Evil Dragon: The baby dragon I picked up always wants to be the empress

Chapter 248 The Queen of the Blood Tribe: My name is Lance. Lance: Your name is Lance, what is mine?

Not willing?

The three-headed demon dragon's crimson vertical pupils showed a look of displeasure for an instant, and the aura on his body became violent at a certain moment, although it was fleeting.

She sighed in her heart and became furious because of her incompetence. The dragon man opposite had the right to say "no" to her.

She is a demon king, and the dragon-man opposite is also a demon king. He is still a famous demon king more than two thousand years ago. Now, he has returned after more than two thousand years, and he is many times stronger than he was two thousand years ago.

If she were an ordinary dragon, she could ignore the other person's wishes and take him away by force. As for whether the other person would like her and marry her, she didn't have to care at all.

The dragon man in front of me is not good enough. If you ignore his wishes, you may be deposed as the [Demon King] by him.

"Wouldn't it be better for us to join forces? You are a dragon, and there must be demon dragon blood flowing in your body. I am a pure-blooded demon dragon, or a demon king. If we combine, the offspring we will give birth to will be stronger.

By then, our children might be able to make us, the Demonic Dragon Clan, a royal family again. I don’t understand, why would you refuse something that is not harmful to you or us? "

"Because I don't want to live so tiredly."

"Being on an equal footing with those royal families in the abyss, and becoming the king of the demonic dragon family, doesn't that appeal to you at all?"

Lance shook his head: "It doesn't matter to me now. When I am old, it may be a bit attractive. When I was young, I could live longer if I was more cunning and calculating.

When I live to old age, I will start my passionate old age life. At that time, I can beat the old and the young together. "

Stable and mature when young.

When he is old, he is arrogant and domineering.

This kind of dragon life is meaningful.

The three-headed demon dragon is dull and the demon king of the abyss is majestic. They all take advantage of their youth to kill everyone. They believe in becoming famous as early as possible.

Why did he change when he arrived at the Black Lotus Demon King?

Start a passionate life in old age?

At that age, the vitality and blood begin to decline, and the strength begins to decline. If you have nothing but enthusiasm and no matching strength, how can you still be qualified to compete with the younger generation.


The life span of dragon people is not many years.

The Black Lotus Demon King became famous more than two thousand years ago. In other words, the Black Lotus Demon King who has lived for more than two thousand years has now entered his old age?

It doesn't look like it.

In his later years, his Qi and blood would not be so strong.

"Are you already in the ranks of [elderly] now?"

"Well, I won't live long, so I want to find the dragon cub as soon as possible and let her inherit everything from me."

"Let her inherit everything from you?" The three-headed demon dragon's scarlet vertical pupils showed a look of astonishment, "Is she your daughter?"


The three-headed demon dragon was struck by lightning. She was the demon king. She had never even been in love. Finally, she found a dragon man that she liked (suspected to have evolved into a pure-blood demon dragon). It turned out that he already had a daughter.

"I understand, let me help you."

"You don't need to leave your territory. I just hope that you can notify me when she enters your territory."

"How can I contact you?"

"Projection communicator."

"I don't."


Loss of blood.

The dragon cub didn't find it, so he put in a projection communicator first.

Forget it, just think of it as a reward for the three-headed dragon.

The three-headed demon dragon did not know how to use the projection communication protocol, so Lance taught her how to use it and also entered his own projection communication account into it.

The three-headed magic dragon sat next to Lance, studying hard, but occasionally looking at Lance who was explaining the instructions to her in trance.

Projection communicators need to be traded with the royal family in the city to obtain them.

There are demon kings in chaotic and disorderly places, some have them, some don't.

As a pure-blooded three-headed dragon, she had no need for this item, so she never went to the royal family in the city to buy it.

If she really wanted it, she would just grab it.

Let her pay?

Absolutely impossible.

"May I have your name?"


"It has been set up for you. There are only a few functions. It is easy to operate. If you try it a few times, you will soon become proficient. Find my dragon cub and contact me directly using this."

"I'm still a little unskilled, please explain it to me again."

"It's okay to explain it to you, but can you stop sticking it to me?"

"My hearing is not very good, so I have to be close to hear clearly."


Lance explained to the three-headed demon dragon Agulola late into the night.

The three-headed demon dragon Agurola wanted Lance to stay at her place for one night, but Lance refused. He was afraid that the three-headed demon dragon would not be able to control himself and do something excessive to him.

Of course, what he is really afraid of is himself.

As a pure-blooded black dragon, all kinds of greed and desires have always existed. If the three-headed demon dragon Agulola is too proactive and inspires his suppressed desires, at that moment, the black dragon's nature will explode, and the three-headed demon dragon Agulola will definitely regret it.

There is already an aura in the abyss that can influence and inspire the desires of living beings.

At the moment when desire arises, this kind of breath will take advantage of it and infinitely amplify the weak desire in the body.

At that time, his desire will be stronger than ever.

There is only one time and countless times to release one's own natural desires.

Especially in the abyss, when desires and desires come together, whoever dares to tease him will be in trouble.

Because he might be affected by the special power of the Demon God of Lust.

There are seven demon gods in the abyss.

The powers of these seven demon gods symbolize the seven original sins.

It is rumored that their original sin power is escaping throughout the abyss.

This rumor is not groundless, because the breath of the abyss is indeed [turbid] than the breath of the human world.

[turbidity] does not mean that the breath of the abyss is dirty.

It means that the atmosphere here is very messy and not as clear as the human world.

The kind of breath that can infinitely amplify the desires in the heart is actually very clean and pure.

In Lance's mind, the legendary power of the Demon God of Lust was no different from the power of other gods.

Clean, pure and powerful.

The reason why the Demon God of Lust is feared by the gods in the divine world is probably because the power of the Demon God of Lust can easily inspire the desires deep in the hearts of most gods.

At around one o'clock in the morning, Lance left the territory of the three-headed demon dragon Agulola.

At around three o'clock in the morning, Lance, who was flying to the forbidden city, encountered a huge pink bat.

The moment its wingspan stretched out, the pink bat was at least nearly ten meters tall. Such a big bat hung upside down under a huge ancient tree facing the blood moon.

Inhaling the blood moon essence.

The moon in the abyss is blood red and has never changed.

The sun during the day is full of blood, which is different from that in the human world.

Lance originally wanted to sleep on this ancient tree for a while, but before he even got close to the ancient tree, he alerted the blood-red bats hanging upside down on the branches.

He was locked onto the blood-red bat, and he saw the desire to hunt in the scarlet pupils of the blood-red bat.

This blood-red bat wants to suck his blood.

As soon as he finished his thoughts, the blood-red bat turned into a scarlet light and swooped in front of him, wrapping him with its huge bat wings.

The big blood-red mouth opened and closed, probably because he was afraid of accidentally swallowing him.

Vampires only like to suck blood.

Blood-red smoke spread from the bat. When the blood-red smoke dissipated, a cold girl with a fair face and long blood-red hair appeared in front of Lance.

The girl's eyes were cold, her bare feet were suspended in the void, staring into Lance's eyes.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Do you think a creature that dares to come out in the early hours of the morning will be afraid of a little vampire?"

Lance looked at the vampire princess in front of him calmly.

The vampire princess Krastihra.

Damn it.

I just came to the abyss, and in less than three days, I have already met two familiar vampires.

Little vampire Tikki.

The Great Vampire Krastyhera.

The relationship between the Great Vampire and him is more complicated. To be precise, his relationship with all the members of the royal family of the abyss is more complicated.

They were classmates in the first year of school.

In his second year of school, he was their senior.

In the third year of school, he stood on the podium and gave lectures to them.

The royal family are very proud and cannot accept that they are inferior to a demon who is not even a high-ranking demon.

At that time, they were targeting him a lot.

In the days that followed, they held their breath and wanted to conquer him, a demon with excellent academic performance, and make him their dependent or subordinate.

The most outrageous thing is the big vampire Krastihera in front of him.

She wanted to embrace him as her daughter and let him call her mother

Therefore, when he can beat her upright, he will never show mercy.

"Then you can be scared now, because you met me."

The vampire princess Krastichla opened her mouth, lowered her head and bit Lance's neck.

She missed the bite and her chin was held by a hand.

He has some strength, quick reaction speed, and this dragon man is powerful enough.

"Sucking blood casually is not a good habit."

"There are not many demons who can make me have the desire to eat. Since you have given me this kind of thought, it proves that sucking your blood is good for me."

This ability of the vampires is too incredible.

Sucking the blood of the strong is indeed beneficial to the Vampires.

"I think you should give me some respect for an existence like me. To give me some face, how about you continue to absorb the blood moon essence, and I will continue on my way?"

"not so good."

The vampire princess Krastichla flew back a few steps, and the blood-colored bat wings turned into two blood-colored scimitars and attacked Lance.

Lance held his hands in his arms, and the dragon wings and the bloody bat wings were attacking behind him.

In an instant, there were flashes of swords and shadows, and cracks were cut in the void by their wings.

A look of astonishment flashed across Krastihera's scarlet eyes. No wonder it alarmed him. The strength of this dragon man was much stronger than she imagined.

She raised her hand, and a huge blood-red magic circle instantly appeared in the void.

Bloody thunder poured down from the magic circle.

A black lotus emerged from Lance's head, and all the bloody thunder that poured down was swallowed up by the black lotus.

"Thunder Gun!"

A battle spear surrounded by bloody thunder shot out from the center of the bloody magic circle, trying to penetrate the black lotus above Lance's head.

The blood-colored thunder war gun carried the surging and violent thunder power and shot into the black lotus, which was obliterated by the black mist that filled the black lotus.

Seeing this, Krastihra clenched her right hand gently, and the blood-red magic circle dissipated.

Demon King.

A demon king who emerged from a place of chaos and disorder.

He is also a powerful demon king.

"Why don't you fight?"

"If you keep fighting, I'm afraid you will be killed by me."

"I think it's more likely that you'll be captured alive by me."

"Do you want to see the ancestor-level blood curse?"

"Forget it, with my current ability, I can't catch the blood curse of the ancestor of your blood clan."

The blood curse of the Vampire clan is extremely lethal.

He has understood and even studied the blood curses of the vampires. To be honest, it is very difficult to kill vampires who master the blood curses.

There is [Rebirth with Blood] in the blood curse.

If you kill a blood ancestor, you can be resurrected as long as the blood essence of the blood ancestor has not completely disappeared.

Of course, you can still kill with a few more kills, but this requires being able to crush the opponent's strength.

Maybe the dragon cub can learn the blood curse of the vampire clan.

He improved it.

The blood curse of the Vampire Clan is actually only suitable for the Vampire Clan. Strong men from other races learn it, and the best result is to train themselves into a mutilated version of a vampire.

The result of bad pixels is explosion and death.

"May I have your name?"

"My name is Black Lotus, you can call me Black Lotus Demon King."

Lance originally wanted to tell Krastichla that his name was Sia, but the moment the word Sia was about to blurt out, he suddenly had a bad premonition, so he simply used Black Lotus.

Didn’t the three-headed demon dragon Agulola say that he is the [Black Lotus Demon King]?

Then use this name temporarily to deal with it.

If she told this big vampire now that his name was Lance, she would dare to fight him with blood spells.

After all, he got the vampire's blood curse from the young vampire and her.

"Why does the demon king in a chaotic and disorderly land appear in an area of ​​order and rule by the abyss royal family?"

"I want to make a deal with the Abyss Royal Family in exchange for some interesting things."

"Which royal family do you want to make a deal with?"

"We will make deals with whichever royal family we meet."

"what do you want to trade?"

"Projection communication protocol." Lance smiled and said, "What's your name?"


? ? ?

Did this guy guess his identity?

It's not like that. If she knew she was Lance, she wouldn't be able to communicate with him so calmly.

Sure enough, there are no honest and honest people in the demon clan.

"Then Princess Lance, do you have a projection communication device with you?"

"One, no extras. If you want, you can come with me into the city."

"Follow you to the city?" A smile appeared on Lance's face: "After you enter the city, you won't let your ancestor kill me, right?"

"It's impossible to kill you, but it's possible to raise you."

"Then I would rather be killed by your ancestor." Lance suppressed his smile and said, "I won't go to the royal city, but other cities can."

"Forbidden City, do you want to go?"

"The name doesn't sound like a friendly city."

"I'm going to the Forbidden City to take a baby dragon who fell into the abyss from the human world. After that, you can follow me to Blood Moon City. I am the ruler of that city."

"In that case, yes."

The dragon cub fell into the Forbidden City and apparently fell into the hands of the Abyss Demons who might know him.

Looks like I need to knock this big vampire out before leaving.

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