Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 120: Jiuding Captures God

"The curse of the ancestors?"

The nine kings all changed their faces.

"The first ancestor? What is the first ancestor?" Hei Wuchang frowned.

The nine kings' faces suddenly sank, and they looked at the impermanence together.

"Who did you offend? How could there be a curse of the ancestors? Such curses have been hardly cast before the appearance of the witch tribe." King Wu frowned.

"I don't know. His name is Jiu, what Jiuyin Zongzong is, I don't know anything else!" Wu Shangtian Mo shook his head.

"Well?" The nine kings were all puzzled, and apparently they had never heard of it.

"You just saw the curse, can you unblock it?" Hei Wuchang asked again.

King Xi looked at them dutifully, and then looked at the bat hanging upside down from the roof beam.

"The first ancestor? This is rare, and it rarely appeared in ancient times! This is a powerful opponent!" The place of the bat gave a deep drink.

"Can you untie it?" Hei Mochang frowned.

"Untied can be untied, because Jiuding is also the first ancestor. However, the cost of untied is not small, and the broken curse, we may complain about it, but it is ...!" Bat said lightly.

"Let's be honest, how much will it cost to unlock Wu's curse!" Hei Wuchang said lightly.

The hall fell into silence. The bat did not speak, and the nine kings did not dare to intervene. After a while, the bat said again: "Three hundred billion top-grade spirit stones, a white tiger divine wind, a twelve peaks of the Lord of Heaven's Holy Land. . "

One opening was 300 billion top-quality spirits. Even the nine kings were shocked. This seaport was too large. However, the owner spoke, and no one dared to intervene.

Wu Shangtian's demon opened his mouth in surprise, and Hei Mochang was silent for a while, apparently shocked by the price of the bat.

"How?" Bat said lightly.

Hei Wuchang was silent for a while, and finally said, "Good Blood City Lord, you know all the homes I brought?"

"Whether you succeed or not, consider it for yourself!" Bat said lightly.

"Well, no amount of storage is more important than Wu Shangtianmo. I can give it all to you, but Wu Shangtianmo must undo the curse!" Hei Wuchang said in a deep voice.

"Throw into the sea of ​​blood next to you. Unleash the curse immediately!" Bat murmured.

Hei Mochang stepped out of the hall and turned around.

A mountain-like spirit stone plunged into the sea of ​​blood.


The sea of ​​blood immediately set off a huge wave, and in the sea of ​​blood, the dormant monsters, like a commotion, were swallowing the giant spirit stone quickly.


With a loud noise, the sea of ​​blood suddenly burst into the hundreds of millions of red lights, seeming to reveal a strange gas.

Above the beams of the Blood Witch Palace, the bat suddenly burst into blood, as if connected to the sea of ​​blood.

"Really comfortable, 300 billion top-grade spirit stones, finally restored some physical strength in previous years!" Bat unknowingly **.

But this subconscious word changed Wu's injury to Tianmo and Hei Mochang's face.

Restore old energy? 300 billion top-quality spirits? Do you know how many 10,000 years it will take to collect so many spirit stones? 300 billion top-quality spirits, 300 billion!

In addition to the 300 billion top-grade spirit stones, there is a ray of white tiger divine wind, and the molting shell of the twelve peaks of the Lord of the Heavens Demon is thrown into the sea of ​​blood and slowly goes silent.

"Well, it's due, I've given it, now, let go of Wu's curse!" Hei Wuchang said in a deep voice.

"Nine Kings, solve the curse!" Cried the bat.

"Yes!" Nine Kings answered.

Nine people each took out a huge bronze tripod, which suddenly took nine directions, and surrounded Wu Tiantian in the middle.


The nine kings urged quickly, and Jiuding seemed to appear like a blue light, heading directly to the center of Wu Shangtian's demon head, condensing a virtual shadow of a glorious giant Ding.

"Town!" The Nine Kings drove together.

That glaring giant tripod suddenly fell from the sky, slamming Wu Wutian demons fiercely.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, the whole Blood Witch Temple was shocked, but Wu Jintian's body had a golden light, blocking the Qingguang Juding.

"What?" The Nine Kings was surprised.

"Not unlocked?" Wu Shangtian anxiously said.

"The curse of the ancestors? Really extraordinary, Jiuding failed to break open? Come again, Jiuding exists as the ancestor, and then break, use your blood!" Cried Bat.

"What? Master, with all our heart and soul, we will lose vitality!" Exclaimed King Wu.

The nine kings all showed panic.

"Don't understand me?" Bat said coldly.

"Yes!" Nine Kings excitedly nodded.

"Oh!" "Oh!" .........

The nine kings suddenly vomited blood to the nine giant tripods, but they saw that the color of the nine giant tripods slowly showed nine monster graphics.

They are 狴 犴, prison cow, 貔貅, 饕餮, 睚眦, 睚眦, 狻猊, 霸 下, 赑 屃, and 螭 螭! Nine Big Beasts!

"Kowloon tripod?" Hei Wuchang looked at.

Juding emerged from the nine beasts, and the nine beasts seemed to be alive.


One loud roar again. Dingkou each spit a **** breath, gathered in the center, and condensed a **** giant tripod.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The **** giant tripod slammed down, and the golden light from Wu Shangtian's body surface exploded and burst open.

"Alas, alas, alas ........."

Jiuding fell to the ground, and the nine kings suddenly fell pale and sat on the ground. He breathed heavily, apparently just consuming too much.

"I can see my eyes, and my arm bones are connected? My second child, my curse is okay, no, hey, I still have some pain!" Wu Shangtian Mo called.

Although I saw it, my eyes and arms were still painful.

"The pain is normal. The curse on your body is broken, but there are still some residual curse breaths. These are not a concern. You will stay in the underground blood city for a while. The nine kings will help you get rid of it!" Road.

"Okay, thank you very much!" Wu Shangtianmo laughed.

The nine kings detectives put away their respective giant tripods, sat cross-legged, and adjusted their breath. Obviously the consumption was too great just now, and they were still pale at the moment.

"Thank you, Lord!" He impermanently said.

Although the cost was not small this time, the curse was finally lifted.

"The cursing technique, taking human lives hundreds of millions of miles away, has great power. This time we unravelled the curse, it was offended. I do n’t know how he will retaliate, so you do n’t have to worry about what you just gave!" .

"That's natural!" Hei Mocao nodded.

"However, speaking of it, the other party didn't want to hurt Wu Tiantian magic, otherwise, it would not be so simple to blindly break his arm!" Bat said lightly.

"Oh? What do you mean, I can kill Wu hurt by cursing?" Hei Wuchang was surprised.

"Ancestral curse, do you know to what extent? As long as the gods are not complete, you can't stand it. If you want to live, you will live. If you die, you will die. You will come to us. People can solve it. This is also the other party did not want to hurt Wu Tiantian devil, we dare to take it, otherwise, the ancestor curse, we do not want to provoke! "Bat chanted.

"Wait, you said just now, the cursing technique can take human lives hundreds of thousands of miles away, and the gods can't stand it when they are consummate?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Bat wondered.

"Here you take the money and provide disaster relief. If I wanted to ask you to help me kill someone?" Hei Wuchang said in a deep voice.

"Kill? Oh, the cost of killing is not small, who do you want to kill?" Bat said lightly.

"Dahan Tianchao, Guhai! Can you curse him?" Heichangchang expected.

"Ancient sea?" The bat cried abruptly.

"Oh? Your tone, as if you know him?" Hei Wuchang wondered.

The bat said indifferently, "I don't know him, it has nothing to do with you, curse the ancient sea? Yes, but the cost can be much more than just now!"

"Can it really be cursed?" Heichangchang was surprised.

Most of the twelve peak masters of the Heavenly Devil's Holy Land died because of the ancient sea. As the second child, Black Impermanence naturally has a deep hatred for the ancient sea.

"The Nine Kings, urging the curse of Jiuding, can also cast a‘ ancestral curse! ’It ’s huge!” Bat said lightly.

"Ancestral curse? That's great, you can help me curse the ancient sea, whatever the cost!" He Mouchang eyes brightened.

"Master, no, we just used our brains and cast the ancestor curse, we might die!" Exclaimed a great king.

"Yes, master, don't!" The Nine Kings cried at the same time.

"Shut up!" The bat sang.

The nine kings face was stiff, but the black impermanence was the bright eyes, because from the tone of the bat, he and Gu Hai also had hatred.

"Blood City Lord, what price do you want, though!" Hei Wuchang expected.

"This time, you have to dig into the free storage. The nine kings have just lost their vitality. First, they must make up the nine kings. Second, the price just now is ten times that!" Bat said lightly.

"What? Three trillion top-quality spirits? Here, where is there so much!" Hei Wuchang exclaimed.

"Well, if it weren't for the ancient sea, I would have to do more than that. The spirit stone is not enough. Use Lingbao to make up the numbers. You can go and discuss with Bai Zizuo. Come if you want, just don't want to!" Bat snorted.

"Uh? I'll report it to the Lord, but, how effective is your curse?" He Moanchang frowned.

"Jiuding wins the curse, you can tell Bai Zizuo, he knows how effective it is!" Bat said lightly.

"Jiuding captures the curse of God? At that time, the Supreme Dragon, died under this curse? Capture the god? I thought it died in the hands of the chief of the temple, which was the curse?" Hei Wuchang was an excitement.

"If it weren't for me and Gu Hai's grievances, your remuneration would not be enough to cast the Jiuding Mantra. You can tell Bai Zizuo, Wu Shangtian Mo will stay here for the time being, waiting for your news!" Bat said indifferently.

"Okay!" Hei Xianchang nodded.

In front of the shop, the humpbacked old man respectfully sent Hei Mochang out.

In the hall, the nine kings watched Hei impermanence leave, and when they heard the bat said that they should make up for their losses, the nine kings sighed in secret, which is better.

Only King Ye, at this moment his brows were locked deep, his eyes changed for a while, because King Ye knew the ancient sea, and before the seal was released in the past, he had also received the favor of the ancient sea.

King Wu said nothing.

"From now on, the underground blood city is blocked, no one is allowed to go out, this one is talking about anyone!" Bat said coldly.

"Yes!" Nine Kings answered.

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