Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1082 This person is not very authentic

Early the next morning, at dawn, Fu Yu rushed to the house where the banquet was being held.

When they arrived at the place, there were many people buzzing in the yard. Fu Yu reported his identity and was taken to a temporary open-air kitchen dedicated to cooking.

When Xiao Hechou saw Fu Yu coming, he immediately showed a happy expression and hurriedly greeted: "Fu Yu, you are here! Come here quickly!"

Fu Yu waved his hand and walked quickly closer.

Xiao Hechou said sincerely: "I have to trouble you again today. I really have no choice. It's such a coincidence!"

Fu Yu couldn't help but ask: "Is the chef of your store okay?"

Xiao Hechou sighed: "It looks like nothing serious. What happened last night was not checked at the hospital. The doctor took a look and said that it was probably a rib cartilage fracture.

It’s time to do it!

Usually he would just leave after get off work, but last night, he suddenly came up and worked hard. He said that the back window was not closed for fear of being blown by the wind. He climbed high enough to close the window, but his foot slipped and hit the heater directly. "

Sibei County still uses old-fashioned heating. It is a piece of heating that protrudes from the outside of the wall. It will definitely be painful to knock on it.

When Fu Yu heard this, he looked at Xiao Hechou sympathetically: "That's too unlucky."

Xiao Hechou couldn't help but sigh: "I can't help it. I have promised to help with the cooking. Now that there is a helper missing, I really can't do it by myself."

Fu Yu nodded. Since he is here, he will definitely try his best to help hold the place together.

"How many tables are there in total? Where is the menu?"

Fu Yu had worked in a music restaurant for a period of time before and was quite good at cooking for such large banquets.

The person who was doing the work helped find four neighbor aunts to help prepare the food, and two young people from the family were responsible for serving the food and distributing the drinks.

In this way, Fu Yu and Xiao Hechou can be more focused on their work.

Xiao Hechou handed the menu to Fu Yu.

His deceased classmate's family was in good condition, and the banquet was arranged to a pretty good standard.

There were thirty tables in total, each with twelve dishes and one soup. The staple food was a large soda steamed bun ordered from a noodle shop.

Soup is the most common soup in the four north banquets.

Among the twelve dishes, there are ten meat and two vegetarian dishes, as well as several hard dishes that are fixed on the banquet surface.

Xiao Hechou came over in the early morning. There was a large iron pot on the stove, which was stewed with pickled cabbage and white meat. The pig blood ordered from the pork shop had just been delivered, and the two aunts were busy stuffing blood sausage.

When Fu Yu came, Xiao Hechou was making braised pork elbows. They put seventeen or eight large elbows in a jar at a time, along with thick braised soup. The two jars were put on the stove at the same time and cooked for another two or three hours. , this elbow will become soft and fall off the bone.

Fu Yu came here to help with the cooking, and he was unambiguous. He went through the dishes on the list and divided the work with Xiao Hechou about the specific distribution of spoons.

Xiao Hechou hurriedly said: "Fu Yu, you are here, what should we do? Tell me, I will listen!"

Fu Yu was stunned and looked at Xiao Hechou: "Huh? Let's share the dishes on the list, and don't eat them alternately."

Xiao Hechou had no objection and hurriedly took the menu and said, "Okay! Then, Fu Yu, I will choose these few good cooking dishes that I am good at!"

Anyway, for Fu Yu, cooking all the dishes is the same, there is no difficulty!

For a chef like him to serve such a banquet, isn't it just a joke?

The conversation between the two of them stunned the aunties who were helping the cooks around them!

Xiao Hechou, what's going on?

What about the young chef who bullied others and came to help?

And he picks out the dishes that he is good at cooking. Then leave the difficult and difficult dishes to the young chefs?

However, no one actually said it out loud despite the secret murmurings in their hearts.

At most, I feel in my heart that Xiao Hechou is not very authentic!

Xiao Hechou took the sauced elbow, diced the meat, and sliced ​​the meat.

The pig skin jelly he cooked in his shop yesterday can be served directly after cutting it up today.

The sauced elbow pot is also stuffed with pork liver, pig Tianqiao, pig head meat, and pig ears.

Sauced pork elbow is a dish made of pork liver, pig Tianqiao and pig ears cut into slices and served with garlic paste for dipping. It is a famous local banquet dish in Sibei, with pork liver dipped in garlic paste.

Pork head meat is served with cucumber, dried tofu, and large ramen skin. It can be cut into shreds and mixed into slices to make a home-style dish.

The crispness of shredded cabbage, the fragrance of cucumber, the smoothness of vermicelli, the toughness of dried tofu, the salty aroma of shredded pork, plus the combination of colorful ingredients, will whet your appetite, spicy, sour and slightly sweet, very refreshing , goes with both rice and wine, this dish is indispensable at a banquet!

Aunts are usually good at cooking at home, so simple shredding and slicing is not a problem.

Anyway, it's a big pot dish, and it's the first banquet in the county, so there's not that much fuss.

So two of the aunts were responsible for the work of cutting and preparing the vegetables. Once everything was cut, Xiao Hechou could just mix the ingredients directly.

There were 12 dishes, and Xiao Hechou took seven of them by himself.

As for the remaining dishes, except for stewed chicken, stewed fish and tomato sauce shrimp are hard dishes, the other two are very simple stir-fries.

Dried hot pepper tofu only takes seven or eight minutes to cook in one pot!

Cut open the cicada pupa, fry it and then stir-fry it, it is also a quick dish.

For such a large banquet, the difficulty of cooking the dishes is not very high. What is really difficult is the huge number of dishes, which greatly tests the chef's time control of all cooking operations, as well as the precise control of the seasoning and side dishes of the large pot of dishes.

This kind of open-air banquet held at a person's home is different from the one held in a music restaurant.

When it comes to fish stew, the music restaurant always stews it in one pot.

Every dish is cooked to order.

But this kind of open-air banquet is different.

At wedding banquets, sweet and sour fish is usually served as a side dish. The fish made this way will have its head and tail turned up after being fried, which looks festive and auspicious.

Braised fish is usually served at wedding banquets.

Large carps farmed in nearby lakes are used.

This is pure wild fish, the meat is more tender and plump, and not fishy at all.

Fu Yu picked up the apron and put it on. He first placed all the seasonings according to his own habits, and then adjusted the placement of the kitchen utensils.

Finally, he began to place all the ingredients he needed in front of the stove.

Cooking dishes for a large banquet is different from that in a store. Everything is prepared in large pots and baskets.

Just for making stewed chicken, the cut big roosters can be arranged in a long row, and a large pot of stew can hold about ten dishes. If you want to cook thirty tables of dishes, you will need to stew in at least two pots.

Hazel mushrooms are grown on Sibei Mountain, and the stewed chicken is made by drying it in the previous year and soaking it in warm water.

Shitake mushrooms are not enough to make this dish. If you want it to be delicious and authentic, the soul lies in these pots of wild hazel mushrooms!

Boil the water and add the chicken pieces, knocking out all the foam that comes out.

Take two small green onions and prepare some seasonings. Heat oil in a pan and fry the sugar until brown. Add the chicken to the pan and stir-fry while pouring cooking wine along the edge of the pan.

Add light soy sauce and the like one by one. If there are mushrooms, you don’t need to add oil, otherwise there will definitely be odor transfer.

There are not many opportunities for Qianli Ma to order this dish. Fu Yu has never made it twice. He knows these cooking tips because he has been diligently looking through old classic recipes.

Now it seems that I have so many skills that I don't know how to use them. I don't know when I will be able to use them.

Add mushrooms and chicken to the pot together.

If you want these two things to be delicious, you should stew them for a while.

Fu Yu put the lid on the pot and breathed a sigh of relief.

After the chicken is stewed and the fish is put into the pot, these two key dishes are ready.

Now that there is plenty of time, Fu Yu is cooking fish while chatting with Xiao Hechou.

Xiao Hechou used to take on the private work of hosting large banquets.

Because such banquets are held in the morning in the county.

Therefore, the busiest time for the chef is in the morning. After helping to set up the table, he goes back to the store. Although he is a little rushed at the beginning, he can finish everything in the afternoon.

On the one hand, taking on such a private job, the hard work fee given is very generous.

On the other hand, the only people who can find the door are relatives and friends with some connections, or old customers who are familiar with the store, so there is no way to evade it.

It's just that in the past, Xiao Hechou brought a chef from the store, and the two of them worked together.

Today we encountered a special situation.

Fortunately, Fu Yu is good at work, quick at work, and very serious about his work.

The two of them cooked separately and soon got the rhythm of cooking under control.

Fu Yu stretched his head and took a look at the situation on Xiao Hechou's side.

The stewed elbow and other cooked food were stewed in the pot.

The pork belly is already steaming in the pot.

Taking advantage of this free time, Xiao Hechou was carefully cutting the pig skin jelly.

This dish is also a hot seller in his own restaurant.

The cost is low and the profit is high. Generally, customers who come to the restaurant to eat will specially order a plate.

That’s because the pork skin jelly made in their store is firm, translucent and has no fishy smell.

The most important thing is that it does not contain any additives or edible glue.

The ingredients are genuine and the taste is guaranteed, so you won’t have to worry about sales.

Fu Yu took a look at the quality of the pig skin jelly and praised: "This skin jelly is really well made!"

When Xiao Hechou heard it, he immediately said: "That's right, this dish is also a hot seller in our store. It uses good pig skin and you cook it pot by pot."

As he spoke, he recalled something and sighed: "It's so good, but the person suddenly disappeared. We originally met two days ago!"

Fu Yu asked curiously: "What's going on with your classmate?"

Xiao Hechou glanced at the side and saw that they were all people who came to help. There were no immediate family members present, so he explained: "My relationship was frustrated. His family was just selling hardware supplies. In the past few years, this part of the county was not developed as a tourist area. Well, he has a friend whose relative is the person in charge of the construction company and does a lot of work for him.

Once he had money, he got excited and raised a little wife outside.

It turned out that his wife was pregnant with a child and caused trouble at his home. His wife divorced him without saying a word and lived alone with the child.

His son is already in junior high school, and he has always been a very precious child in the family. Now, because of his incident, the entire family is in trouble.

Feeling guilty, he left home, leaving his house, car and savings to his ex-wife and son.

As a result, the little wife he was looking for outside went to the hospital in anger, beat the child, and broke up with him.

His ex-wife ignored him.

The tourist development zone has also been completed, and the business of his hardware store is getting worse and worse.

I couldn't think about it for a moment, so I went drinking on the day of the accident, and when I got home, I jumped off the seventh floor.

Alas, what a misfortune! "

After hearing this, Fu Yu couldn't help but sigh.

This man, do you think he has no conscience?

He can also leave the house out of guilt.

But you want to say that he has a conscience?

Another typical scumbag.

In the final analysis, I still failed to maintain my moral bottom line and suffered the consequences in the end.

While talking, Fu Yu started frying fish one after another.

A total of 30 fat and tender carp.

Fu Yu checked before cooking and found that many of the items were not clean. He immediately felt an occupational disease and cleaned each item himself.

After all the carp were fried, he poured hot oil into the iron pan, added the base ingredients and stir-fried until fragrant. Almost half a pot of chili was put into the oil pan, and a spicy smell suddenly wafted in the air. .

There was an aunt who was helping the kitchen next to me, and she brought a basin of washed side dishes over.

As soon as she arrived in front of the kitchen counter, she coughed twice because of the smoke, and couldn't help but ask: "Ah, there are so many chili peppers, it won't be spicy after a while!"

Fu Yu smiled: "I used dried red pepper. I tasted it. It's not spicy. That's what it tastes like!"

Xiao Hechou also said at this time: "We have prepared four kinds of chili peppers. The one in this pot is bowl-licking chili peppers. They are very colorful and very fragrant, but they are not very spicy.

This roasted fish needs to be rich in color to look good, and it has a bit of chili flavor to make it delicious! "

Hearing what Xiao Hechou said, the aunt didn't say much. Xiao Hechou was the owner of the restaurant and an authentic chef.

It’s very convincing!

This is the reputation that I have slowly accumulated over the years by opening a store and taking on private jobs here and there.

Xiao Hechou has been able to open a store for so many years, and he is also a good person.

He knew that the aunts didn't think much of Yu. They saw that the young man was too young and treated him as a mere worker.

This was also the reason why Xiao Hechou went out of his way to help explain. He was worried that Fu Yu would feel uncomfortable hearing it, and he was also worried that his aunt was getting older and would be too nagging and say things that shouldn't be said, which would offend people.

Here, after Fu Yu answered, he poured half a bottle of bean paste into the pot, stir-fried, and threw in a lot of coriander roots.

Stir fry for a while and add water directly to the pot.

With the absolute feel and green line assistance, when Fu Yu added water now, he no longer looked at the scale as carefully as before, but relied entirely on experience. He poured in two large basins of water and the water level just reached the standard.

After adding the water smoothly, he began to place the fried large carp side by side in the pot.

When placing the fish, the belly of the fish should be facing up and the back of the fish should be facing down. 30 carp can be stacked in one pot. Just thirty dishes were cooked, one fish for each table.

Xiao Hechou originally stretched out his hand to take a casual look because he was talking to Fu Yu, but after seeing it, he couldn't look away.

This braised fish dish is a very common banquet dish here in the county.

Xiao Hechou has cooked a lot, and is very familiar with every step of the operation.

And the firing of large banquets like this is even more skillful.

But watching Fu Yu mix the water first and then fish, the ratio of fish to water turned out to be just right!

Just this seemingly simple and casual operation made Xiao Hechou dumbfounded! (End of chapter)

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