Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1077 Visiting Relatives and Friends

In order to welcome their son and entertain their future daughter-in-law, Fu Yu's parents not only carefully cleaned and decorated the home, but also went to the famous Zhangji Braised Pork Shop in the county to buy hundreds of yuan of braised beef and made a big pot of it. beef noodles.

In addition to noodles, we also make a lot of fried goods such as crispy pork, taro and sweet potato balls, which are popular among young people.

After dinner, the family went to Fu Yu's aunt's house that night.

The two families move around very frequently. In summer and autumn, Lin Minghao would take his parents to his aunt's house to play.

Because my aunt's family has a vegetable garden and has planted various fruit trees, in addition to eating, Fu Yu and I can pick fruits to eat together. When we leave, we can also carry large and small bags of fresh fruits and vegetables with us.

In the spring and winter, Fu Yu's family would go to their aunt's house instead, because their aunt's house lived in a building with a very large floor-heated balcony with floor-to-ceiling windows. They could also get a very generous pocket money, and the food was all kinds of food sold in the supermarket. Planting snacks, these are things that Fu's father and Fu's mother usually refuse to let Fu Yu eat.

Knowing in advance that Fu Yu was back and wanted to have dinner at home, the aunt and her husband went to the mutton shop in the county and bought half a lamb.

Fu Yu has loved mutton since he was a child. Hearing that Liu Yuqing was not picky, he went straight to the mutton pot.

Freshly cut lamb, lamb scorpions, homemade frozen lamb lumps, sliced ​​lamb, braised lamb hooves and lamb tails.

The remaining lamb chops were roasted directly in the oven.

Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing both like hot pot, especially mutton. They ate the meal for nearly two hours.

After dinner, the two families sat in the living room and chatted.

Fu Yu knew that his aunt and his wife were thinking about their son, so he specifically told some things about Lin Minghao.

Fu's mom and Fu's dad would help and persuade her from time to time. It's hard for an upright official to handle household matters. Even if they are close to each other, others can't help at all in terms of educating their own children.

It was around nine o'clock in the evening.

After returning home, they simply tidied up and then the family took a break.

The next day, Fu's father and Fu's mother got up early to prepare breakfast for the family.

After dinner, Fu's father and Fu's mother were going to the yard to loosen the soil and water the vegetables. Liu Yuqing looked at the freshness, changed her clothes specially, and prepared to follow them to work.

Fu Yu also planned to go there, but before he could find his old clothes, his classmates from the same school where he was studying called him after hearing the news.

Although Fu Yu is not good at studying, he has outstanding appearance and a very good personality. He used to be quite popular in his hometown.

And now all the relatives and friends who are a little familiar with him know that Fu Yu is good at mixing things up.

Not only did he have a stable job in Bei'an, but he also bought a house and drove a blinding BMW.

Although Fu Yu dropped out of high school and went directly to Bei'an to study cooking, he didn't have the opportunity to hang out with his fellow villagers. However, he occasionally came back during the holidays, and whenever he met, they would get together and chat about each other's lives. .

They are all in their early twenties, many of them have just come out of school, have not been exposed to many social things, and are not that complicated.

Several people gathered together and clamored to get in Fu Yu's luxury car, so they drove together directly to the main street in the center of the county.

Everyone looked at Fu Yu's car with envy and emotion, but they were just amazed.

At their age, they like these things, and the topics they usually talk about are things like finding a job and getting along with their girlfriends.

As for buying a house or a car, that is not within the immediate horizon.

Fu Yu was also very relaxed when he was with the boys. He would chat about whatever came to his mind and occasionally brag. Everyone would listen to it as a new thing and then turn around and forget about it.

At noon, we ate directly at a restaurant in the county. This restaurant has been open locally for many years. The food is delicious, but the menu size is small and the price is a bit expensive.

There were five or six of them in the group. Although there were men and women, they ate openly and ordered a lot of dishes seriously.

Fu Yu didn't drink because he had to drive, but others ordered some.

After everyone finished eating and drinking, they felt unsatisfied, so they took Fu Yu to a newly opened KTV and directly opened a luxury box.

Fu Yu thought that now that he was making money, he had the best conditions among his friends, so he rushed to pay the bill for dinner, dinner, and singing.

This fun ended in the evening, and the group simply had another meal outside.

We had a seafood buffet, and the price was actually quite reasonable, mainly because there were so many people there, so when we settled together, it was over a thousand.

Fu Yu didn't care much about the price and took the initiative to pay.

During the whole day, Fu Yu spent all his time. Several friends drank some wine, and the emotions in his heart were unknowingly amplified.

Some people think that Fu Yu is loyal. After making money, he doesn't despise useless people like them and is willing to take them to play.

I feel that Fu Yu has changed a lot, and I am very envious of him and want to get closer to him.

However, there are greedy people who are jealous and those who can't control their mouths.

In fact, there is a lot of gossip about Fu Yu in the county.

Some people say that Fu Yu is good-looking, but he can't find a good job in Bei'an. He has never been a chef. Otherwise, how could he afford such a good car and a house?

It was also said that Fu Yu took advantage of his youth and good physical strength to marry a rich woman, who was particularly powerful.

But I wouldn’t really believe these words when I was young.

It's just that when chatting, it's inevitable that there will be a bit of sourness.

"Fu Yu, you are the best among our brothers. We can't compare. I heard that you are not only the chef of the Maxima Hotel, but you also make medicinal diets? That thing can't cost more than a thousand per table. ?”

A child who lived near Fu Yu's house couldn't help but ask.

Fu Yu just smiled slightly and didn't explain anything. He made more than a thousand medicated meals per table.

Others who were curious also asked: "Hey, Fu Yu, I heard that you bought a house in Bei'an? It's quite expensive, right?"

That's Bei'an, and it's much more expensive than the housing prices in their small county.

Fu Yu smiled and said half-truth: "The house was bought with a down payment, and I have to pay it back every month. In fact, it is quite stressful, but there is no other way. Just to buy a house, my parents have spent their whole life." All the money you saved was given to me.”

However, he already had the financial strength at that time and did not ask for his parents' money.

After hearing this, the boys accepted it with satisfaction.

Obviously this answer sounds much more comfortable.

It is often difficult for people who are too outstanding to be truly recognized by others. After all, we are all ordinary people. Why do others live so much better than us?

Then everyone chatted more and more enthusiastically, and the topic turned to love.

Someone who gossiped specifically asked Fu Yu if he had found a rich girlfriend in Bei'an?

Fu Yu's figure is really outstanding. When he was in school, he was very popular with female classmates.

Now that I have gone to Bei'an, the market in this area will definitely be better, right?

When Fu Yu listened to the questions from the boys, he couldn't help but think of Liu Yuqing and his sister-in-law, and couldn't help but smile!

My sister-in-law is about to open a new branch. The company is getting bigger and bigger, and it may be listed on the market in the future.

Although Liu Yuqing has no experience in handling the catering company of this family business, she can still be considered a rich second generation, right?

Fu Yu joked: "That's for sure. With my conditions, the girlfriend I'm looking for must be young, beautiful and rich!"

Everyone was suddenly envious and jealous again.

Listening to other people's jokes, Fu Yu smiled and laughed at the poor, accepting all the good words and not taking some of the sour ones to heart.

In fact, compared with the people he met in society before, these young people were relatively simple and unscheming.

Today is just a simple party, eating, drinking and having fun.

After the reunion, everyone will continue to find their own way out. They have gone their separate ways before and rarely see each other, and there may not be any intersections in the future.

Life is actually like this, there is no endless banquet, you always have to constantly come into contact with new people and things, and constantly integrate into other new circles.

Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing lived peacefully at home for three days.

On the morning of the fourth day, I received a call from Liu Yunong, saying that he could come over as a guest the day after tomorrow.

Father Fu and Mother Fu suddenly became excited.

When your in-laws come to visit you for the first time, you must treat them well.

Although they had met before, the elder would not follow him this time, and only Liu Yunong came alone.

Fu's father and Fu's mother still attach great importance to this meeting.

Father Fu discussed with Mother Fu: "The two children are going to get their certificates soon. Should my eldest sister also be notified?"

Fu's eldest sister, Fu Xiaohong, lives in the county next door, less than two hours' drive away.

The two siblings usually communicate by phone occasionally. Although they don't move around as frequently as Fu Ma and Aunt Fu Yu, their relationship is still very deep.

Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing will get their marriage certificate in a few days. Fu Xiaohong must be notified about this.

Dad Fu called the eldest sister's house.

Fu Xiaohong suddenly received a call from her younger brother half a month later. She was quite happy. However, within a few words, she mentioned that Fu Yu had found a girlfriend and that they were both planning to get married. The woman’s family will come over the day after tomorrow.

Fu Xiaohong was immediately stunned. She made an appointment on the phone to come over the next morning, and then hung up the phone.

Fu Xiaohong's younger brother is Fu. The two siblings had a good relationship since childhood, and later got married. Although they were busy with life and only called each other to greet each other during the holidays, they were still very close when they actually met.

After receiving the call from Fu's father, Fu Xiaohong began to prepare to go out.

She and her husband are old and their legs and feet are not very good. They usually stay close to home and do activities. This time they were going to their brother's house, so they specially called their son and the family rushed to his brother's house in the next county.

Fu Xiaohong's family conditions are not bad. Her wife drives a forklift and earns money at the construction site all year round.

When I was young, I was very dedicated to my work. Now that I am older, I have saved some money, married my son and started a family, so I no longer go to the construction site.

The old couple kept their apartment and spent their remaining savings to survive.

The only son is quite filial, but his education level is not high. He works in an electrical appliance store in the county town. However, this boy himself has no future, but he is in good condition to find a wife. He works as a head nurse in the ophthalmology department of the county hospital, and the family has a little money. My parents opened a supermarket, which was not large in scale, but they often provided some living expenses for the small family.

The young couple lived a leisurely life. Fu Xiaohong and the old couple just took care of themselves. Their son would secretly give them some money during the holidays.

Fu Xiaohong and her family went out early and arrived at Fu Yu's house at around ten o'clock in the morning.

When we arrived at the door of our home, before we even got out of the car, we saw a BMW parked against the wall.

The family was suddenly a little surprised. There weren't many promising people in the neighbors of Fu Yu's family.

Whose luxury car does this belong to?

Hearing the sound of a car horn outside the door, Dad Fu quickly poked his head out of the garden.

He thought that his eldest sister and his family would come over, and the fennel in the garden would be growing tender in spring, so he asked Fu Yu to make dumplings stuffed with mutton and fennel to serve the guests.

Father Fu raised his voice to greet Fu Yu and his wife to come out, and quickly walked to the door.

Fu Xiaohong had already gotten out of the car and was directing her son to carry things from the trunk. When she looked up and saw the mud in Fu's father's hands, she couldn't help but laugh and said, "You started working in the garden so early in the morning?"

When Father Fu saw his sister, he smiled brightly: "The fennel is growing in the garden, don't you love dumplings? Fu Yu happens to be at home, ask him to make a pot for you to try!"

As he said that, he saw his nephew carrying a bunch of things and hurriedly stepped forward to help, but was stopped by Fu Xiaohong: "No, the mud in your hand, these are the gifts I brought to my siblings and your in-laws." , don’t get dirty!”

Dad Fu said with a smile: "We have prepared all the things, but you went all the way to get them here."

Fu Xiaohong also smiled: "As an aunt, how can I not care about Xiaoyu's life-long events!"

As she said that, she glanced at the BMW parked in front and asked casually: "Whose car is this? It's parked in front of your house!"

Dad Fu rubbed the fingers on his hand and smiled: "It's from Fu Yu! I just bought it not long ago."

Fu Xiaohong was immediately surprised and said: "Huh? This car belongs to Fu Yu? Oh, that's a lot of money!"

Before Fu's father could say anything, Fu Yu and Fu's mother heard the sound and rushed out.

Fu Xiaohong quickly turned around and said hello to Fu's mother first, then she pulled Fu Yu warmly, looked at her carefully, and said with a smile: "Hey, Xiaoyu, we haven't seen each other for more than a year. Now, you haven’t changed much, no, you are energetic, have you gained some weight?”

Fu Yu nodded and smiled: "Hello, aunt!"

Fu Xiaohong patted Fu Yu's back and liked it very much.

Dad Fu couldn't help but laugh: "He has indeed gained a lot of weight. He was too tired when he first worked. When he came home, his mother looked at him and felt very distressed!"

Fu Yu stepped forward to help his cousin carry things, and the family entered the door chatting and laughing.

Fu Xiaohong asked with concern: "Where is Xiaoyu's girlfriend? Why didn't you see anyone?"

Dad Fu hurriedly explained: "Isn't this because she is worried that she will be bored at home? Fu Yu and his aunt took her to the county center to go shopping."

Several people entered the house talking.

The decoration of Fu Yu's home has not changed much in the past few years. However, in order to entertain Liu Yuqing, Fu's father and Fu's mother specially cleaned the house inside and outside. The fabric sofas were replaced with new covers, all the curtains were replaced, and some small ornaments were specially bought.

With this addition, the whole home looks brand new.

Fu Xiaohong entered the house and looked around carefully. Seeing that her brother's family was living a good life, the smile on her face couldn't help but brighten. (End of chapter)

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