Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1079 Treat it as your own home

Fu Ma is a woman of great wisdom.

Although I have been living in a small county town, I have not had the opportunity to contact the market, and I am busy working on my own one-third of an acre of land every day.

But her excellence can be seen before she retires.

She was working in a factory at the time, but later encountered an industrial transfer from public ownership to privatization.

There were 76 people in the entire department, and she was the only one left.

The superiors once praised Fu Ma in public at the wine table, saying that Fu Ma was a very good employee.

He is usually taciturn, works conscientiously, and never talks about the rights and wrongs of others.

Occasionally I hear gossip from others, but I always turn around and leave without participating or spreading it. I also have a very high level of service to the work assigned by the leader.

Such people are often very comfortable with the world and can easily win the trust and favor of others.

Fu Ma usually doesn't talk much when facing outsiders and always smiles, but in fact she knows very well.

There were some things that she didn't want to bring trouble to her son by speaking out.

These two trips to Bei'an had opened her eyes!

When people around her praised Fu Yu for how useful he was, the mother's face was particularly bright. When she learned that Fu Yu's custom-made set of medicated banquets cost hundreds of thousands, she was simply shocked!

It’s really unbelievable!

How much money can you earn in your lifetime?

But listening to Fu Yu's detailed phone reports every day, she slowly began to accept it.

But even though she made more money, Fu's mother felt really sad when she saw how busy Fu Yu was every day.

This money is not easy to come by. It is hard money earned by my son’s hard work every day.

The old saying that money is not revealed is not unfounded.

Fu Ma is a very clever person. She understands that except for her own family, no one in this world would really want others to live a better life than herself.

Moreover, with so many relatives, seven aunts and eight aunts, if they are really in trouble and want to borrow money, Fu Ma will definitely help within her ability.

But it's OK to spend your own money, but not when it comes to Fu Yu.

After all, Fu Yu will have his own family soon, and from now on the two of them will live behind closed doors.

These human involvements can easily affect the relationship between the young couple.

Fu Ma would never allow such a thing to happen.

Upon hearing the inquiry, Fu's mother could only say: "Oh, this is a meeting gift from the Liu family. After all, this is the first time we have visited the house. We also spent a lot of money preparing gifts when we went there before."

When the niece-in-law heard this, she suddenly understood.

Still a little surprised though!

Fu Yu's family has always been considered to have a slightly worse living standard between the two siblings. Raising a son already brings a lot of pressure.

Both husband and wife are ordinary workers in the factory, and they can save a lot of money no matter how frugal they are. In Fu Xiaohong's eyes, although her younger brother's family does not need help, as long as it is the New Year and the holidays, even if the siblings are not To gather them together, it also requires large and small packages of mailing items.

When Fu Yu was a child, he often picked up his cousin's small clothes, toys and books.

Later, Fu Yu dropped out of high school and went to Bei'an to attend chef school alone, and finally worked as a chef in a restaurant.

The conditions of the Fu family began to improve little by little.

But even when life at home was tense and their nephew got married, they still gave him a lot of money.

The niece-in-law was quite touched at the time, and Fu Xiaohong also remembered this sentiment.

I had to entertain Liu Yunong in the evening, and there were no outsiders at lunch, so I had a simple meal.

There are a lot of seafood and fruits here at Fu Yu's house, all of which were just brought back. His sister is here, and Fu's father is very generous. He steams a pot of crabs and boils some prawns.

Even though it was just a simple bite, Fu Yu was asked to make six dishes and one soup.

When Fu Yu's craftsmanship was unveiled, several family members were immediately amazed and received a lot of praise.

Fu Xiaohong sat on the chair and praised Fu Yu happily: "Son, look at how well Xiaoyu did it. Look at the pot of porridge you cooked for me and your wife last time! The porridge turned into a lump. Son, the bottom of the pot is still leaking."

Dad Fu quickly said: "Can it be compared? This is what Fu Yu does!"

Several elders talked with smiles, and Fu Yu and his cousin sat at the dining table and ate crabs.

Fu Xiaohong suddenly said: "By the way, Daliang, Xiaoyu's house has been bought, and the decoration has not been started yet? If you need any help from here, let your nephew go. Anyway, we have a car, so we can go back and forth." It’s also convenient.”

If you can’t give away money, you can just use your own people and help!

Fu Xiaohong really thinks about Fu Yu.

Dad Fu couldn't help but smile and said: "Sister, the house has been decorated, Fu Yu, even the household appliances have been selected, but now I decided to go to the capital temporarily, so I canceled the order.

Otherwise, the smell will spread and we won’t be able to move in until next year. "

When Fu Xiaohong's family heard this, they were stunned for a moment!

This Fu Yu not only bought a house, but also completed the decoration?

That's really awesome!

Nowadays, decoration is not cheap. If it is a little better, the price can almost catch up with the down payment of a house.

After Fu Xiaohong was surprised, she was really happy for Fu's father.

It's a good thing that Fu Yu can be successful!

Not to mention that Dad Fu had hope for the future, she herself felt particularly bright on her face.

Fu Xiaohong sincerely praised: "Xiaoyu is really amazing. How old is he? He is so young and promising! When I was young, I saw him as very down-to-earth and smart, especially like our second grandfather. Daliang, you two Let’s follow Xiaoyu and enjoy the blessings from now on!”

Father Fu and Mother Fu laughed when they heard it, they felt really beautiful and proud.

Fu Xiaohong is a very traditional and simple person at heart.

Having lived to her age, many things are very clear to her.

As long as our family can stay together and be happy, that's all!

There is no saying that you dislike the poor and love the rich.

If anyone in my family encounters difficulties, others will help if they can, and if they can't help, don't force them.

After all, at their age, the children of each family are almost married and starting a business. How long can the elderly take care of them? How much?

Surrounded by the closest people, Fu's father chatted enthusiastically with his sister, and he was even more proud when mentioning Fu Yu.

Both siblings were proud of Fu Yu. One praised and the other boasted, and they couldn't hold it back.

"Do you know the music restaurant!?

As for that particularly famous restaurant in Bei'an that specializes in hosting large banquets, when I went there, the owner of the restaurant personally entertained me and called me a brother-in-law, who was very close to me! "

Fu Ma, who was sitting next to her, rolled her eyes: "Fu Xiaoliang!"

Dad Fu turned his head and asked in surprise: "What's wrong?"

Normally at home, Fu’s mother always calls him Lao Fu. Suddenly she calls him by her first name. Fu’s father’s heart skips a beat and he straightens his back out of complete conditioned reflex. In such a short two seconds, he has already figured out how to apologize. .

Fu Ma said seriously: "From now on, when you step out of the house, you are not allowed to brag to the neighbors, say how great your son is, or who you know. You are not allowed to say a word like this!

Since my son came back with a new car last time, how many families have come to us to entertain us with gifts?

Those two friends who asked to borrow money, now do you understand the answer correctly?

You, can't you live in peace for two days?

If this lets them know how powerful your son is, more people will come to your door in the future. How will you push him away? "

Fu Ma has a very reserved personality and always keeps a low profile in her dealings with others.

But Dad Fu is the complete opposite. Once his temper comes up, he dares to say something if he really has something, and he dares to brag if he doesn't.

She felt that such behavior was causing trouble for her son!

As parents, regardless of how capable you are of helping your children, at least don't cause trouble for them.

Fu Ma has a lively mind and a good personality, but she is still short-sighted and does not have such a high level of ideological awareness. When it comes to matters involving personal interests, she will inevitably have some selfish thoughts.

She knew that the relationship between the Fu siblings was good, but no matter how good it was, after all, they were married and had their own lives to organize.

Fu Xiaohong definitely has no bad intentions towards Yu, but what will happen to her nephew and nephew's daughter-in-law, and what they will do in the future.

Some things are best nipped in the bud.

Fu's mother said this specifically in front of Fu Xiaohong's family, just to take the opportunity to remind Fu's father and express her attitude.

She always thought that she could just run her own home well.

The Fu siblings have similar personalities. One didn't hear the other hints in Fu's mother's words at all, while the other was indifferent.

Fu Xiaohong agreed very much with her mother's intention, and then warned: "Daliang, my brother and sister are right, what a mouthful you are! Stop bragging when you go out in the future. If someone does come to borrow money in the future, you can't lend it out easily." .

Now this person is really different from before. No matter what kind of money you lend, you have to think clearly that all the money is a gift. If you don't have this psychological preparation, you don't need to lend it.

Anyway, we will definitely have to break up in the end, so we might as well stop the loss in time! "

Dad Fu smiled innocently and nodded: "How can I still not understand this?"

He was so happy, and in front of his sister, he couldn't pretend to be anything, not to mention panicking!

Listening to the two sisters talking, Fu Ma felt weak in her heart.

But considering the eldest aunt's character, there is actually nothing to guard against. Even if the nephew and nephew's wife have any ideas, the eldest aunt will definitely have to help stop them.

It's just that although I understand this truth in my heart, I am still a little angry when I see my wife's appearance.

Fu Ma couldn't help but glare at him: "Look at your potential, my son has just achieved some success, and you are like this. If you become more powerful in the future, what will you do?

You're such a big man, can you keep a low profile when things happen? "

Fu Xiaohong also echoed: "That's right, if Xiaoyu and his partner get the certificate, it is estimated that you will be a grandfather in less than two years. You don't look like an elder at all, so you can't be stable?"

After saying these words, Dad Fu was immediately stunned!

"I really understand, sister, when you say that, I also think that's the case. Keep a low profile. I will definitely keep a low profile in the future!"

Dad Fu spoke in a low-key manner, but his expression looked particularly cheerful.

His sister was absolutely right. Fu Yu would be able to get the certificate soon. He was already married. Is he still far away from having his eldest grandson?

The more I think about it, the happier I get, and the more I think about it, the happier I am!

On the highway, Liu Yunong was driving and talking on the phone with headphones on.

She had been a little restless since last night.

Although the two families have officially met before, today is the first time to visit Fu Yu's house, and they will stay for two days. Thinking about this, I feel a little nervous.

"Uncle Zhou, do you think I am too casual in what I wear?

I thought about wearing that set of jade jewelry before, but I thought it was a bit too showy of wealth, so I didn’t wear it.

The more I think about this outfit now, the more I think it’s too plain. Doesn’t it look dignified enough? "

Liu Yunong found it boring to drive alone, so he took advantage of the leisure time in the store to prepare food in the morning to call Master Zhou and chat.

It was said that they were just chatting, but in fact she was talking about it all by herself, which almost made her a little anxious.

Master Zhou couldn't laugh or cry.

You said that you are a dignified catering company CEO, a well-known female celebrity chef, but you have never seen any big occasions or important people?

Why are you so useless?

In fact, I don't blame Liu Yunong. After all, this time I was visiting someone else's house, and the mood was completely different from entertaining guests at my own home.

So nervous!

Master Zhou comforted him: "People don't care whether you dress up or not. They just need to bring some decent greeting gifts!"

I see that Fu Yu's family is very nice and they don't talk much. We will have a good chat and get the certificate directly on the day.

We will be a family from now on, you don’t have to think so much! "

Liu Yunong's heart slowly calmed down as she listened to Master Zhou's calm and gentle persuasion.

She also has a good impression of Yu's parents. They are two old people with very good personalities.

This time it was all a visit to relatives.

Anyway, no matter good or bad, it was Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing who got together in the end.

If the young couple really settled in the capital in the future, let alone the two elders of the Fu family, she would probably only visit them once a year at most.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away, so the young couple live their lives behind closed doors, and the elders cannot interfere even if they want to.

Thinking of this, Liu Yunong immediately relaxed.

She chatted with Master Zhou for a while, and the main store started to get busy, so she hung up the phone.

Liu Yunong looked at the time and called Liu Yuqing again.

She had already seen the sign at the toll station and was about to reach the place. She was afraid that she would not be able to find the place, so she happened to ask Liu Yuqing about the situation there.

The call was quickly connected, and Liu Yuqing asked with concern: "Sister, where have you been? When will you be here?"

Liu Yunong reported his position, and vaguely heard the background sound from Liu Yuqing's side was very noisy, so he asked: "Where are you? Are you outside?"

Liu Yuqing said with a smile: "Yes, my aunt and I are shopping and getting ready to go home. Sister, you can come directly to the mall to pick us up in a moment. Then we will go to Fu Yu's house together!"

Liu Yunong was stunned when he heard this. He originally wanted to say something, but considering that there were elders next to Liu Yuqing, he asked carefully about the specific location of the mall before hanging up the phone.

Holding the steering wheel, Liu Yunong couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

This girl, really!

Thanks to me being so nervous, people have long regarded Fu Yu's family as their own! (End of chapter)

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