Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 119: The nine kings

An extremely secret place! The sky was gloomy. There was a hint of strange red light. There is a huge city below, with the words "Underground Blood City" standing on the entrance of the city.

The city has no walls, only this solitary tower, which looks extremely out of bounds. The four sides are wrapped in a thick mist of fog, the color of which is special, like a colorful color, surrounding the entire giant city.

Hei Wuchang took Wu Shangtianmo to the gate of the underground blood city. It seems a little embarrassed, I wonder if I should go in general.

"Second, are you here? I feel a weird breath that makes my hairs stand upright!" Wu said with an ugly face.

"Here, the underground blood city is in front!" Hei Mochang frowned.

"Is there anyone better than us? Why is my heart bursting?" Wu Shangtianmo worried.

Hei Wuchang shook his head: "Greater than us? Not necessarily, but the curse of the blood witch's veins is likely to make us follow, so we must be careful!"

"Okay, I listen to you! But, it's too quiet here, right?" Wu Shangtianmo said silently.

There was no one at the gate of the city.

"Hey hey hey, who said no one? Underground Blood City, there have been no outsiders for several years, can come to Underground Blood City, it seems that there are only old friends, I do not know who it is?" A very ghostly old man The voice came.

However, I saw an old hump-backed humpback man suddenly appearing at the entrance to the underground blood city. The old hump-backed man was holding a snake-head crutch in his hand.

The old man with a humpback was extremely ugly, but he also carried a sly wicked smile.

"Two came from afar, can you report the name?" The humpbacked old man smiled grimly.

"My name is ...!" Wu Shangtianmo was about to speak.

"Shut up!" Hei Mochang stopped drinking suddenly.

"Uh?" Wu hurt Tianmo's face blanked.

"The name can't be disclosed casually, especially the underground blood city. If you reveal the name, they can begin to curse your name!" Hei Wuchang whispered.

"Ah?" Wu Shangtian's face changed suddenly, and he was frightened for a while.

If in the past, Wu Shangtianmo didn't care about cursing, but since he suffered a big loss in his hands, he would never dare to underestimate cursing.

"Under the black, this is Wu! Your Excellency is the guide of the underground blood city?" Hei Wuchang solemnly said.

"Oh? It seems that the two know the rules here!" The humpbacked old man laughed.

"There is a million top-quality spirit stones in it, which is counted as the way-finding cost!" Hei Wuchang threw away a storage bracelet.

The old man with a humpback took it, looked at it, and suddenly his eyes brightened.

"That's right, that's right, one million top-quality spirits, it's really extraordinary to be a guide, who do you want to see?" The humpbacked old man was polite.

"I want to see the Lord of the Underground Blood City, nine kings!" Hei Wuchang solemnly said.

"Oh? Nine Kings? Oh, Your Excellency! You know, the price to see the Nine Kings?" The humpbacked old man sneered.

"I've made enough preparations, each with 100 million top-quality spirits, and countless treasures and gifts!" Hei Wuchang explained.

"Oh, I know a lot about the rules. Regardless of the nine kings who can't make a shot, the etiquette cannot be abolished! You come to the underground blood city, what's the matter?" The humpbacked old man was surprised.

"Underground blood city rules, take money to do business, my brother, two curses, want to invite nine kings, use Jiuding, shatter the curse. Save my brother!" Hei Wuchang solemnly said.

"Oh, the nine kings are so good to invite? You still want to invite nine, it's impossible, I can recommend one for you at most!" The humpbacked old man said coldly.

"I have studied this curse. One king may not be enough. Nine kings must be gathered!" Hei Wuchang shook his head.

"When you reach the Underground Blood City, you have to follow the rules here. What I say is what, if you don't want it, please do it!" The humpbacked old man said coldly.

Hei Wuchang was slightly silent, and Wu Shangtianmo also changed his face and seemed to be angry.

But at this moment, a sudden voice came out from the lantern on the crutch of the humpbacked old man.

"Come here, no guest!"

A rather young voice came out of the lantern, and the humpbacked old man's face changed, and he suddenly knelt down with a 噗噗 通.

"Master, forgive me! His subordinates only act in accordance with the rules of the underground ghost city." The humpbacked old man said in horror.

The black impermanence on the opposite side was suddenly surprised. You must know that in the past, the underground blood city was under the control of the nine kings. However, the role of the **** of guidance is not low. If you see the nine kings, you do n’t need to bow. What happened? A voice scared him to his knees?

"The rules also depend on the time. These two, one is Wu Shangtian, the demon sacred place, the person closest to the perfection of the gods, the other is the impermanence of the black gods, the gods have been fulfilled, and you come here, but you push back and forth? If he wants to Kill you, just in one thought! "The voice in the lantern came again.

"I don't know the slave, I don't know the slave, the master forgives him!"

"Bring them to me, I have informed the nine kings and brought Jiuding here!" The voice in the lantern came again.

"Yes, master!" The old humpback horrified.

The black impermanence on the opposite side has changed his face. Is there a new owner in this underground blood city? All nine kings listen to his orders?

There was no sound in the lantern. After a while, the old man with a humpback dared to get up.

Looking at the two, the humpbacked old man respectfully said: "Two, how much offend, please come with me!"

Hei Wuchang was silent for a moment, nodded, and led Wu Shangtian Mo to the old man with a humpback towards the city gate.


The gate opened suddenly, and the three walked towards the inside. When entering the city, Hei Wuchang was extremely silent.

"Second, what was the owner of the Underground Blood City just now that you broke my identity?" Wu Tiantianmo worried.

"Since it's here, don't think too much!" Hei Wuchang sank.

"Huh!" Wu Tiantian nodded his head.

Once in the city, it is a street.

On the street, there are a large number of beggars. Each of these beggars has a sore face and is very embarrassed, but the body is blushing with a touch of blue and green.

Black impermanence is cognition. These people are also those who practice the curse. They are also those who are cursed. They have no money to ask people to solve the curse. They can only be reduced to beggars and begs for some alms. Put a layer of oil on it, and curse you if you don't give it. The last time I came, I sent these beggars, but spent a lot of money. Here again?

"Master, have pity on me!"

"Master, give alms!"




When the beggars saw the outsiders, they jumped up with great excitement. At the same time, some cursing poisonous gas erupted from the body surface, pouring toward the black impermanence and Wu Shangtian.

"Presumptuous!" The humpbacked elder stood on crutches.


All cursed air was instantly dispersed.

"This is the host's guest, who dares to be rude?" The hump-backed old man groaned.


A crowd of beggars avoided the panic.

A group of three people walked towards the city. Everyone else in the city seemed to have heard the words of the humpbacked old man, and rushed to avoid them. Some shops even closed the shops quickly.

The subject's panic attitude confuses Hei Wuchang. Because Hei Wuchang understands, this group of people is not afraid of themselves, but the master of the underground blood city. Who is it? Make these cursed people so scared?

The humpbacked old man led the way. After entering the city, he flew to the depths of the city, a large edge of the sea of ​​blood.

The sea of ​​blood tumbling, as if there were monsters dormant at the bottom of the sea of ​​blood. There is a palace group on the edge of the sea of ​​blood. The three came to one of the largest halls, the name of which was 'Blood Witch Hall'!

In the Blood Witch Palace, nine men wearing dragon robes stood respectfully at this moment, one by one, looking gloomily at the sudden Hei Wuchang and Wu hurting the demon.

"Nine Kings?" Hei Wuchang was surprised.

You know, I did n’t see all the nine kings last time. At this moment, all nine kings are here? The nine kings, one person in charge and one tripod, the nine are gathered together, isn't the nine tripod all together? Your own business, too smooth, right?

"Master, people have arrived!" The humpbacked old man respectfully said.

There was no one else in the hall, but the humpbacked old man knelt extremely reverently.

Hei Mochang carefully looked around, and finally found a creature on the roof, a dark bat hanging upside down.

The bat's eyes glowed red, looking into the hall.

"Heavenly Sacred Place, Black Impermanence, I've seen the Lord of the Underground Blood City!" Hei Wuchang solemnly said.

The bat on the roof flapped its wings.

"Is he cursed?" The bat's voice sounded again from the master.

"Yes, I am tired of the city owner. The curse in Wu hurting the demon is extremely strange. I tried to crack it many times, but I couldn't solve it!" Hei Wuchang respectfully said.

"Well, you go and see for yourself!" The city owner said lightly.

The nine kings looked at each other, and one of them suddenly said, "Master Wang, you traveled the world a few years ago, and you know a lot about the outside world. You should check it first!"

The nine kings nodded. One of them stepped forward slowly, towards Wu hurting the demon.

"Master Wang? There is work!" Hei Wuchang solemnly said.

"There is work!" Wu Shangtianmo also took great care.

"Sit down, let me see!" King Jue solemnly said.

Wu Tiantian suddenly sat cross-legged.

"Wu hurts the demon, you are arrogant, I am not as good as you. Later, I will use a curse to enter your body to investigate, you do not resist, otherwise, once the counterattack, I will even be seriously injured!" King Dao said again.

"Rest assured, I'll treat me as dead!" Wu Tiantianmo nodded.

King Xi closed his eyes, and a golden light poured into the body of Wu Tiantian. Wu Tiantianmon's whole body suddenly felt itchy and wanted to resist, but after all, he put up with it.

King Xi closed his eyes, and seemed to feel the power of his curse. When the cursing force rushed to the broken arm, the great king suddenly trembled and burst into sweat.

There was a quiet surrounding, but no one dared to bother.

When the cursing force surged to Wu Shangtian's blindness, another backlash was produced, and the great king shivered.


A spit of blood squirted, and the king opened his eyes suddenly: "The curse of the ancestor?"

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