Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1083 Living well is the most important thing

Only those who have cooked fish on such a large table will know how difficult it is to perform such precise operations!

Under normal circumstances, when cooking, you will first add an appropriate amount of water, then put the fish in the pot, and then continue to add water, directly immersing the fish body and most of the fish head into the soup, and then start cooking.

After all, how big the fish is, how heavy it is, and how much space it takes up in the pot. Not just anyone can do this step.

How much experience does it have to have, and how precise is the control of water volume?

Xiao Hechou was dumbfounded and amazed in his heart!

Cooking a big pot of food is not like cooking in the kitchen. Whether it is putting vegetables or cutting ingredients, it is a big opening and closing operation.

Fu Yu directly picked up a bucket of extremely delicious food and poured half a bottle into the pot in a circular motion. Then he directly filled the sugar with a frying spoon, added salt, and started cooking.

The smell of this stewed fish is so delicious.

Fu Yu occupied both stoves.

He turned his head and glanced at Xiao Hechou, who was busy cutting skin jelly, and there happened to be a stove available, so he quickly picked up the big basin of cicada pupae and moved it over, preparing to make open-sided cicada pupae.

Put the washed silkworm chrysalis into clean water, add a little salt and green onion slices and ginger slices, bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer over low heat.

In the few minutes he had spared, Fu Yu was not idle. He went back to his place and quickly inspected some of the prawns that had been processed.

Maybe all chefs have this problem. They care very much about details, especially hygiene, to the point of being picky.

Fu Yu has been with Zhao Meng for nearly two years, and he is particularly concerned about this aspect!

He checked all the prawns one by one. If the shrimp lines were not cleaned properly or if the back opening of the shrimp was too slanted, he would correct them one by one.

This is because he has the blessing of hand speed, otherwise the two large basins of shrimps that are so full would definitely not be finished in half an hour.

Quickly clean all the prawns and finish cutting.

Fu Yu then took out the cooked silkworm chrysalis and poured it into the water. He cut the silkworm chrysalis in half vertically with scissors and removed a piece of black dirt inside.

Sharpening the knife is as good as chopping wood. Fu Yu did not leave this laborious and time-consuming operation to others and handled it himself.

When he started doing it, his movements were a bit slow. Later, as he became more and more proficient, his speed became faster and faster. In the end, it became a kind of exercise for finger dexterity.

This subtle self-training habit of honing cooking skills anytime and anywhere is actually due to the repeated cooking learning in the teaching practice class.

Fu Yu himself didn't even realize that he had unknowingly developed this good habit of accumulating and improving his cooking skills.

After the cicada pupae were processed, Fu Yu poured two large basins full of cicada pupae into a pot of boiling water to cook.

When it's cooked, take it out and drain it.

Fu Yu did this operation quickly and deftly.

In order to prevent others from seeing his unnatural operation, he simply attached the large basin to the edge of the pot. As soon as the colander left the water, he directly placed it on the edge of the basin. After the water was drained, the colander was directly placed upside down into the basin.

After taking out all the cicada pupae, Fu Yu directly picked up the iron pot from the stove with a rag on his back, and poured the boiling hot water in the pot directly into the bucket next to it.

As soon as he lifted it, the auntie from the cook next to him exclaimed: "Ouch! Young man, how can I lift this pot? It's too heavy. Be careful not to hold it and hit your feet!"

Fu Yu poured out a large pot of hot water steadily and put the iron pot back on the stove. Then he poured water into the pot to wash it and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm strong!"

The aunt enthusiastically pointed out: "The water in this pot must be filled with a ladle, and the rest can be taken out with a broom!"

Fu Yu smiled: "Oh, okay, I'll do it like this next time."

My physical strength and arm strength are far beyond ordinary people. Carrying an iron pot is nothing, but I can't explain it to others.

When all the cicada pupae were fried until their skin was crispy and tender, Fu Yu stopped cooking the dish.

When it's time to serve, just stir-fry and serve.

After all the preparations were finished, Fu Yu first checked the stewing condition of the chicken.

Hazel mushrooms need to be simmered over low heat to fully integrate the unique mellow flavor into the chicken.

After turning the chicken upside down and continuing to stew, Fu Yu turned around and plated the cooked carp.

The guests attending the wedding banquet have already arrived one after another.

The relatives endured their grief and warmly greeted all the relatives and friends who came to have a feast.

The drinks were served first, followed by the hot dishes.

Baishi is different from other banquets. The order of serving dishes is "pulled beef". The hot dishes are served first and the cold dishes are served last.

Fu Yu's braised fish and Xiao Hechou's stewed elbow were first brought to the table.

These thirty large fish were served and stacked on the tray. Since we were not professional caterers, we could only serve them one plate at a time.

After going back and forth for many times, Fu Yu served the food too quickly, so he had to carry it himself, and there was no room to put the plate.

After the fish was served, Fu Yu made tomato sauce shrimp first.

Except for the stewed chicken, everything else he had here was fast food.

As soon as Xiao Hechou's braised pork was ready, three dishes were served one after another.

The dishes to be cooked are not complicated at all. What is difficult is to serve them quickly. I have to hold the spoon all the time, and there are people around me who are constantly shouting and urging me to serve the dishes.

In fact, cooking for a large banquet is just doing the same thing over and over again!

Constantly preparing, cooking, plating, and serving.

Constantly adjust the order of serving dishes and the amount of food on the plate based on the actual situation on site.

This is the so-called improvisation, and it tests the chef's ability to improvise.

Because the chef and the guests of the large banquet are in the same place and can see each other when they raise their heads, some feedback from the customers during the meal will be noticed by the chef immediately.

The most intuitive thing is to urge the food to be served.

Which table has all the guests and eats quickly? It doesn’t take long for the table to be in a mess. But at this time, there are actually dishes that have not been served. The chef needs to cook as quickly as possible and cannot let the customers wait at the empty table. Baba waited.

The cooking connection between each dish is very important to the chef.

Fu Yu's grasp of the cooking time is perfect, and his grasp of the cooking operations of the dishes is also perfect.

Based on how the food is served, he can tell how long is the best time to cook the next dish!

In front of his eyes, Fu Yu could see the simulation diagram of the best cooking method for each ingredient very intuitively. During the operation, he could even refine it down to every step.

After the shrimps in tomato sauce were served, Fu Yu quickly cooked the cicada pupae. As soon as the dishes were taken away, he made dried tofu with hot pepper.

The dry tofu here in Sibei is all ground by farmers. It is not as thin as the one in Bei'an, but it tastes very chewy and has a particularly mellow bean flavor.

Stir-fry with hot chili peppers over high heat and thicken with starch. Green and yellow, suitable for spicy taste.

When making this dish, Fu Yu took a clever trick and directly poured the broth from Xiao Hechou's braised pork elbow.

By simmering it in broth, the dry tofu becomes more fragrant.

This is cooked locally in Sibei. If it were cooked in Bei'an, it would not work. You have to use clear broth.

If Fu Yu hadn't helped prepare the banquet in Sibei before, Fu Yu wouldn't know the home-made method of braised vegetables in braised meat soup.

All the dishes here are put on plates and taken away, and the chicken stewed in the pot is also ready.

After Fu Yu finished the dishes he was responsible for, he turned around and saw Xiao Hechou busy making mixed dishes, so he took the initiative and said, "The egg soup hasn't been made yet? I've finished it here, I'll make the soup."

When Xiao Hechou heard this, he hurriedly responded: "Okay, I just need a lot of mixed vegetables here!"

Here in Sibei, at a white banquet, as long as the egg soup is served, it means that the banquet is about to break up.

The guests present quickly finished the last few bites of their meals, drank a bowl of soup and left immediately.

This egg soup is actually called egg soup, but because it sounded too unpleasant, it was called egg soup instead.

Fu Yu beat a small bowl of eggs and beat them thoroughly with chopsticks.

Prepare a large basin, put 2 tablespoons of starch in it, add an appropriate amount of water and stir it evenly.

Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, first add diced carrots, then add 1 tablespoon of edible salt and chicken essence to taste.

Finally, add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil and bring the water to a boil over high heat.

After the water boils, pour the starch water into it, stirring to thicken it while pouring.

Put the water starch in and boil it again. This is the key step to making this soup.

Don't pour the egg liquid in at once. Use a spoon to turn it clockwise while pouring, and quickly break up the egg liquid poured into the pot.

This will fully open the egg liquid in the pot without any egg lumps.

While Fu Yu was cooking, the aunt who was helping the cook took a moment to take a look.

When he saw it, he was immediately surprised and said: "Hey, your egg soup is so good! The eggs are all in pieces, unlike the ones I ate before, which were all in small pieces!"

Egg soup is the last dish of today's banquet. Once it is ready and served, the cooking work is over.

Fu Yu relaxed completely and casually sprinkled chopped green onion into the pot while casually saying: "There is a trick to making this soup! If you want to make egg soup, the egg liquid will be fully dispersed without clumping. Pay attention to these two points.

First, you must use chopsticks to fully stir the egg white and egg yolk at the beginning.

Second, when pouring it into the pot, raise it a little higher to pour it in, and use a spoon to make clockwise circles while pouring it.

The egg liquid that falls into the pot will spread out like exploding flowers, which is very beautiful. "

While the two were talking, Xiao Hechou finished his work and came over. He listened to Fu Yu's words, nodded, and praised: "Fu Yu, I found that you are very talented. You are a good cook." Method, in fact, after working for many years, you can accumulate some experience.

But if you say it out loud, it will be difficult for others to understand.

By saying this, you explained all the cooking tips, which is very simple and easy to understand! "

The aunt also had a look on her face as she listened to Fu Yu's words very carefully and memorized the instructions carefully.

When the last bowl of egg soup was taken away, Fu Yu also took out the reserved bowls of hot soup and handed them to several aunts who were helping the cooks. Xiao Hechou also set aside a small bowl for the family members who were hosting the banquet. pot.

Since I came here early in the morning, I didn't even bother to eat or drink water.

Fu Yu picked up a bowl of hot egg soup and sipped it.

Although this egg soup is simple to make, it tastes really good, light but not too rich, really fragrant and delicious.

All the work is done, and this time I can finally take a breath.

Xiao Hechou set aside a small pot of mixed vegetables, two pieces of pork head, and a large plate of sliced ​​pork.

Everything else was put on the table and taken away.

Several people gathered together, holding steamed steamed buns, dipped in the leftover broth of braised meat soup and stewed chicken, and ate all the reserved dishes.

After working all morning, I am really hungry!

And I don’t know if it’s because of the big pot, but I think it tastes more fragrant and delicious than the food cooked in a small pot at home.

After a simple meal, the guests who came to the banquet also left one after another after eating and drinking.

Xiao Hechou went over and said a few words to the host.

Fu Yu watched from a distance as his host stuffed money into Xiao Hechou, but was pushed back by Xiao Hechou.

The two bickered for a while, and finally Xiao Hechou hurried back.

He had already said hello to his host, and came here specifically to ask Fu Yu to leave together.

"Let's go, the work here is done!"

The weather at the end of April was already very warm.

When I was busy working before, I was sweating all over.

They sat in the car and turned on the air conditioner. It took a long time for the two of them to recover.

After all, Xiao Hechou was getting older, and no matter how strong his body looked, he still looked haggard after one night and another day, and his eyelids were a little swollen.

As the car drove on the winding mountain road, Xiao Hechou felt relieved and said with a smile: "Thanks to you today, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to cook so smoothly.

My classmate’s family just said that the banquet was very good and the guests were very satisfied with their food. "

Fu Yu leaned on the car seat and smiled: "It's just a matter of helping me."

Xiao Hechou didn't go out of his way to say any kind words.

He felt very heavy at this time. He felt very uncomfortable just now when he saw his classmates' parents holding on to entertain the guests.

This time, he didn't charge a penny for the cooking, which was considered as a gift.

The classmate's parents felt sorry for him and agreed to invite him home for a nice meal after the funeral arrangements were settled.

Thinking of the old man's grief-filled look, Xiao Hechou couldn't help but sigh: "This man is so fragile. Nothing is more important than living. Really, even if it's not for yourself, you still have to live well!

It would be really miserable to have white-haired parents give birth to black-haired parents. "

Fu Yu nodded, deeply convinced of this.

Xiao Hechou insisted on driving Fu Yu home and then left on his own.

Before leaving, Sheng Sheng stuffed Fu Yu with a red envelope that he had prepared in advance.

Fu Yu didn't want it, but Xiao Hechou used the name of custom and said that he had to pay for his job.

Having said that, the money has become inevitable.

After the two said goodbye, Fu Yu watched Xiao Hechou drive away, and then turned around and entered the yard.

At this time, the family was also having dinner.

Hearing the noise, Fu's mother was the first to come out. When she saw Fu Yu, she hurriedly greeted: "You're back! Come in quickly, haven't you eaten yet? Are you hungry? 0" (End of Chapter)

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