's remnant knowledge is stored in Er's mind!"

"Yes, the master rest assured, I will try my best to wait!" The six respected.


There was a slight tremor in the void around him, and a strange power burst into the eyebrows of the six people and disappeared.

Six people looked at each other. Unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

"Brother, what about Qiqi's revenge?" A big man asked.

"The seventy-seven enemies will be reported later. The host orders it to be important. This is our altar of the year. First, set up a large array around to prevent people from spying on the inside, and then take turns to explore the two aspects of the yin and yang!" Shen said.

"Yes, brother, I just don't know, will that be dead?"

"The Lord explained it that year. Don't ask for trouble. The Lord must destroy his soul by himself!" Zhu Yiyi said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

The Suzakus are supreme, powerful, and extremely powerful.

Gu Hai and Da Zun Tian Mo waited for a long time, and it was strange that Dong Ling Huo Hai was strangely quiet.

The mosquitoes and the scorpion and the demon quietly probed on behalf of the two major forces, respectively, but they couldn't get into the Donglinghuohai at all.

"On Qilu Holy, Dongling Huohai was blocked by a large array, but the black mosquitoes of the court were unable to enter!" The mosquito Taoist smiled bitterly.

"Lord Qilu, Dongling Huohai is blocked. I, I dare not break into it!" The scorpion and the demon scorned with a smile and reported that they were at ease.

Gu Hai and Da Zongtian Demon looked at Dongling Huohai for a while.

"Mosquito Taoist, you continue to stare at the Dongling Huohai!" Gu Hai commanded.


The sun.

Gu Hai took Lin Wan'er out of the underworld and suddenly saw Chen Xian'er and Long Wanqing who were worried.

"Fu Jun, this is ...!" Long Wanqing looked slightly at Lin Waner.

"Sister, this is Lin Waner!" Long Wanyu called immediately.

Long Wanqing frowned: "Wan Yu, what's your name? What did you say to you before?"

"Uh, me, you said I should call Sister Lin!" Long Wanyu's voice dropped suddenly.

"It's okay, just call me Waner!" Lin Waner immediately comforted Long Wanyu.

"Well, don't stand still, our family, it's all together now, let's go back to the house together!" Chen Xianer laughed.

"Hmm!" The girls nodded.

"Fu Jun, no sister is left outside right now?" Chen Xianer laughed.

Gu Hai wiped her nose, smiled slightly, and for a moment didn't know what to say.

For the conversation between the daughters, Gu Hai was not in a position to plug in for a moment. Fortunately, Chen Xianer was extremely generous, and there was no trouble in the entire harem.

"Go talk first, I have some business to go to the study!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

The girls nodded and pulled Lin Wan'er into the harem.

Lin Wan'er turned her head to look at Gu Hai, and was a little bit reluctant, but the group of girls were quite enthusiastic, and she couldn't help but refuse to face her.

Gu Hai secretly sighed and went to the study.

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