Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1081 Bai Shier comes to the rescue

A large family stood at the entrance of the courtyard and said goodbye warmly.

Fu Xiaohong's family drove by themselves, while Fu Yu was responsible for taking his aunt home.

Private cars parked in front of Fu's house drove away one after another.

Their fight was a bit loud. The neighbors heard the commotion and watched the two cars leaving. They couldn't help but inquire:

"Is there something going on at Lao Fu's house? People are coming one after another?"

Father Fu's friend said with a smile: "Fu Yu has found a girlfriend. Today is a wedding ceremony between two families. Didn't you see that all the elders in the family are here!"

The neighbor quickly gossiped: "Really? Oh, Lao Fu's son is so old! The car he drives is not cheap, right? Where do you work now?"

Someone else curiously asked: "Are you dating a girlfriend? What does she look like? How old is she?"

"Just now I saw two unfamiliar-looking girls standing at the door. Which one is it? They both look pretty, and the conditions are pretty good!"

Fu's father's friend said casually: "Those are two biological sisters. My sister is Fu Yu's girlfriend. My sister came here to meet her in-laws."

After hearing what Dad Fu's friend said, the neighbors immediately nodded with envy.

Who would have thought!

The boy who dropped out of high school has managed to do so well in just a few years!

I have a house, a car, and I have a girlfriend who is so beautiful and seems to have a good family background.

After seeing off his aunt's family and his aunt, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening when Fu Yu came back.

Liu Yunong originally planned to come over to visit Fu Yu's parents. At that time, she thought that she would stay for two days so that the whole family could get along well and develop relationships.

As a result, something happened at the branch and I had to return early.

She plans to stay here tonight and leave tomorrow.

Father Fu and Mother Fu had packed up the guest room early. It was still early, and the family was happily sitting in the living room watching TV and chatting.

After sitting there for a while, Fu Yu's friend called and asked him to go out and have a midnight snack together at the barbecue street.

Fu Yu looked at the time. It was not yet nine o'clock, which was the busiest time of the barbecue street.

He turned around and asked Liu Yuqing for her opinion.

Hearing that he could meet Fu Yu's friends and experience the local barbecue culture, Liu Yuqing simply nodded and was willing to go out for a late-night snack with Fu Yu.

With Fu Yu accompanying him, the elders in the family were also relieved, but they only gave a few more warnings.

Fu Yu took Liu Yuqing to meet his friends.

No one expected that Fu Yu's girlfriend was so beautiful, and she looked very well dressed.

So everyone became more and more envious of Yu Youjia.

However, no matter how envious they were, a few people were very enthusiastic.

Several people gathered together tonight were all those who had gone out to eat and have fun with Fu Yu before. At that time, Fu Yu had reserved the whole day's consumption. They felt guilty, so they thought that Fu Yu would come back once again, so they decided to have a good gathering together. .

But this time, they were rushing to treat each other and didn't give Fu Yu a chance to pay.

After a barbecue, several people chatted about many interesting things about their past together, and teased Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing about their love history.

Although he mocked Fu Yu for his bad luck, he treated them with great respect and truly treated Fu Yu as a friend.

Fu Yu naturally saw this, so he was teased and didn't take it seriously. Instead, he happily laughed and joked with everyone, and had a great time eating and drinking.

They had a happy late-night snack here, and Fu Yu's parents and Liu Yunong also talked a lot about the two children at home.

Fu's father and Fu's mother were more worried about Fu Yu's marriage, while Liu Yunong was concerned about Fu Yu and Liu Yunong's respective career and academic development.

This conversation lasted until late at night, when everyone was tired, so they went back to their houses to sleep peacefully.

After closing the door and having a heart-to-heart talk under the covers before going to bed, Fu's mother couldn't help but tell Fu's father: "You should pay more attention in the future and talk less. You can't keep your mouth shut for a day!"

Dad Fu said cheerfully: "Aren't I proud of our son? Okay, I'll be careful next time and don't say this."

Fu's mother sighed: "Yunong is only so old, a full generation younger than us. It's really rare that she can plan so far for our son. We can take good care of it in the future. This is our family's future." Noble one!"

Father Fu nodded: "I never thought that our son would have such an opportunity. What's going on at Xiaoqing's family? This time my son goes to the capital and won't stay in this small city for the rest of his life.

From now on, the futures of our son and Xiaoqing will definitely be very good. With Yunong helping to protect them, what else will happen? "

Fu Ma chuckled: "That's really great!"

Dad Fu also smiled: "It is said that the rise of a family requires the efforts of three generations. If our son succeeds, he will do it all himself.

I can see that Yunong is a really good person. She seems to be very shrewd and difficult to get close to, but she is pure and kind in her heart. She can hold Xiaoqing by her hand until now and raise her so well, so I know that she is trustworthy.

We, others can't reach her, so we should treat Xiaoqing well now, not for ourselves, but for our son's future. "

Fu Ma was convinced and said happily: "I know, if you don't tell me, I will treat Xiaoqing as my own daughter. What a good child this child is, I like her so much!"

Dad Fu also smiled and said after a while: "Okay, it's too late. Go to bed early. We have to get up for breakfast tomorrow."

Fu's mother responded: "Yes, I soaked the beans and squeezed the soy milk tomorrow morning. Xiaoqing said she wanted to eat fried dough sticks, and Fu Yu said she would fry them in the morning."

The two stopped talking and closed their eyes to rest.

Half asleep and half awake, Dad Fu's cell phone suddenly rang.

He was using an elderly phone, which featured large fonts and a loud ringtone.

The sudden sound of festive music in the middle of the night startled the old couple at the same time.

Dad Fu hurriedly touched the phone and muttered: "Who is calling me in the middle of the night?"

Fu's mother was so angry that she reached out to slap Fu's father: "I told you that mobile phones have radiation, and I told you to put it on airplane mode when you go to bed at night. You must not listen!"

Dad Fu looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Wu Bowen calling.

He quickly reached out to turn on the light and answer the phone.

"Hey, Brother Wu!"

When Fu's mother heard that the call was from Wu Bowen, she stopped complaining. She stretched out her hand to cover her eyes, adjusted to the sudden bright light, and listened to Fu's father's call.

This sudden call in the middle of the night, I'm afraid something really happened!

Sure enough, Wu Bowen said directly: "Lao Fu, is Xiaoyu at home?"

Dad Fu immediately said, "Here you are, what's wrong?"

Wu Bowen said: "Don't mention it, my brother-in-law is in some trouble here and wants to ask Xiaoyu to help save the situation.

A good old classmate of his suddenly disappeared, just three days ago.

I had originally booked a banquet for tomorrow's wedding, and hired a chef from my brother-in-law's restaurant.

It turned out that when the chef was getting off work tonight, he slipped in the back kitchen and hit the window sill when he fell. He just went to the hospital for a checkup. It was too late to take a picture, but the emergency doctor said at that time that it was probably a rib cartilage fracture. No more shaking the spoon.

There is a chef in their store, but his wife is about to give birth to a baby, and he is determined not to take on any casual work.

This is really frustrating!

My brother-in-law plans to close the shop tomorrow and go over to take care of the restaurant for the day, but they have already booked thirty tables for us to start at 10:30 in the morning, which is too busy for us at all.

Just thinking about hiring another chef.

But it's already midnight, where can I find someone?

I contacted several chefs, but they all had work on hand and couldn't ask for leave at the last minute. "

Father Fu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he was asking Fu Yu for help.

Wu Bowen's two sons and daughters have gone to other places to develop their careers, and they usually never come back even once a year.

My only sister doesn't live close to her, but she travels more frequently to her house.

With this sudden call in the middle of the night, Dad Fu's first thought was that something had happened to the old couple.

Fortunately, the person is fine.

Dad Fu immediately said: "Fu Yu is at home. Let him go tomorrow. Leave early. Where is the location?"

Wu Bowen was very moved in his heart, but he still reminded him: "I really couldn't find anyone here, so I thought of asking Xiaoyu to come over and help. But this time it was a waste of time. Xiaoyu was about to get the certificate again. , this is not auspicious, why don't you guys discuss it.

It’s okay if it doesn’t work, I just thought of him and asked first, the others haven’t contacted him yet! "

Father Fu worked as a quality inspector under Wu Bowen when he was young. The two have known each other for decades and know each other very well.

Wu Bowen would never find Fu Yu if he had his way.

Dad Fu immediately said: "No need to discuss, I will go find him now. Our family is not that particular. Besides, they just want to receive the certificate, and the ceremony cannot be held until tomorrow."

It doesn’t matter, it will definitely help! "

Dad Fu said, immediately put on his clothes and hurried over to find Fu Yu.

At this time, Fu Yu was still awake and was happily exchanging text messages with Liu Yuqing.

There always seems to be endless things to say between the young lovers, but the old house at home is not very soundproof, so I don't dare to call them, but it is very convenient to send messages.

When Fu's father rushed over, Fu Yu actually vaguely heard the ringtone of his cell phone.

He didn't know who was calling in the middle of the night, but he didn't take it seriously. It might be a harassing call, but it wasn't necessarily a harassment call.

As a result, he suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps outside the door. The sound of slippers being pulled was Father Fu. Fu Yu hurriedly got up from the bed, and took the initiative to greet Father Fu before he could knock on the door.

Fu Yu just opened the door and saw Fu's father going up the stairs and heading towards his bedroom.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Father Fu stepped forward quickly and then said: "Your Uncle Wu called and said that his brother-in-law took over a simple job of cooking spoons in the shop, but the chef was temporarily unavailable and wanted you to come over and help."

Fu Yu was a little surprised: "Huh? Why does my uncle's restaurant still take over the idle work?"

Wu Bowen's brother-in-law, Xiao Hechou, opened a small restaurant. Normally, the business was good, but there were so many customers in the store, so why did he take on outside work?

Dad Fu explained: "Your Uncle Wu said that the person who died in this innocent job was a classmate of your Uncle Xiao, and they had a good relationship. Didn't you trust him, so you specifically asked him to help.

This job can't be pushed out, otherwise the chef in his store will be temporarily unable to take orders, which will make him worried, so he thought of asking you to help. "

Fu Yu nodded, understood what happened, and asked, "When will the banquet be held?"

To be able to come here in the middle of the night, it must be an emergency, either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Dad Fu said: "The banquet will start at 10:30 tomorrow morning. I want you to go there early. The place is at your Uncle Wu's house."

Fu Yu immediately said: "Okay, then I'll get up early tomorrow. Do you tell Uncle Wu, or do I?"

Dad Fu handed over the phone: "You can tell it yourself and see how it is decided. I'll leave the phone here with you. Remember to put it in airplane mode after calling. There is radiation!"

Fu Yu agreed and called Wu Bowen back.

After confirming the location of the banquet, Fu Yu hung up the phone.

Wu Bowen was relieved, relaxed and moved.

He quickly called his brother-in-law Xiao Hechou back.

Xiao Hechou was in a hurry. When he heard that Fu Yu was willing to come over and help, he was so happy and grateful: "Brother-in-law, you really saved my life. It would be a waste if I couldn't help others tomorrow." At the dinner table, I was afraid that my classmates would come over to my house late at night to settle the score with me!"

Wu Bowen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pretended to be angry: "What nonsense are you talking about in the middle of the night!"

Xiao Hechou said cheerfully: "I'm just too happy, but brother-in-law, Fu Yu is so interesting. You said before that he went home to prepare to testify with his girlfriend. This happy event is just around the corner. I I thought he wouldn't help.

You really didn't treat him well in vain. This guy is very kind and righteous. I've seen it before. After I started working, I mailed you things every now and then. It seems to me that I really treat you as my filial elder. "

Wu Bowen was actually quite moved: "That's right, I watched him grow up since I was a child. The child is indeed good!"

After saying that, he did not forget to remind you: "Fu Yu helped you a lot this time, so you have to thank me very much later!"

Xiao Hechou hurriedly responded: "That's for sure. I recognized him after helping him before. From now on, I will treat him as one of my own family members!"

Liu Yuqing and Liu Yunong also heard what Dad Fu was doing.

The two sisters sent separate messages to inquire about the situation.

Fu Yu told the truth.

When they heard that Fu Yu was leaving early tomorrow to help with the cooking, the sisters didn't stop anyone.

Liu Yunong himself is in this field, and not only does he not object to hosting a banquet, but on the contrary, he feels that such training opportunities are very rare.

However, this time she came to visit relatives as the woman's elder, so naturally she would not interfere in this matter.

And with her worth, ordinary people really can't afford to hire her.

Liu Yuqing was particularly good at distinguishing priorities in this regard. She neither offered to follow him nor tried to stop him.

Fu Yu used to be in charge, and he would be too busy by then, so he would definitely not have time to take care of her.

As for doing simple things, who has never died since ancient times?

She would have to leave sooner or later. She had never paid attention to this, so naturally she didn't care. (End of chapter)

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