Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 118: Divide the world between the sun

Heavenless Capital! Cupola!

The Manchu dynasty was martial arts, and Gong Li stood on both sides of the court. Gu Hai was wearing a black silk robe with a flat crown, sitting on a dragon chair, holding the arms of the dragon chair with both hands, overlooking the ministers.

There is a quiet silence in the cupola.

Manchu monarchs and ministers all looked at the four people in the center of the hall. Two wore gold robes and two wore purple robes, each holding a tray at the moment. On the tray, there were scrolls and a seal.

"Eight Emperor Emperors, would like to worship the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom and hope that Dahan ’s holy gratitude will be honored!"

"Yinzong of Surabaya, would like to worship Zonghan in the Dahan heaven, and hope that Dahan ’s holy gratitude will be honored!"

"Liuhe Emperor Dynasty, would like to worship the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, and hope that Dahan may be gracious!"

"Baoxiang Zong, I would like to worship Zonghan in the Dahan heaven and hope that Dahan will be gracious!"

The masters of the four forces stood up and drank, holding trays in their hands, paying respects to the ancient sea.

This is a sacred moment, different from the major forces that have been conquered in the past. These four people will be a benchmark, a benchmark for the leaders of the major forces in the world.

The ministers were solemn, but the ancient sea was extremely solemn, and even stood up from the dragon chair and slowly walked towards the Lord of the Four Powers.

"I am honored to have four people in the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom. Here, I thank the four of you, and I have been born in the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty as early as possible. I have accepted the national scriptures of the four, and since then, the four The people are the people of Dahan, and from now on, the four will be named the Marquis of the Eight Wildlands, the Marquis of Surabaya, the Marquis of Liuhe, the Marquis of the Bodhisattva, and the Marquis of the Elephant. Look forward to working with you to create the great peace Gu Hai gave a small gift to the four.

Gu Hai really wanted to thank the four people. The four came first to show their absolute sincerity. In this way, the conquest of the four major forces will be extremely smooth, and their people will not suffer.

Moreover, the arrival of four people is equivalent to adding hundreds of cities to the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty, and the Dahan National Games is naturally more prosperous.

Therefore, the four leaders, Gu Hai, were awarded to the Marquis from the beginning. The Marquis has three ranks, up, down, down. Just one step away from the marquis, you can become the Duke.

In the Dahan dynasty, there were countless matters on both the yin and yang sides. Naturally, there are countless opportunities to build a career, and the strength of the four is extremely outstanding. The promotion to the Duke is just around the corner.

The ancient seas took over the four national books one by one. The **** of the ancient sea flashed a divine light in his eyes.


Deep in the sea of ​​luck, a dragon yin spreads to the world. At the same time, the four major forces facing the capital and the Zongmen altar, the lucky Jinlong suddenly wailed, and then broke apart.

Fortunately, he was rushing towards Dahan Tianchao.

"Congratulations to the Eight Wastelands, Surabaya Hou, Liuhe Hou, and Baoxiang Hou!" The congratulators congratulated the four.

Gu Hai immediately said something to the four, thanking the four for entering the DPRK.

When they came, there was still some resistance in the hearts of the four, but when they formally worshiped the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, the cricket was gone.

Gu Hai can treat himself well, which is already the best gain.

Although there are countless perseverances in mind, this is the situation. Otherwise, it is abandoning the country for casual repair or being beheaded by Yuan Shizun. Joining Dahan Tianchao is already the best result.

Moreover, the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom had a group of people who had completed the Tiangong Palace. What else could they be proud of?

The world is no longer the world in the past. Today, the top group is no longer willing to be lonely, and the heroes are fighting. Who can resist? In a troubled world, it is a good thing to have a big backer.

After the sealing, Gu Hai hosted a banquet to entertain the four grandpas who had just entered the DPRK. In a very harmonious and extremely solemn environment, Guhai communicated with the four grandpas. How can they receive the four forces as soon as possible? Cooperate.

Just after less than a day, the four great princes also brought a large number of Dahan officials to the four major forces to accept hundreds of cities.

Beginning this day, Dahan Tianchao was busy again.

Sima Changkong was transferred from the underworld and cooperated with Chen Tianshan to receive the major cities.

The Dahan dynasty was a celebration, only Chen Tianshan, looking bitterly at the ancient sea.

"Holy, how can this be good, the people raised by Chen Chao are not enough!" Chen Tianshan smiled bitterly.

"The officials of the four major forces, transferred to each other, and replaced officials, can still reduce some management burden!" Gu Hai laughed.

"The minister knows, but it is not enough. Although the officials of the four major forces can be broken up, they can then be transferred to other places to manage the city. However, after all, my dahan's cronies are needed, but the minister is too late, I Dahan has opened Enke several times, but it ’s too late. My Dahan has developed too fast. The cities that I have conquered before have not been completely straightened out. Now, come again? These four forces are just the beginning. Next, there must be a lot, there aren't enough people! "Chen Tianshan smiled bitterly.

"Dahan is indeed developing too fast!" Gu Hai nodded.

"It is the incompetence of the ministers that can not recruit more talents to loyal to Dahan, so that now, the great opportunity is stretched out!" Chen Tianshan said bitterly.

"I can't blame you. This is the case in most of the dynasties in the past. It is not possible to expand the territory in a short time. The talent reserve and loyalty are the key. The Dahan Heavenly Development is too fast, the talent reserve is small, and it is normal. There is a solution! "Gu Hai laughed.

"Oh? Is there a way?" Chen Tianshan puzzled.

The ancient sea threw a big sleeve, and took Chen Tianshan to a sway, disappeared in place, and reached the ancient fairy dome.

Ancient fairy dome, on a vast square.

At this moment, millions of people were standing in front of the square, all wearing Confucian robes, standing very respectfully.

As soon as the ancient sea appeared, the head of the Confucian people seemed to have some officials-like people quickly came forward.

"See God!" The officials respectfully said.

"Meet God!" One million Confucian men suddenly worshiped respectfully.

"This is it?" Chen Tianshan said blankly.

"Taking into consideration the development of Dahan, there will definitely be a shortage of talents. But one day, ten years of the ancient fairy tale, I have already sent people to pass down the management, and sent people to gather talents from all directions. All those who are wise and loyal will remain. Great use. This is the first batch of 3.2 million bachelors. They all have experience in managing the city and the army. They are all over 100 years of management experience. Look at these people. Is it enough? If it is not enough, there is a second Approve, the third! "Gu Hai laughed.

"This, this, this ........." Chen Tianshan suddenly burst into tears.

These days, in order to recruit management talents, I have already made a lot of hair, and it turns out that things that I feel incomprehensible are not things before the Holy Spirit. Your Majesty has long thought about everything.

"Holy Saint, the mediocre people disturbed themselves!" Chen Tianshan smiled suddenly.

"One day in the outside world and ten years in the interior, you send someone to come in and give a short training to these 3.2 million bachelors, and then go to different posts!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Yes, yes, he will live up to the expectations of the Holy Ghost!" Chen Tianshan said excitedly.

Above the square, there are 3.2 million bachelors. At this moment, there is also a burst of excitement. Obviously, I still yearn for the so-called 'fairy world'. My own world is the world of God. Outside our small world, there is also the fairy world. God is here. There is still a huge foundation in Fairyland. Now, do you choose talents to rise to Fairyland?

All of them are ambitious and want to perform well.

Chen Tianshan went out and quickly recruited a large group of officials to help sort out 3.2 million bachelors. Then they continuously sent out the ancient fairy immortal and were sent to the world.

The Eight Emperor Emperor Dynasty, the Liuhe Emperor Dynasty, the Surabaya Yinzong, and the Baoxiangzong joined the Dahan Dynasty, and the news instantly spread to the ears of the great forces in Shenzhou.

Not only these four major forces, but also five major forces joined the Dalai Lama.

For a time, the masters of countless forces turned angry.

"A bunch of cartilage, what are you afraid of? Or the emperor of the dynasty, the emperor, if there is no ambition to open up the world, what kind of emperor?"

"My foundation, how can I help people? Even if I die, I will not be cheaper to others!"




All kinds of opposition sounded in the world, and even, a trend against Wanshou Taoism was also emerging.

Of course, just talking about it, no one dares to go to Wanshou Taoism to challenge.

Regardless of the voice of the world, with the beginning of several forces, there are successive forces willing to join Dahan and Dahan.

Ten days is not very long. Once ten days have passed, Yuanshi Tianzun is about to massacre.

Now entering the two dynasties, the greatest number of seals were obtained.

Gu Hai and Qiang did not force everyone, they would come if they wanted to, even if they didn't want to. Because, one after another, forces are surrendering, and they have no time to accept them. How can there be time to manage those opposing forces?

Dahan is providing refuge and saving you. If you don't know what to do, you can only blame yourself.

The Great Emperor Tianchao has the foundations of the Great Yan Tianchao. Although it is difficult to receive the major forces, it is acceptable.

However, Dahan Tianchao made countless forces incomprehensible. After all, Dahan was only established for decades. It was not the Tianchao that was founded for decades, but the Dahan dynasty. It was only a few decades. This dynasty was just established.

Where did Gu Hai find so many management talents? Really evil door, and all of them are extremely skilled and capable.

The imperial dynasty and zhongzongmen joined one after another, and some lords of the dynasty and xiazongmen, although they did not go to the 'Unification of the Universe of the World', also knew that this was true. Yuanshi Tianzun has already preached the Lord of all influences, should he keep it?

Those imperial dynasties and Zhongzong gates bowed their heads. This dynasty and Xiazong gates could not be kept at all. They were unable to participate in the unified world conference, which was not even qualified.

Da Han's Jin Yiwei is near each dynasty and Xiazongmen. Jin Yiwei came to ask a question. Many small forces have already chosen to join the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty.

The Dahan Heavenly Dynasty and the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty were extremely humane. All forces that bowed to their subjects never competed for their wealth. This is also an important condition for the major forces to be willing to surrender.

For ten days, the entire land of Shenzhou was undergoing earth-shaking changes. Except for a few forces that remained stubbornly resisting, most of them had found their loyalty targets.

Fortunately, he rushed towards Honghuang City and the borderless sky.

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