Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 106: Admit

Wanshou Taoism. Five days passed in a flash.

With the news that Yuanshi Tianzun invited the world, the leaders of the forces went to Wanshou Taoism.

Five days, it ’s not long or short.

For a peerless powerhouse like Gu Hai, it takes only a short time to cross the land of Shenzhou, but for ordinary practitioners, it takes a long time. In five days, they dealt with their own affairs to the peerless powerhouses, and also eliminated a group of ordinary powerhouses who had not had time to rush.

"Yangjian, Lord Jiuyang, come!"

"The sun, the scorching sun emperor, come!"




Wanshou Taoist disciples shouted loudly, reporting the name of the strongest in the world. At the same time, Wanshou Taoist disciples continued to lead the way, leading all the males to the Yuanshidian Square.

After all, the only people who can reach here in just five days are the strongest in the world. Of course, not willing to come to another count.

At this moment, Yuanshidian Square has gathered the masters of the 80 forces, all of them emperors of the imperial dynasty, the masters of Zhongzongmen, and all peers in the heavenly palace.

On the Yuanshidian Square, the powerful men greeted each other and were communicating with each other.

Some lords of powers, even in the usual deadly opposition, now restrain their anger, while others are friends and rarely meet each other. Now they gather at the mouth of the Yuanshi Palace and talk to each other.

A group of strong men divided into small groups in twos and threes, watching the Quartet coming at the same time.

"Yangjian, Lingshan, take the Lord of the Temple, to ~~~~~~~~~!"

There was another loud cry.


The noisy Yuanshidian Square, which was a bit noisy, calmed down instantly.

Who is the Lord of the Temple? Isn't that the mysterious general?

Here are all high weights. Once the existence of the emperor level, I have seen some classic books and learned about the battle of the Lich. In particular, many people went to check the information of the generals after they had written in the past in Lingshan.

This is a legendary mythical character.

In the past, the Wu tribe commander-in-chief, the former tribe defeated the demon tribe, and took the world as the first person in the world. And after millions of years, are they still alive?

Everyone looked towards the general.

There were only two people on this trip, Jiang Chen and Long Aotian.

Although General Chen seems to be kind, but it makes people feel a powerful aura, the aura is coming, and many people are nervous.

"I've seen the Lord of the Temple!" Someone said.

"I've seen the Lord of the Temple!" One by one said.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and nodded.

Jiang Chen came very low-key. He didn't even have a show, so he took Long Aotian alone, but there was no show, but no one dared to say anything. The first person in the world in the past! Wouldn't it be humiliating to talk in front of him? Where others go, the biggest pomp.

"To win the Lord of the Temple, the first one on the left is prepared by the leader for you!" Taoist disciples of Wanshou respectfully said.

"Oh? First? Yeah!" Jiang Chen nodded, and the guest followed the client.

In Yuanshidian Square, there are only six thrones, three on the left and three on the right.

As soon as everyone came, they saw these six thrones. At the same time, it is understood that this is for the six most important people. These six people must have a strong position in the world.

As for the others, even the emperor of the dynasty and the master of Zhongzongmen, they still had to stand.

Although extremely rude, many people have complained long ago, but no one dares to speak up.

Someone once asked Wanshou Taoist disciples who these six positions were for. Wanshou Taoist disciples said that this was prepared by the leader for the six most powerful people. Of course, whoever can resist these six people can grab their throne. The leader doesn't mind your fight.

Yuanshi Tianzun does not mind everyone vying for the throne, but no one is sitting. Not to be inferior, but to wait until the end.

If you sit up by yourself and you will be kicked off, you are really ashamed.

The minister took one of the thrones. And it's still on the left.

But at this moment, no one was dissatisfied, because he was a general! Provocative generals? No one has the courage.

There are five seats left, and many people probably guessed the positions of some of them, but they couldn't guess.

Enron sat on the throne, drinking the spirit tea brewed by Long Aotian, while drinking the spirit tea, while looking at the strong squares, and occasionally, the Yuanshi Hall with the closed door.

"God, there are a total of six positions? But I analyzed it. It seems that there are not enough five forces in the world to reach the level of heaven and sacred place?" Long Aotian wondered.

"Not enough? No, it's not enough!" Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"Not enough?" Long Aotian showed a hint of surprise.

Jiang Chen drank tea comfortably, watching one after the other coming.

Wanshou Taoism, Tongtian Peak, Tongtian Temple!

Gu Hai arrived early with Lin Wan'er, but Gu Hai did not go to Yuanshidian Square, but took Lin Wan'er to his apartment.

Although these five days are short, it is fifty years in the ancient fairy sphere. Xiaobei won the wedding, and Gu Hai and Lin Wan'er were so separated for so long, so naturally lingering. After this period of time, Lin Wan'er's Xiuwei went directly to the Heavenly Palace Xiuwei with the cooperation of the double corrections of the world's great tragedy.

Although Suzaku is gone, it is even more important for Lin Waner to be with Gu Hai.

Not long ago, the ministers asked for Gushou to come to Wanshou Taoism, but Gu Hai brought only Lin Waner. After all, strictly speaking, Lin Wan'er is still the master of Wanshou Taoism. This generation is too good.

Gu Hai brought Lin Waner and found her directly!

In the Temple of Heaven. I made a cup of tea for the two.

"Gu Hai, I heard that you got the power of Dongling Huohai and killed Zhu Qiqi?" Xu stared at Gu Hai, an accident flashed in his eyes.

Gu Hai nodded his head: "Coincidentally, oh, have you restored the memory of Master Tongtian? Intercept Tongtian!"

Frown frowns slightly.

"I know that you are you, and Jedi Tongtian is Jedi Tongtian, but if you restore your memory, you should also know what the other six immortals do not know!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

I was silent for a while, and finally nodded: "I've seen Jie Tongtong's memory, but I'm me!"

"It is truly extraordinary that you alone are the masters of the two heavenly masters, but they are independent of each other, but you should also know what our real threat is?" Said Gu Hai Shen.

铩 Slightly silent: "卅?"

"Dongling Huohai, the six Suzaku Supremes were rampant pets in the past. They were so angry, but suddenly they said nothing about Zhu Qiqi's death? I asked, six of them were petting Zhu Qiqi. No, but do n’t listen now? Only one person can suppress their hatred. Do n’t guess, you know who it is! ”Gu Haishen said.

"You mean, I have contacted them?" Frown frowned.

Gu Hai nodded slightly.

"The six immortals will be out in two years. As you say, I will soon appear, haha, this world is really going to be a mess!" Wu said slightly silently.

"Well, six immortals? They are terrible, but not terrible!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Huh?" I looked at Gu Hai doubtfully.

"They are powerful, they are number one in the world, and they are terrible. But they also have something to fear. They are afraid of losing everything, so they are harsh and oppressive to the people, but the greater the oppression, the greater their resistance. Isn't it?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Gu Hai, you're really brave!" 铩 looked strangely at Gu Hai.

"It's not me who is so courageous, nor are you so? Never count on others. Being strong is the key!" Gu Hai Shen said.

I was silent and nodded.

"Although you and I are not afraid of the uncle and the Six Immortals, their strength is, after all, too strong. Here I have a request!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Oh?" I looked at Gu Hai doubtfully.

"I have four Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Dahan. I have a little practice and I am very obsessed with Kendo. But now I am facing a bottleneck and I am not moving forward. I want them to follow you. Please give me some advice. Just be your swordsman! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Jianshi?" He frowned.

When Gu Hai waved his hand, four figures were summoned from the ancient immortal sky.

Zhang Sanfeng, Dugu seeking defeat, the East undefeated, Simon blowing snow!

"Meet the Holy!" The four held their swords and worshiped Gu Hai respectfully.

"Meet the Queen!" The four also worshiped Lin Waner.

Lin Waner smiled slightly, sitting still without talking.

"I have seen the Master of Qinglian Sword!"

"Oh? It's you?" I unexpectedly said.

The four stood side by side. Although in the ancient fairy sphere, there were one hero and one guru, the four still knew that there were heaven and people outside.

"Have you reached the peak of the Heavenly Palace?" Wu said in surprise.

"The four of them have good talents, but after all, I can't consolidate the sword spirit. I have limited achievements in Kendo, and can only come to ask you for help!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Speaking of which, I realized Wu Jian and was inspired by them!" Shen Shen said.

"Although the four of them are the four ministers of the Dahan Foreign Affairs Department, you can rest assured that I can now promise that they will never be allowed to wield swords against Wanshou Taoism. Kendo, your achievement is the pinnacle, although some strong men are difficult But, I hope you can understand! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

铩 Silent for a while, and finally nodded: "I know what you mean, huh, there, I have lost sight of the portal, and the harm of ,, has done everything. Once I come back, I don't know if I can survive! Why cherish the broom? "

"So, did you agree?" Gu Hai's eyes brightened.

"Yes, the four of you will follow me in the future. I try to give pointers, but everything depends on your understanding!" 铩 solemnly said.

"Thank you Qinglian Sword Master!" The four eyes were bright.

Although the four of them have their own kendo, they are unable to consolidate their swords, but they seem to have reached the end. Now there are people who have stepped out of the swords and are willing to give pointers. The four are naturally extremely excited.

"Okay, the four of you, will be here next to you, as their swordsman, so that you can practice!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Jianshi? No, if you don't give up, worship at my door!" 铩 solemnly said.

Gu Hai looked for a moment, accidentally looked at him, and then suddenly wanted to understand, he told himself that he would do his best.

"There is work!" Gu Hai thanked.

"Practice Zhang Sanfeng, meet Master!"

"A disciple seeks defeat, meets Master!"

"The disciples are undefeated in the east, see Master!"

"Disciple Simon blows snow and meets Master!"

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