Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1078: Keep a low profile when it’s time to keep a low profile

The Fu brothers and sisters hadn't seen each other for a long time, and now they rarely got together. They sat next to each other on the sofa and chatted about each other's current life.

Fu Ma brought over the fruit tea she had brewed in the morning, washed the fruits she had prepared in advance, and brought them to the living room.

Fu Xiaohong chatted with her brother for a while, first concerned about family affairs, and then asked carefully about Liu Yuqing's situation.

After they had almost understood each other, Fu Xiaohong suddenly looked at Fu Yu with interest: "Xiaoyu, I heard your dad say before that your job became a full-time job? That's really great. Even I can't get a job at the Maxima Hotel in Bei'an." I’ve heard of it, a century-old store, right? The treatment is very good. I’ve known since I was a child that you will definitely be successful. You are so energetic and smart, but you can’t do anything you want to do!

How do you say something? Three hundred and sixty lines, you will be the number one scholar in every line. Now that you have the ability, let’s see who can still gossip behind your back! "

Seeing Fu Xiaohong getting more and more excited as she spoke, Fu Yu hurriedly said: "Gu, I have resigned."

The smile on Fu Xiaohong's face faltered, and she asked in surprise: "What? Resigned? Why did you resign when you were doing a good job?"

After saying that, without waiting for Fu Yu's answer, he turned to scold Fu's father: "Daliang, you two are a little too flexible, aren't you? How hard is it to find a job now? A job like this with high wages and stability is not a good idea. Where to find it?"

Dad Fu explained: "He is going to the capital for further study early next month. He has already contacted everyone. He doesn't know when he will come back this time, so he can only quit his job in Bei'an first."

Fu Xiaohong was stunned for a moment: "Study further? Going to the capital? Does that mean Xiaoyu's cooking skills are very good?"

Dad Fu said cheerfully: "He is now a apprentice. The master is Xiaoqing's sister. She is a famous chef and is very famous in the food circle. Fu Yu also became an apprentice first and then stayed with Xiaoqing. There is Xiaoqing's sister My cooking skills have improved so quickly because of it."

Fu Xiaohong didn't expect that Fu Yu's girlfriend's family had quite a history.

When we talked just now, her focus was on the woman's personal situation.

I heard that I met Fu Yu when I was working as a waiter in Qianlima, so I just assumed that the woman had ordinary family conditions.

After all, if you can work as a waiter in a restaurant, your cultural level must not be too high. If your family allows you to work in this industry, you probably don't have much background.

When Fu Xiaohong heard this, she said in surprise, "What's the good news? It seems that Xiaoyu and the woman's family are getting along well, very good!"

Nowadays, when looking for a partner, you have to be well-matched, and Xiaoyu is just the right age, so the marriage is done in advance if possible. As a man, he always gets married first and then starts a career!

This is really a happy event! When Xiaoqing comes back later, I will give her a big red envelope no matter what I say. I am so happy!

In my heart, I have always been hoping that our Xiaoyu can start a family soon! "

Fu Xiaohong is not that rich if she really wants to say that she is rich, but it is not a big problem to give a red envelope to her nephew's girlfriend for only 10,000 yuan.

Moreover, both children will receive their certificates soon. The money is worth it and they will be a family in the future.

Dad Fu said with a smile: "Sister, my sister from this girl's side is coming to my house as a guest in the afternoon. Let's have a bite at noon and have a big meal in the evening?

When the time comes, you can also help accompany the guests. They are both very nice sisters, and you will definitely like them too. "

Fu Xiaohong hurriedly said: "Okay, we just had dinner when we came here, and we are not hungry yet. It doesn't matter whether we eat for lunch or not, but we have to prepare a good meal for the evening. What dishes have you prepared?"

If you ask me, don’t make the dumplings yet and eat them later in the evening!

My job at the dough counter is pretty good, and I can help knead the dough when the time comes. "

Fu's father quickly refused: "Sister, no need, the house is ready. You, just sit back and relax. Fu Yu, have a good chat with your brother. You brothers haven't seen each other for a long time. You don't have to." I know, your brother won the sales championship last month, which is awesome!"

Cousin Fu Yu hurriedly smiled and said: "Oh, uncle! What am I? The sales profession is just like cats and dogs. Don't talk about me. Brother, what does the girlfriend you are looking for do at home? ah?"

My cousin is really curious. He himself has no ability. After getting married, he relies entirely on the support of his mother-in-law and his family. His wife's monthly salary is almost twice as much as his.

I just heard Dad Fu say that the woman’s sister is a famous chef, so she must be quite capable, right?

The salary in Bei'an is definitely much higher than that in their county. Just seeing that Fu Yucai can afford a BMW in less than two years of working, it shows that being a chef is indeed a very lucrative profession.

Things are different now.

No matter what the job is, as long as you make a lot of money, you are capable and worthy of respect.

Fu Yu didn't say it directly, but said: "My family owns a restaurant."

This is what also attracted the approval of Fu Xiaohong's family!

"That family's conditions are pretty good! They can afford to open a restaurant, so they're not an ordinary family."

Nowadays, if you do any small business, the investment will be hundreds of thousands.

Fu Xiaohong had married a daughter-in-law and had experience in this field. She asked with concern: "How much is the bride price for the woman? Didn't Xiaoyu buy a house in Bei'an? In the future, the young couple will repay the loan together, over there No comments?"

Dad Fu was stunned and told the truth: "We decided on the bride price ourselves, and they didn't mention it at all. As a couple, we actually gave more and less. In the end, they spent it themselves after the wedding, so we thought we could just Give a little more and it will look better!

I haven’t really mentioned the house yet, but when it was decorated, they decided on it themselves, and we didn’t interfere. "

Dad Fu was talking about the house in Bei'an. The Liu sisters did not mention the house. On the contrary, they said that when the two children went to the capital, they would look at the situation and choose a suitable location to prepare for the house. They buy a house in the capital.

However, this kind of thing was just mentioned verbally at the time and was not actually implemented. Naturally, Dad Fu would not tell anyone about it.

When Fu Xiaohong heard this, she immediately agreed: "Okay, this money is not free. In the future, the couple will spend their money everywhere after they get married, and both of them work for private individuals, so they will be covered by insurance." If you pay it yourself, it will cost you more than 20,000 yuan a year.

We don’t have children yet. Having children will cost more money. Now that you have the conditions to give more, they can live with less effort.

It is said that poor and humble couples suffer from everything. Isn’t that the truth? "

Speaking of this, Fu Xiaohong thought that she still had some savings on hand. When they met for the first time today, she would give her 10,000 yuan first, and then 20,000 yuan when the wedding was held.

After all, I am also an aunt, so I can help as much as I can.

As the eldest sister, she was really happy to see that all the children in the family had successfully started their families.

These are given directly to the two children openly, but privately.

While Fu Yu's cousins ​​went to the garden, Fu Xiaohong pulled Fu's father and said, "In addition to the gift money, are you ready for the money for the wedding? Is it enough?

There are not many people in our house, how many of our brothers and sisters can come?

When the time comes, will it be held in Bei'an, or at home?

This is Xiaoyu's marriage event, which only happens once in a lifetime. You must organize it well and make it grand so that no one looks down on our Fu family.

If you're short of money, that's okay, I can get some for you. When a child gets married, it’s not just about the betrothal gift, there’s a lot of money spent on it.”

While talking, Fu Xiaohong reached for her bag and pulled out a thick plastic bag with 50,000 yuan in cash wrapped in paper.

Fu Xiaohong stuffed the bag into Dad Fu's arms: "You said you were the same. You didn't know to tell me in advance about such a big thing. If you don't make an appointment with the bank, they will only let you withdraw up to 50,000 yuan a day. I don't know how to do online banking." Yes, you can only withdraw cash!

There is 50,000 yuan here. I went to the bank to withdraw it when I came here just now. I will get it for you later if you still have any shortfall! "

How could Father Fu ask for this money? He quickly refused and said, "Sister, you don't need to give me any money. Our family basically doesn't need any money for their marriage. Besides, Fu Yu can make quite a lot of money now. He bought the BMW outside with his own money, and we didn’t even have to pay a penny for the down payment of the house!”

As soon as these words came out, Fu Xiaohong was stunned: "You didn't get him any money?"

Dad Fu nodded!

Fu Xiaohong suddenly had a worried look on her face and stretched out her hand to hold Fu's father's arm: "Fu Xiaoliang! Why didn't you get money for Xiaoyu? How much can he earn as a chef? He buys a house The money to buy the car was not provided by the woman, right?

No, although Xiaoyu looks good and is liked by little girls, you elders must not be confused, because you are petty and you are losing big!

How can we men take advantage of others!

Especially since the two of them haven’t really gotten married yet!

Why are you so confused! "

Being scolded by Fu Xiaohong, Fu's father was not annoyed: "Sister, you misunderstood, the woman didn't get any of this money, Fu Yu earned it all by himself!

Fu Yu not only works as a chef in Bei'an, but also makes medicinal dishes, and works part-time in two restaurants at the same time.

I also joined the National Medicinal Diet Research Association. I just went abroad to participate in the International Medicinal Diet Exchange Conference and won a grand prize!

The girl is indeed not short of money. To be honest, she doesn't look down on us at all. We just want our son to get married. No matter how much it is, it will at least make us feel good, so we think about getting more.

Although Xiaoqing's parents are gone, their family business is now managed by her sister, and the restaurant she opens is also a chain restaurant.

I didn't tell you before. It's not because things haven't really been settled yet, and I'm afraid something might change. After all, there's a huge gap between us and others.

This time, I am sure that the two of us have a deep relationship with each other and are preparing to receive the certificate, and Xiaoqing’s sister is also coming to her hometown. I am telling you this specifically because I want all our relatives here to come and get together and get to know each other’s in-laws. . "

Fu Xiaohong was stunned!


It was completely different from what she thought!

"Wait a minute! Daliang, you mean that girl's sister runs a catering company? Is it a family business?"

Fu Xiaohong's eyes widened in surprise!

Dad Fu nodded: "Yes, yes."

Fu Xiaohong's face changed again and again, and after a few seconds, she suddenly smiled and said: "You said that these two children in our family are quite destined!

Xiaoyu is stronger than his brother, so the woman only has a sister left, and she doesn’t have to guard her in the future. It’s like you just marry back a daughter!

Better than my son, he was acting like a son-in-law. At that time, your brother-in-law and I were a little bit confused, after all, there was only such a son in the family.

Now think about it, what kind of door-to-door son-in-law?

There is only one child in the family, so what is the difference between your family and mine? If two children get married, the elders of both parties must be thinking about the same thing and want their children to live a better life. "

Dad Fu nodded in agreement.

In fact, he had worries about this at first. The conditions at Xiaoqing were really good.

Although my son is very good, who is looking for a suitable partner now?

He originally thought that the other party would have this consideration, but when he understood the situation on Xiaoqing's side, his heart suddenly returned to his stomach.

The two sisters are the only ones left in the Liu family, and they will definitely start their own families in the future.

No worries about this at all.

The two siblings chatted for a long time, and then Fu Xiaohong breathed a sigh of relief.

Fu Yu went to the garden with his cousin, while Fu's mother accompanied her niece-in-law to see the newly decorated guest room.

Fu Ma could tell that her eldest aunt and her husband had something to say, so she enthusiastically picked up some of the gifts that Liu Yuqing had come to give this time and gave them to her niece-in-law that could also be used by young people.

What Liu Yunong sent this time were all good things, including cosmetics, food, daily necessities, and tea and drinks. They were all high-end goods that were often given in favors.

My niece-in-law works in a county hospital and is sent to the city to participate in exchange meetings and receive training throughout the year.

I have some perspective on these aspects.

Seeing Fu's mother rummaging through and finding many big brands, her eyes suddenly lit up!

"Auntie, this set of cosmetics of yours is Korean, right? It's all in Korean!" the niece said curiously, holding a complete set of Korean cosmetics and skin care products, as if she had discovered a treasure.

Fu's mother smiled and said, "Yes, Fu Yu went abroad a while ago and brought back some. However, the box you got was given by his girlfriend this time. There are three sets in total."

Upon hearing this, the niece-in-law looked at each one carefully with great interest.

The topic of women's love for beauty is eternal. Even if they are strangers, as long as beauty and skin care are mentioned, the code will be directly connected immediately, and there are countless things to talk about.

In addition to cosmetics, Fu Ma also found some good things such as tea and wine, and picked them out one by one to pack them individually.

"I'll give you these when you leave. Your uncle and I don't usually drink tea. You can take this wine back and give it as a gift. It's said to be authentic Xifeng wine, which has been produced for several years."

"Oh, these are all good things. Just this wine, a bottle costs over a thousand, right?"

Fu Ma doesn't understand this either. She knows that her husband and her eldest aunt have been close since childhood, and they have a good relationship now. She doesn't care much about these valuable things that the family doesn't need.

And they are all relatives, so you have to be generous when you should be generous.

However, regarding the price of the gift, Fu Ma just smiled and did not take up the topic.

Say less and make fewer mistakes.

Between people who are close, some things should be kept low-key. (End of chapter)

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