Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1076 Get on the bus and get the dumplings off the noodles

Fu Yu held the wine glass and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Zhao Meng's words immediately raised the atmosphere. Everyone present changed their expressions and moved their expressions as he spoke.

The parting words were even more sincere.

Zhang Jinyu stood up from his seat, held the wine glass, and toasted Fu Yu a glass of wine very formally: "Fu Yu, thank you, everything is in this glass of wine."

The others also drank up the wine in their glasses, hugging Fu Yu one by one and bumping fists with envy, nostalgia and reluctance.

Tonight is the farewell party, and everyone is trying to enjoy it.

I drank all the wine I ordered.

Fu Yu looked at the people sitting there, and there were tears in his eyes unconsciously. He turned around and wiped them away quietly.

Zhao Meng turned around and saw it. He said nothing at the time. When Fu Yu's mood calmed down, he bumped Fu Yu with his leg under the table and asked, "When you get home tomorrow, will you go directly to the capital?"

Fu Yu said, "Well, Xiaoqing and I will go there first. The eldest sister will go directly to my house after finishing her business at the branch."

Zhao Meng smiled and said, "You are really good at it. The master has become a sister-in-law, and all good things have happened to you!"

Fu Yu hehehe said: "The main reason is that I have good character, talent, and really hard work. If I weren't so good, the eldest sister wouldn't be able to let Xiaoqing follow me."

Zhao Meng glared: "Okay, stop blowing! I'm afraid of catching a cold at night!"

Fu Yu laughed loudly and put his arm on Zhao Meng's arm. The sad mood in his heart improved a lot.

Zhao Meng saw that he was no longer so sad, and then he said with concern: "When I go to the capital in the future, communicate with Xiao Qing on everything. I think this girl is good. She is raised very well by her family. She is simple and kind. What a good girl.

Us men, we still need to have a family at some point.

Otherwise, my wife and children are on the hot bed. When I get married in the future, I will treat Xiaoqing well, and the two of them will grow old together.

The feelings of this first marriage are incomparable to those of the second marriage. No matter how much you like or love, they will never be as sincere as the feelings of the first marriage.

You must remember this, no matter how a man socializes outside, whether he will be rich or powerful in the future, or whatever, he must keep his bottom line.

No matter what, you can't betray your family and only when your backyard is stable can you fight with peace of mind, you know? "

Fu Yu was silent, listening to Zhao Meng teach him the principles of life. It felt like sitting next to his own father.

And Zhao Meng talked about his life insights from the bottom of his heart, and it felt like seeing himself twenty years ago.

At the farewell banquet that day, Fu Yu didn't finish a bottle of beer, but he seemed a little drunk, with his eyes shining.

Others had red eyes and said words of reluctance.

That night, many people drank too much.

Fu Yu helped Zhao Meng back to the dormitory to rest, and then turned around and returned to the house.

Fu Yu looked at the time and saw that it was already past twelve o'clock, so he didn't call home.

After he simply washed up and lay down on the bed, an electronic alert suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! NPC customer Zhang Wen’s task: to cook a table of medicinal dishes that his wife will love to eat. The task has been completed and he has received a reward: a confinement meal recipe]

After Fu Yu heard the content of the system reward, he couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

Isn’t confinement meal a postpartum care center’s business?

How did it become the customized content of the medicinal meal banquet?

But that doesn't matter.

The customization of medicated meals for confinement meals is okay. After all, although the audience in this area is not large, it is still quite large.

Moreover, people nowadays really have a mentality of striving for excellence when it comes to caring for the next generation.

Taking good care of the mother is equivalent to protecting the food for the next generation.

People are still very willing to spend money on this.

It is very convenient if you can master this aspect of cooking operations.

Early the next morning, the first thing Fu Yu did after getting up was to call home.

His parents took turns telling him on the phone to drive slower, pick up things and don’t leave them behind, put safety first, and don’t rush back.

Fu Yu didn't eat in the store in the morning, but Liu Yunong specifically told him to eat dumplings at home.

Dumplings on the bus, noodles on the bus.

Before leaving, Zhao Meng brought Zhang Jinyu and Sun Qingning to see him off.

Zhang Jinyu and Sun Qingning rushed to help carry their luggage. Zhao Meng put his arm on Fu Yu's shoulders and followed behind, walking slowly.

Fu Yu went home today and didn't dress up specially. He wore comfortable casual clothes.

However, this outfit is also from a big brand. Liu Yuqing helps Zhang Luo buy basically all his clothes now.

Whether it is brand selection or style matching, they are all very tasteful.

The saying that a person depends on his clothes is not something he says casually. When Fu Yu first arrived in Qianlima, he had a childish face and wore clothes bought by Fu's mother from the county town. He was thinner than at this time, and his eyes were clear when he looked at people. At first glance, he looks like a very naive young man who has not experienced any social experience.

In less than two years, Fu Yu's whole person seemed to have been completely transformed.

Zhao Meng put Fu Yu into the car, said goodbye, and watched the car drive away.

On the way back to the kitchen, Zhang Jinyu couldn't help but mutter: "Oh, we said goodbye now, and I started to think about cooking."

Zhao Meng put his hand on Zhang Jinyu's shoulder: "What's there to think about? He's moving on to his future and will develop well in the future. With this relationship from working together before, you can be considered a good network! "

Sun Qingning followed beside him and comforted him: "That is, Chef Fu can achieve this future all by his own efforts, and we can't relax! My goal is to learn all the unique skills of Chef Zhao, and directly inherit his skills in the future. position!"

Zhao Meng was still a little sad at first, but when he was interrupted like this, he suddenly became angry and raised his foot as if to kick Sun Qingning.

Sun Qingning ran forward laughing and ran into the back kitchen in a few steps.

Zhao Meng stared at Sun Qingning's back. He glared angrily at first, and then smiled.

At that time, Zhao Meng began to look at Sun Qingning with admiration. He felt that this kid was indeed extraordinary. He could liven up the atmosphere, had a wink, and most importantly, had a smart mind.

It is indeed worth cultivating!

With Fu Yu gone, Zhao Meng lacked capable people. Now he took a look around and fell in love with Sun Qingning, so he decided to focus on promotion.

Fu Yu drove over to Liu Yuqing's house early in the morning.

Liu Yunong personally made dumplings stuffed with meat and vegetable dishes, and also prepared a secret dipping sauce.

The dumplings were on the table, and Liu Yunong invited Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing to come over for dinner.

Liu Yuqing picked up the chopsticks and took the lead in picking up a piece of meat and three delicacies and put it on Fu Yu's plate: "Have a try, the dumplings made by my sister are delicious! Especially the three meat and three delicacies ones, they are much better than those sold in restaurants outside. !”

Liu Yunong smiled and said: "Don't come here! I have to leave soon, so I thought of flattering me."

As he said that, he suddenly turned to look at Fu Yu and said, "Xiao Fu, try it and see how these dumplings are made? I'm really not good at making noodles, but this filling is something I improved from secretly brewed vegetables." Come here, can you see if you can eat it and see the difference?"

Fu Yu knew a little about Bai An, and he had just acquired an advanced skill in stuffing mixing.

Now that I was suddenly faced with a question, I felt very calm.

Fu Yu picked up a dumpling and took a bite to taste the taste carefully.

The large shrimps are wrapped in the fragrant meat filling, which is indeed very delicious!

And when Fu Yu smacked carefully to identify the preparation of the fillings, a virtual ingredient preparation screen suddenly appeared in front of him.

At this moment, Fu Yu was dumbfounded!

Is this okay?

Damn it?

The guide to the principles of cooking side dishes he received before is so sharp!

Fu Yu discovered that his virtual food preparation screen not only included side dishes, but also all other ingredients could be displayed once the main ingredients were determined.

Fu Yu smacked his lips and couldn't help but said: "Sister, are you using cold water to knead the dough? The dough must be kneaded with warm water. Moreover, Chinese pastry pays attention to alkali gluten and salt bones. Add an appropriate amount of salt to a pound of flour. , alkali, the dough has chewiness and elasticity.

This is also the fundamental reason why the dumpling skin is thin and impermeable. "

As soon as these words came out, Liu Yunong immediately became interested. She was indeed not very good at Bai An. Now that she saw that Fu Yu was very knowledgeable, she listened carefully and kept it in mind.

Fu Yu continued: "Besides, sister, I have something I don't know whether to say or not."

When Liu Yuqing heard this, she hurriedly said: "If you have anything to say, just say it, no need to hold back!"

Liu Yunong also nodded curiously: "What? What did you taste? Tell me!"

When Fu Yu heard this, he realized that they were all members of his own family and had nothing to say. Moreover, Liu Yunong was not only his sister-in-law, but also his master.

So he said truthfully: "Master, the stuffing is quite good, but it's just a little bit. I taste it fresh enough, but it lacks the juicy texture."

Liu Yunong was stunned and said in surprise: "The juicy texture? These are not soup dumplings."

But Fu Yu shook his head: "If you want these dumplings to be delicious, in addition to the freshness of the fillings, the feeling of a small amount of juice is also very important. If you eat authentic dumplings stuffed with meat and three delicacies, you will You understand what I mean."

Liu Yunong asked: "Really? Then is there any secret to the operation of making the fillings juicy?"

Fu Yu explained: "If you want the dumplings to be fragrant and juicy, you need to add a certain amount of pepper water in small amounts and many times. This way the filling will have the most authentic texture."

Liu Yunong's eyes lit up after hearing this, and she said in surprise: "It can still be like this! Then if this operation is added to the preparation of stuffing for stuffed vegetables, it should be possible, right?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Absolutely, but what kind of brewed side dish will score the score?"

The master and apprentice chatted while eating, and the original mood of separation was so disturbed that there was basically nothing left.

After breakfast, Liu Yunong prepared a lot of things in large and small bags for Fu Yu.

Liu Yunong recently went to a new city to open up branch channels. There were many high-end gifts and goodies, bought by herself and given by others.

Liu Yuqing was about to go to the capital now. She couldn't eat all the food by herself, so she simply took it all with Fu Yu this time.

Liu Yunong moved out of the house, and Liu Yuqing helped clean it up.

"Xiao Qing, give these two bottles of wine to Fu Yu. The authentic Xifeng wine is said to have been stored for seven or eight years."

"There are also these. Take this box of seafood as well. There are still some in the refrigerator. I can't finish all this much."

Liu Yunong sent things to Fu Yu's family and didn't feel distressed at all.

After all, there are so many things that need to be put away. My sister is going to stay there soon. When the business at the branch is finished, she will also go there as a guest.

The two families are about to become real in-laws, that is, one family. Give more things to win the favor of Fu Yu's parents and help Liu Yuqing gain more favor.

Liu Yuqing agreed and kept delivering things to the door.

After everything was sorted, Liu Yunong came out to help carry it downstairs.

While moving things, Liu Yunong suddenly looked at a packaging bag and was stunned for a moment: "Wait a minute! Xiaoqing, I didn't tell you to take this away for you, right?"

Liu Yuqing took one look and said immediately: "Oh, haven't you used up the set of cosmetics you have now? The night cream in this set is particularly effective. When I called Aunt Fu two days ago, she said that during this period I was busy plowing the ground in the garden, and the skin on my face was quite dry, so I just wanted to give it to her to moisturize her skin."

The smile on Liu Yunong's face suddenly tightened!

This elbow is no longer turned outward. It must be directly dislocated, right?

How can anyone push their own things out like this?

This is the cosmetics she spent a lot of money to buy for herself, for her own use!

Liu Yuqing thought about how happy Fu's mother would be when she received the gift, and immediately said with a smile: "By the way, in addition to this set of cosmetics, I also took away your jar of tangerine peel, and let Fu Yu use it to make soup." Give your aunt and uncle a refreshment.

Is this tangerine peel a gift from that Guangzhou chef?

I remember you said that the unit price of this jar has reached the price of gold, so don’t leave it behind, be sure to take it with you! "

Watching Liu Yuqing take away all her treasures.

Liu Yunong was about to cry with anger.

This married sister is throwing water away!

I really can’t have it!

Watching the two people leave happily, Liu Yunong returned home alone, sat on the sofa, and called Chef Zhou to complain aggrievedly!

Even though Chef Zhou tried to enlighten and comfort him for a long time, he still couldn't cheer up.

Liu Yunong felt miserable!

Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing drove back to their hometown. The back seat and trunk of the car were filled with various gifts and items to take home.

After I leave Bei'an this time, I don't know when I will go back.

Fu Yu packed and brought everything he could get.

Liu Yuqing only brought a small part of her clothes and daily necessities, and Liu Yunong helped take care of the rest.

When you actually go to the capital, you can just send it by express delivery without having to carry it back and forth.

Although they traveled in the morning, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon when they actually arrived in the county.

Fu's father and Fu's mother had prepared meals early and were waiting for them to come back to eat together.

In order to welcome them, the two elders also specially hung colored lanterns in the small vegetable garden in front of their house, which would be lit up as soon as it got dark. Not only did it look festive, it was also convenient for lighting up when traveling at night.

Liu Yuqing was particularly moved by this warm and romantic arrangement.

The family reunites and eats happily. This kind of ordinary happiness is the family warmth that people long for, right? (End of chapter)

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