Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1080 Reunion

After hanging up the phone, Liu Yuqing followed the road signs and quickly arrived at the toll station. After entering the county town, she followed the navigation instructions and rushed to the shopping mall.

She has never been to Sibei County or the cities in this province. In fact, the only places she has really been to are the top five places.

But with the navigation, the drive was quite smooth.

As for the Fu family, the whole family has been mobilizing since lunch, and everyone has taken action to clean up, pick vegetables and wash fruits.

Fu Yu originally planned to drive to greet Liu Yunong, but he called and learned that she had picked up Liu Yuqing and her aunt and was driving to her home.

The elders in the family were busy making arrangements, and Fu Yu went to the courtyard gate early to wait for the car to be picked up.

After talking on the phone, about 15 minutes later, Liu Yunong drove onto the winding road leading to Fu Yu's house.

After turning several big corners, Liu Yuqing pointed to the residential area in front and shouted: "Sister! Here we are, the yard with the blue roof in front!"

Just as Liu Yunong was about to respond, Liu Yuqing shouted again: "Ah! Fu Yu is standing at the door, I saw him! Sister, drive quickly, Fu Yu is waiting!"

After shouting, Liu Yuqing hurriedly lowered the car window and waved her head: "Fu Yu, my sister is here!"

Liu Yunong turned around and glanced, muttering in her heart: This girl, whenever she sees Fu Yu, she feels like she has lost her soul!

However, slander is a slander. In front of Aunt Fu Yu, Liu Yunong still cared about his sister's face.

She stepped on the accelerator and accelerated past.

There are actually not many residents in Fu Yu's area, and many residents have moved to the city.

Now the living conditions of every family are pretty good, and there are often vehicles on the road.

Liu Yunong drove the Chevrolet of the branch chef's car. It was a very ordinary black model and did not attract much attention.

The front door of Fu Yu's house is quite spacious. Two cars have been parked next to the wall. Liu Yunong's car is parked on the other side of the courtyard wall.

Fu Yu saw the car approaching from a distance and hurried back to the yard to call Dad and Mom to come out.

The whole family was waiting outside the courtyard gate with smiles on their faces.

Seeing the Liu Yuqing sisters getting out of the car, the family immediately came forward to greet them warmly.

Fu Yu's house is surrounded by mountains, and the scenery is at its best in spring. Standing in front of the courtyard gate, you can see the mountains in the distance, surrounded by green grass and woods.

When Liu Yunong got out of the car, she smelled a very fresh air, and the broad view in front of her made her whole mood soothing and joyful.

After greeting each other, Liu Yunong asked Fu Yu to help carry things.

Although Liu Yuqing had brought a lot of gifts before, this time Liu Yunong came to represent the girl's parents, so she prepared a lot of formal meeting gifts.

Fu Yu couldn't carry it all by himself, so his cousin and his wife also heard the sound and came out to welcome them.

So the three young men carried large and small bags of things.

Liu Yuqing held her sister's arm affectionately, while Fu and her parents happily welcomed people into the house.

The yard of Fu Yu's house is very spacious, with a garden in front and a lot of fruits and vegetables planted. The paths are clean and there are grapes starting to climb next to them.

Liu Yunong has been to such a small farmyard before, but at that time it was to eat farm food. The season was specially in autumn, when the fruits and vegetables were all grown.

It was the first time for her to see it in spring like this.

Fu Yu's family lives in a self-built small building and uses natural gas and wall-hung boilers.

The temperature during the day is suitable during this time of year, and even if it gets cold at night, it is still very warm if you turn on the heater.

It was just past four o'clock in the afternoon, and a large family was sitting around the sofa in the living room chatting. Fu Yu was busy carrying and sorting the gifts brought by Liu Yunong, while Liu Yuqing was running back and forth making tea, pouring water and serving fruits.

Liu Yunong looked at her like a hostess. She didn't show it on her face, but she was extremely surprised in her heart!

Is this her sister who can lie down but never sit at home, and can sit but never stand?

Why is it that in a different place, it's like a different person?

When I'm at home, I wish I could be half as considerate and sensible as I am now!

This is too fake.

Fu Ma chatted with Liu Yunong for a few words and introduced Fu Xiaohong's family. Seeing Liu Yuqing busy coming and going, she couldn't help but praise with a smile: "Xiaoqing is so sensible, look at her Now, it’s like having a biological daughter, who is more discerning and sees more than Fu Yu!”

Fu Xiaohong also praised: "No, Xiaoqing is not only diligent, but also really beautiful!"

The two sisters walked into the house from the outside side by side, and Fu Xiaohong's eyes lit up.

The two girls are so beautiful.

The older one is very elegant, looks very dignified in his dress, and has his own aura.

The younger ones are dressed in a particularly fashionable style, and their smiles reveal the innocence of a wealthy family, which makes them particularly lovable.

Although the two sisters are slightly different in age, their facial features are very similar. You can tell that they are a family at a glance.

When Liu Yuqing heard someone complimenting herself on being diligent and beautiful, she was naturally very happy, and she became more expressive all of a sudden.

It was still early before dinner time, so the family sat around and chatted.

Since Fu Yu is here, he will be solely responsible for tonight's dinner.

Liu Yuqing wanted to follow him to the kitchen, but was kicked out.

Fu Ma pulled her to sit next to her and said with a smile: "Let Fu Yu do the work. The clothes you are wearing are so beautiful. It's a pity that they are stained with oil smoke."

Dad Fu also said: "Yes, Yunong, this is your first time coming to our house. Let's go and show you around. Our family has our own garden and grows a lot of fruits. Although we can't eat them this season, we can't eat them now." New buds and leaves have already begun to appear, and they look very beautiful!”

Fu Xiaohong's family had been sitting on the sofa all afternoon, and now they couldn't sit still, so they got up and walked around the house.

The front yard of Fu Yu's house is a large vegetable garden, where many fruits and vegetables are grown, and the climbing trellises are neatly built.

Dad Fu introduced them one by one and suddenly said: "You can't buy this kind of pure green fruits and vegetables in the market now. Your aunt and I are planning to transplant two more cherry trees, dates, kiwis and other fruits in the future. There is actually an open space in the backyard of my house. I used to grow corn, but later I couldn’t eat it all, so I reduced the farming area.

You can just build a house on that piece of land in the future. From now on, you and Master Zhou can come and live here for a while in the summer when the fruits are ripe, just to escape the heat.

Our place is surrounded by mountains and there are several springs where you can fish, dig wild vegetables and pick mushrooms, which is really interesting! "

Liu Yunong looked at the scenery of green trees and mountains in front of him, and was quite moved for a moment.

When Liu Yuqing heard this, she immediately agreed: "That's great. I told Fu Yu before that this place is actually very suitable for retirement. Both the food and drink are very clean and natural. I will be tired from work in the future." , it would be so happy to go back to my hometown to recuperate for a while!”

Liu Xiaohong said with a smile: "Daliang, let's do this. It just so happens that your brother-in-law won't be taking any jobs these days. When he goes back, ask him to call a few brothers from the previous team to help you plan this land and build a building." Small building.”

The two siblings discussed it and actually put this matter on the agenda.

Fu Yu never came out since he entered the kitchen. He cooked himself and made a big meal for his family.

Fu Yu's craftsmanship is definitely not good.

And when Liu Yuqing came over this time, she really spent a lot of money and took out the best bottles of wine in her collection.

There was also a bottle of 2001 Moutai. Just placing it on the table immediately raised the level of the entire table.

This good wine is most delicious when you drink it when you are happy!

After all, Fu Xiaohong is getting older. When she is happy, she talks a lot. Because her ears gradually become deaf, her voice becomes louder and louder: "Xiaoyu, look at the diamonds on Xiaoqing's clothes. They are so bright! This clothes is so beautiful." Oh, how beautiful and handsome!

Xiaoyu, do you think so?

Do you think Xiaoqing is beautiful? ! "

No one around them noticed, and the whole family exchanged pleasantries loudly.

Fu's father and Fu's mother were busy taking care of Liu Yunong, while the cousins ​​and Aunt Fu Yu studied these bottles of good wine together.

Only Fu Yu had a silly smile on his face, showing his big white teeth.

Liu Yuqing was really dressed up today. She put on very delicate makeup and clothes that best suited her temperament. When she sat there, she was filled with a light fragrance. At first she smelled the sweet fragrance of peach, and when she smelled it carefully, she felt like she was sandwiched between Unique fragrance for shampoos and cosmetics.

Anyway, the whole body smells delicious, and it looks white and soft. It is so beautiful that it makes my eyes go blind.

Liu Yunong is used to dealing with situations like this. Apart from the initial meeting, she was still a little bit reluctant to let go. When she sat down at the dining table, she immediately started to control the situation without realizing it.

Liu Yunong raised her glass and stood up, saying: "Thank you for your family's warm hospitality. I would like to propose a glass of wine to you on behalf of my sister and to everyone here!"

Liu Yunong brought good wine from the branch, as well as some local specialties, beef jerky, cheese, fresh yellow beef wrapped in plastic and covered with ice packs, as well as various goat cheeses and milk tea powder.

In addition, they also chose three high-end cashmere coats, one for each member of Fu Yu's family.

Although the season has passed and I can’t wear them anymore, the items are good, the cashmere content is high, the quality is good, and the styles are new for winter. It doesn’t matter if I put them away for a year and wear them again.

As the sun set, Dad Fu turned on the heater, and warmth filled the room.

Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing, as juniors, were busy eating. On the contrary, Liu Yunong was very familiar with such occasions, could handle it, and was particularly good at controlling the topics and rhythm of the chat.

During the dinner, we talked about our travel experience over the years and all the interesting things we encountered while inspecting branches in various places.

While eating, a friend of Fu's father happened to come over to visit, so he was warmly invited to the dining table to have a lively meal together.

Even if there are outsiders at the table, Liu Yunong is still the focus of everyone's attention. What he talks about can take into account the mood of everyone present. He drinks happily and looks bright and cheerful when talking.

How could the Fu family have the opportunity to meet a successful person like Liu Yunong? Everyone at the dinner table was stunned.

Fu Xiaohong couldn't help but pick up food for Liu Yunong. She liked it very much and asked, "Yunong, you are just busy with your career, so you should also think about getting married, right? Do you have a boyfriend?"

Liu Yunong lowered his eyes and smiled: "Yes, now is the time to pursue my career. We have discussed it and we will talk about it in two years."

Fu Xiaohong hurriedly added: "Such a beautiful girl, your boyfriend is really relieved! I tell you, you have to hurry up to get married, or how old are you when you have children? It's us women who suffer, and our bodies carry the burden Can’t stop!”

Fu Yu raised his head: ".?!"

Father Fu and Mother Fu were also shocked.

Dad Fu kicked his sister's legs under the table.

What is this for?

How can in-laws come to your door and urge someone to get married and have children?

Most of the people at the table were panicked.

Liu Yunong was very steady and expressionless, coaxing Fu Xiaohong: "Don't worry, I have already planned everything. I will definitely make money and talk about marriage."

Having said this, Fu Ma hurriedly started to pick up food for Fu Xiaohong. She blocked her mouth first, and then warmly greeted Liu Yunong to eat the food.

The meal lasted for two and a half hours. We ate and chatted, and there was no chance for Fu Xiaohong to interrupt and bring up other people's privacy.

After dinner, several juniors in the family rushed to clear away the dishes. Fu Ma was robbed of her job and stayed in the living room talking to Liu Yunong.

There were no male elders in the Liu family, and Father Fu didn't know what to say while sitting with him, so he just smiled and listened to the women talking.

The elders sat on the sofa, drinking freshly brewed fruit tea, and began to chat slowly and leisurely.

Liu Yunong is not very old, but she has stayed with old people like Master Zhou since she was a child, and she can chat with her parents and her parents. The three of them are quite interesting.

Fu Xiaohong didn't mention the matter of urging the marriage, and was quite reliable at other times. She stood next to Liu Yunong and said with a smile: "Yunong, I'm not a boastful wife. My nephew is really good. In other respects, Regardless, let’s just say that this guy is a long-term lover and very reliable!

I can't guarantee anything else, but I have seen this kid since I was a child. I dare say that this kid has no evil intentions and is not the kind of frivolous person. He will definitely treat Xiaoqing well in the future.

Moreover, if he really dares to do something stupid in the future, you can ask Xiaoqing to come to me and I will make the decision for her! "

His words immediately made everyone laugh.

When Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing had finished cleaning up the kitchen and came to the living room.

Fu Xiaohong pulled Liu Yuqing and said jokingly: "Xiaoqing, Xiaoyu calls me aunt, what do you have to call me?"

Liu Yuqing smiled and said: "Of course I call her aunt!"

Liu Xiaohong suddenly smiled excitedly and said: "Oh! This kid is so good! I have changed my mind now, hurry up, my big red envelope must be given to our Xiaoqing!"

When everyone heard this, they laughed again.

After chatting for a long time, seeing that it was getting late, Fu Xiaohong and his family were ready to leave.

Father Fu told Fu Yu: "You go and take your aunt back, your aunt and the others can drive by themselves. Get some of the things at home for your aunt and your aunt, go ahead!"

When Liu Yuqing heard this, she quickly got up and followed Fu Ma to collect items for relatives.

Fu Xiaohong took Liu Yunong's hand warmly: "Yunong, if you have a chance to visit my house with Xiaoqing and the others in the future, the environment is also very good!"

Liu Yunong responded repeatedly and escorted them out of the house. (End of chapter)

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