Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 105: Unify the world

Heavenless Capital!

The ancient sea danced the Pangu axe, making the entire borderless sky shake for a long time, and countless courtiers rushed out of the study room in fear. However, Gu Hai did not let anyone enter the study.

The might of Pangu axe was felt by Gu Hai just now. The majesty surpassed all magic weapons of Gu Hai. Gu Hai sat on the dragon chair, but fell into a silence.

The recognition of Pangu axe filled Guhai with doubts. Pangu? Is this ancient name related to itself?

Gu Hai could not be sure, but the waves in my heart could not be calm for a long time.

After a while, Gu Hai slowly walked out of the study.

Outside the study, the ministers waited.

The unborn, the ancient Qin, the ancient Han, the ancient Tang, and the ancient Ming are all in it.

"Father Sheng, what was so horrible just now?" Gu Ming worried.

"No problem, practice the exercises, the skills are scattered!" Gu Hai said lightly.

"That's it!" All the ministers were relieved.

"Father, just now it's dangerous. The chess pattern in the borderless sky is almost crushed by that power!" Gu Qin laughed.

Gu Hai nodded, and did not say anything about Pangu axe.

Turning his head and looking at the unborn: "Unborn, Xia Hou Shou is with you, I don't want Xia Hou Shou to appear in front of people again!"

"Relief on the holy side, Xia Houshou set up a ghost-headed life array and created countless evils, and the minister will not let him run away. Thank you, holy, for the prince's peril and danger to the east and the sea of ​​fire!" The unborn was a solemn gift to the ancient sea.

"I promised you, I will do it!" Gu Hai laughed.

The unborn looked at Gu Hai for a moment's silence, and then saluted again.

On the one hand, Gu Ming looked slightly moved: "Unborn, you should find Qi Bamai Shouxiu. There is still a winter Tibetan birthday, rest assured, we will help you find it as soon as possible!"

The unborn person suddenly looked at Gu Ming, it seemed a little unexpected.

What do you want to find Qi Bashou Shouxiu? You Guming seem to know Shouxiu very well. Others don't know what I do, don't you? Still so active?

The unexpected attitude of the unborn disappeared! However, this inadvertent action was still seen by the ancient Tang.

Gu Tang is the most intelligent person among the four brothers. Although he doesn't know what Gu Ming and the unborn have to hide from himself, he can see some tacit understanding from that attitude.

Gu Tang frowned slightly and didn't say it. Just silently remembered in my heart.

Gu Hai is about to retire from the ministers.


Suddenly, Tianqiyunyunhai was tumbling for a while, and the sky seemed to feel something bad.

Headed by the ancient sea goddess, the statues of the ministers were all cold, and together they looked viciously at the uninvited guests at the edge of the sea of ​​Yunyun.

But it is the edge of the cloud of Qiyun. Suddenly some Qiyun gather, and then slowly form a human figure. The ancient human figure also knows it. Is it Yuanshi Tianzun?

Yuanshi Tianzun's Faphase? How did it appear above the sea of ​​luck in the Dahan dynasty?

The ancient statue of the sea **** looked somberly at the opposite Yuanshi Tianzun statue.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, what are you going to do?" The ancient sea **** statue showed coldly.

On the opposite side, Yuan Shitian Zun did not bother. After a while, the statue of Yuan Shitian Zun looked coldly: "Almost, all the lucky golden dragons, all the gods, the Fa phase, listen to me!"

"Five days later, Wanshou Taoism, Yuanshidian Square, the deity wanted to hold the" Unification of the World ". At that time, all people will come, and those who dare not come will have the consequences!" Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly.


After Yuan Shi Tianzun's words were finished, his Fa phase suddenly collapsed.

"What's going on?" The ministers were surprised.

"Brother-in-law, Yuanshi Tianzun analyzed the body of the river figure? Nengfa phase appeared in the world luck!" Long Wanyu did not know where to come from.

Gu Hai looked up at Qiyunyunhai, and looked at the far south.

Qiyun Yunhai is his own forbidden zone, and he owns the symbol of the past. But now, Yuanshi Tianzun respects the Fa, but enters and exits at will?

"The newspaper, the letter from Dayi Heavenly Kingdom Jinyiwei, just now, the Dayun Heavenly Kingdom has a sudden change in luck and clouds, and the Yuanshi Tianzun Fa condensed, and spoke to the Dalai Saints, which is just what they said! After five days, invite them to Wanshou Taoism to participate in the" Unification of the World " ! "

"The newspaper, Lingshan won the mouth of the temple, and on top of the clouds of luck, condensed to show the respect of the law of Yuanshitian!"

"Report, Holy Qi Qi, the imperial dynasty of Linjiang, on top of the clouds of luck, condensed to reveal the law and respect of the Yuanshi Heaven!"




Quick reports came one after another, not the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, but the whole world of the Yang Dynasty, all the imperial dynasties and the forces above the Zhongzongmen, and their luck and clouds, all appeared in the Yuanshi Tianzun's law. Just now, that was the Yuanshi Tianzun At the same time the voice of the world.

Not only the sun, but also the hell.

On top of the clouds of fortune of the ancient Yin capital, is also the figure of Yuan Shitian.

"The newspaper, the heavenly demon sacred place, above the clouds of luck, gathers the Yuanshi Heavenly Respects, and after five days, they will open a‘ Unified World Meeting ’at the mouth of Yuanshi Hall of Wanshou Taoism!”

"The newspaper, Dongling Huohai, I don't know when an air of luck will emerge from the sea. Its air transports the sea and air, condensing the six Suzakus. Just now, Yuan Shi Tianzun Fa phase suddenly appeared. Five days later, at the mouth of Yuan Shi Temple in Wanshou Taoism, Open 'Unification of the World'! "

"The newspaper, ...............!"




In the underworld, one by one, the reports quickly spread to the ancient skull.

As long as the strength of the Zhongzongmen and Emperor Dynasties is above, they are all informed from the Yuanshi Tianzun. Five days later, the Yuanshi Palace mouth will unify the world.

At first Gu Hai's anger slowly dissipated, at least, this was not against himself.

"Yuanshi Tianzun? Will the world be unified? Oh, he thought the time was ripe?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

Underworld, Donglinghuohai.

The Six Great Suzakus, although not ready to seek revenge for the time being, but to explore the news of the world, the best thing is to immediately recruit the world's bird monsters.

One of the Suzakus took out a treasure seal, urged it a little, and then skyrocketed into endless luck.

But it is the luck of the Suzaku Supreme Seal of the past, floating on the sea of ​​Donglinghuo at this moment.

At that time, the demon birds had fallen into oblivion, leaving only Suzaku Supreme.

The seven Suzakus are slowly condensing in the sea of ​​luck.


With a loud noise, one of the Suzaku Fa phase suddenly collapsed, and apparently, the Suzaku Supreme had fallen, and luck could not be found.

"Juchi is really dead!" Said Suzaku, looking ugly.

"When the master comes back, we will take revenge! Seventy-seven's revenge must be revenge!" Another big man said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The crowd nodded and squeezed their fists.

But at this moment.


On top of their luck clouds, the primordial appearance of Yuanshi Tianzun appeared.



The six great Suzakus stared suddenly.

However, he saw that Yuanshi Tianzun issued a notice in a hurry.

"It will dominate the world? What a great tone, what is this guy!" Said Suzaku, angrily.

"No, not only are we lucky enough to see the sea of ​​clouds, you see, the strong forces of the four forces of the underworld have other aspects of the lucky way at sea?"

"Who is this person who can make a fortune with the world?"

"So, in five days, the" Unification of the World "will gather most of the forces in the world? Would you like to see it?"

"Must go! Brother, let me go!"

"I go!"




Suzaku looked at Zhu Yiyi.

Zhu Yiyi was silent for a while and said, "The host has an account with us. Don't be too aggressive, my second child, my sixth child!"

"Okay!" Suzaku nodded.

Underworld, holy land of heaven demon, mouth of Yin **** hall.

The free spirit Tianmo also looked up at the sky.

"Lord, Yuanshi Tianzun is too mad, will he dominate the world? Does he want to dominate the world? Where will we be placed?" Wu Shangtian demo sneered.

"Oh, the world will be unified? Suzaku Supreme will also go. How could the original wanted to invite them to meet, now go to Yuanshidian if not in use!"

The sun. Dasao Dynasty, Honghuang City.

He stood at the entrance of the God Temple and looked coldly at the disappearance of the heavenly statue of Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Sister, this Yuanshi Tianzun is really brave, wouldn't it be to invite the world's heroes to go, and then at the entrance of Yuanshi Palace, to overpower the world, right?" Jingwei curiously said.

"It's not clear, but what kind of" Unification of the World "he set up, he definitely wants to get from us!" Shen Shen said.

"Then we are going?" Jing Wei frowned.

"Why not? Oh, Wanshou Taoism, born 800,000 years ago, has always been strong and strong, thinking that it is only to be blessed by nature, only to be a fox and a tiger, but you can't think of it. It really has a character hidden in it." Eyes twitched slightly.

"Oh!" Jing Wei nodded blankly.

In the middle of the sun, the western Lingshan takes the mouth of the temple.

The minister stood with his hands on his shoulders, watching Wanshou Taoism in the distance.

"God, Yuanshi Tianzun is crazy? Invite the strong from all over the world? He won't really think he is invincible, right?" Long Aotian said in surprise.

"That's interesting, isn't it?" Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"Uh, God wants to go?" Long Aotian was surprised.

In the eyes of Long Aotian, God is invincible. Can't see the arrogance and arrogance of Yuan Shitianzun, who is going to hit the ground?

"I'm going to see, Yuanshidian five days later, it must be wonderful!" Jiang Chen laughed.

Throughout the world, the invitation to Yuanshi Tianzun is being discussed at this moment.

Because this is an invitation to the whole world.

The major gates and imperial dynasties have entered the big discussion, analyzing the meaning of the invitation from the Supreme Master of the Yuan Dynasty.

Will the world be unified? Doesn't this imply that Yuanshi Tianzun wants to rule the world? Also invited the strong men all over the world?

What is he going to do?

Some suzerains and emperors do not want to bother, after all, they are too far away from Wanshou Taoism. Some emperors and lords were ready to visit.

The borderless sky is in the study.

A large number of dignitaries continued to analyze the meaning of Yuanshi Tianzun, but no one could guess what Yuanshi Tianzun intended.

"Holy Lord, his subjects would like to go with His Majesty!" Kong Xuan called first.

"Holy, I want to go!" Shouted Mosquito.




Five days later, the "Unification of the World" attracted the strong in the world, and it was definitely dangerous, but Dahan's ministers scrambled at this moment.

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