Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1084 Got the certificate

Fu Yu entered the door and saw a family sitting around the dining table eating.

He came back a little late, and the others had already eaten almost everything, but Fu Ma's teeth were not very good, so she wanted to eat the prepared sweet and sour short ribs, so she chewed them there slowly for a while, and just in time Fu Ma Yu is home.

The soy milk made by Fu Ma in the morning could not be made without Fu Yu.

Originally, Fu Ma planned to bake a few green onion pancakes, but when Liu Yunong heard about this, she immediately rushed over to cook the breakfast.

This is what Liu Yunong is best at. She deliberately shows off in front of Fu's mother and Fu's father.

Liu Yunong can’t make fried dough sticks, but she can make crunchy boxes.

Master Zhou's hometown is in the capital, and he has been accustomed to eating pasta since he was a child. The noodles he makes are particularly authentic.

Liu Yunong learned this skill from Master Zhou.

She mixed the mung bean noodles with flour, mixed them well, knocked in the eggs, and added water to form a batter.

She was skillful in frying pancakes in the pan. She spread the pancake skin into a very thin sheet and placed it on the chopping board.

The stuffing is Fu’s dad and Fu’s mom’s favorite leek meat. The pork can be either fat or lean. It’s delicious when mixed with seasonings.

The baked pancake skin is spread with fillings, and then covered with a layer of pancake skin.

Liu Yunong was at the helm, carefully cutting the large stuffed pancakes into wide strips, and explained to Fu’s mother: “First cut the wide strips and fry them in the pan, and then cut them into small diamond-shaped pieces after frying, otherwise they will fall apart easily after being fried. !”

Fu's mother praised her repeatedly: "Yunong, you are truly an expert! I'm not good at it, I'm too far behind in cooking!"

Liu Yunong was elated by the praise.

During the meal, Fu's father and Fu's mother were very happy, and there was not a single piece of the creaky box left on the two large plates.

Liu Yunong suddenly became interested and finally found a shortcut to please Fu's father and Fu's mother.

With nothing to do in the morning, Liu Yunong rummaged around in the kitchen and got a bunch of ingredients to make lunch for the family.

Fu Yu is back!

The whole family gathered back at the dining table, and the food in the pot specially set aside for Fu Yu was brought to the table.

Fu Yu had actually eaten just now, but looking at the dishes on the table, he still picked up his chopsticks and tasted them carefully.

He glanced at the dishes on the table and found that they were basically his parents' favorites. They were some of the dishes that Liu Yunong's parents mentioned during their seemingly unintentional chat during the previous chat.

I have to say that Liu Yunong is very thoughtful.

As a chef, I have this habit. Whenever I need to cook, as long as conditions permit, I will carefully ask the diners for their opinions, what flavors they like and whether they suit their appetite. They are really willing to work hard on the ingredients, heat and taste. , delve into and explore.

And for the people you care about, during daily meals, you will indeed subconsciously observe which dishes the other person eats more and likes to eat, and which dishes he eats less and does not like to eat, silently remembering them in his heart.

The casserole is filled with moderately soft white meat, and the six-color plates for dipping are all the most authentic ingredients: soybean curd, sesame tofu, chive flowers, crispy peppers, minced garlic, and sesame oil. Six of them are indispensable. .

The marinated lean meat strips are tightly wrapped with thinly sliced ​​eggplant, wrapped in egg noodles and deep-fried, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. After being cooked, they are topped with a generous amount of fish pesto and garlic sauce. Fu Yu tasted it After one sip, my eyes suddenly lit up.

This dish has a strong taste of fish flavor. If it is more, it will be salty, if it is less, it will be less flavorful.

Fu Ma hadn't left the table yet and was sitting next to Fu Yu. The two of them were chewing on the crispy sweet and sour short ribs. The heat was so strong that the bones could be chewed.

Fu Yu carefully smashed it to get the taste, then turned to look at his mother who was happily chewing the bones.

His mother loves this bite especially, and Liu Yunong’s dish is simply tailor-made for her!

In the past two days since sisters Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing came home, Fu's father and Fu's mother have been enjoying themselves!

The two chefs in the family take turns taking charge, and the food standard at home has skyrocketed!

After dinner, Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing rushed to wash the dishes and tidy up the kitchen.

Then we washed some fruits and the family sat in the living room chatting.

In a few days, Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing will go to the capital, and they may not be able to come back for a year. Fu's father and Fu's mother are waiting for the two children to leave, and they will also travel around.

Even if you don't go far away, just going to a provincial capital will be an eye-opener in your life.

My son's career is getting better and better now, and his marriage will be decided soon.

The most worrying thing is about to be settled, and this time I can calm down and enjoy the peace and happiness.

Fu's father and Fu's mother had mentioned this matter to Fu Yu before, and Fu Yu also agreed with it very much.

He can make money now, which is enough for his family's expenses. His parents are so old, and he doesn't want them to have to worry about living anymore.

In his opinion, parents now only need to enjoy life and take care of themselves.

As for making money to support his family, he can already shoulder it.

The reason why Dad and Mom changed their previous idea of ​​living frugally and were willing to travel around is because they now have a head start in life.

They expected that they would only have one or two years of free time at most.

When Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing have a child, they will have to help take care of the child.

Just thinking about it makes me realize that life is so wonderful!

The family chatted for a while, and the topic naturally turned to the children.

Liu Yuqing smiled and said: "Xiaoqing, you said that I will be so busy with work in the future that I will not have time to take care of you. If I have children in the future, I really won't be able to take care of you too much."

When Liu Yuqing heard this, she immediately said with a smile: "Sister, it's okay!"

Liu Yunong felt warm and at the same time felt a little dumbfounded.

She said this just for Fu's father and Fu's mother to listen to, and to express her position in advance, Liu Yuqing took it seriously.

No matter how busy she is, if Liu Yuqing really gives birth to a child, can she still ignore it?

She had to come over and take care of her even if she made time. If she didn't keep an eye on her, how could she feel at ease?

However, Liu Yuqing's words moved her a little. After all, she was her biological sister, which was great!

As a result, the smile on her face had not yet bloomed when she heard Liu Yuqing continue to say: "Sister, you can rest assured and work hard to make money. In the future, you can just give me money directly. I can buy whatever I need. My aunt and uncle are also retired, so I will let them take care of me when the time comes.

When you have time, you can come over to my house. I will entertain you and let Fu Yu cook delicious food for you! "

Hearing this, Liu Yunong was speechless for a moment, this damn girl!

There's no such thing as a joke, I'm not ashamed at all!

Fu's father and Fu's mother were amused and laughed.

Dad Fu said quickly: "There is no need to give any money. All our money will be spent on them from now on. Fu Yu will also work hard and make more money!"

Fu Ma also smiled from ear to ear: "I am willing to take care of Xiaoqing, what a blessing it would be!"

Liu Yunong also smiled. Although she was very speechless, she was particularly satisfied with the attitude of Fu's father and Fu's mother.

The two old people have really good personalities. It seems that Liu Yuqing will no longer have to worry about getting along with her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

When talking about children, several people present were a little excited. Father Fu and Mother Fu looked at each other and took the initiative to ask when the day for their two children to receive their certificates was.

Although there is no banquet to receive the certificate, the day is still somewhat particular.

Liu Yunong didn't know much about this matter.

So Fu Dad and Fu Yu mentioned that there was a very famous master in Sibei County who specialized in doing calculations like this.

Anyway, they had time, so the family simply drove there.

This master's home is in a village some distance from the county seat.

I heard that there used to be a temple in the village, and the master became a monk there. Later, when a highway was built, the temple was built with the approval of the village.

As compensation, we were allotted additional land in the village, and the village committee led people to help build a small courtyard.

The master used to just help read the fortunes, but later people began to ask him to help them name their children.

Gradually more and more people came to visit him, and the master's reputation grew.

Everyone said that he was quite powerful and very good at this aspect.

Father Fu and Mother Fu don't really believe in this aspect, but for a big event like getting married, it would definitely be better to get a lucky break.

Ask a master to help you choose a good day to get married, just to make it auspicious.

As a result, before they said anything, the master directly set a date, which is tomorrow.

The days are actually pretty good. April 27 is the day to swear to love my wife. It is a double day on the lunar calendar, and it is also a Saturday.

The master is really very professional in this aspect. He explained Fu Yu and Liu Yunong's birth dates eloquently, which day is suitable for marriage, which brings good fortune, and which karma is the best.

After what he said, no matter whether it was really effective or not, everyone present was elated after hearing it.

Dad Fu was even more happy and gave the master five hundred yuan directly.

Although it was just to receive the certificate, the family still had a very sense of ceremony.

The whole family wore festive red clothes.

Liu Yuqing and Fu Yu specially wore white shirts and looked clean and fresh.

Aunt Fu Yu and her uncle also rushed over and helped buy wedding candies, preparing for the red envelopes distributed by the Civil Affairs Bureau later.

The process of obtaining the certificate was very fast. When we arrived at the place, no one came to handle the business. They were the only ones, so they successfully completed the procedures, took photos, and received the certificate.

The staff only accepted wedding candies and did not ask for red envelopes.

Liu Yunong brought a camera and took a lot of photos of Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing, planning to develop them as a souvenir later.

Father Fu and Mother Fu were filled with emotion as they watched Liu Yunong busy helping with the arrangements.

Otherwise, it is said that elder sisters are like mothers. The relationship between these two sisters is really good!

After receiving the certificate and going home, Aunt Fu Yu made arrangements to celebrate and insisted on treating guests to the most famous iron pot banquet in Sibei.

There were many people, so I ordered a pot of goose stew and a pot of fish stew.

People feel refreshed when happy events occur.

Liu Yuqing ate a large goose leg, several pieces of goose meat and soft potatoes, and ate two pancakes alone.

Fu Yu accompanied his uncle and dad to drink the store's special homemade wine.

Fu Yu felt very happy, he was a little drunk, his face was red, and his forehead was sweating.

On the contrary, because Liu Yuqing had obtained the certificate and had a formal marriage relationship, she deliberately did not sit next to Fu Yu. She stuck to her sister's side and sat opposite, gnawing on the big goose and staring at the person with her dark eyes.


From now on, the man in front of her is her husband!

Even though there was no ceremony, the two were already a legal couple protected by the law!

It makes me so excited just thinking about it!

Being stared at by Liu Yuqing, Fu Yu couldn't help but got up and left the box.

Liu Yuqing received the signal and followed immediately.

Fu Yu went to the hotel front desk and ordered two bottles of drinks.

He unscrewed the cap of one bottle and handed it to Liu Yuqing, and drank the other bottle himself.

Not in a hurry to go back, the two of them found an empty table and sat down, chatting close to each other.

Liu Yuqing hugged Fu Yu's arm and muttered: "I'm still a little bit unaware. When I was eating just now, I flipped through the marriage certificate and looked back and forth three times. I really didn't expect that the marriage certificate only cost a dozen yuan. Money, this is too cheap!”

Fu Yu heard it funny: "How much do you think you will get?"

Liu Yuqing said: "This is a lifelong event, why don't you get a few hundred yuan!"

After saying that, I was happy too.

Fu Yu's eyes were red with alcohol, and Fu Er whispered: "You will be my wife from now on, we are considered married now."

"Yes, we are officially married, and you will be my husband from now on."

"Tell me, can my mother and the others still let us sleep in separate rooms tonight? After all, it's legal?"

"What are you thinking about? Before the ceremony, let me collect all your thoughts, you know?"

"Hey hey hey"

The two of them huddled together and talked privately, but they didn't dare to speak too loudly for fear of being overheard.

The two bottles of drinks were finished unconsciously, and then they went back to the box together.

After the whole family finished eating happily, Liu Yunong had to leave.

Things at her branch couldn't be delayed. If it weren't for the fact that she wanted to witness Liu Yuqing receiving her marriage certificate, she would have left yesterday.

Fortunately, this meal was equivalent to putting it into practice for her.

Aunt Fu Yu and his wife also followed back and saw Liu Yunong off together.

Fu's mother brought a lot of vegetables grown in her garden, as well as some specialties from Bei'an that Aunt Fu Yu and her aunt had given her before.

There is even a large basket of eggs from the home-raised chickens and ducks.

Liu Yunong drove away with a trunk full of gifts.

Aunt Fu Yu and her uncle sent the person away, sat at home for a while, and then went back.

There were only four of them left at home, so they chatted for a while and then started cleaning.

He can still stay at home for a few days, but Fu Yu estimates that he will have to go to the capital around May Day.

He planned to spend the rest of his days at home with his parents.

When it was approaching four o'clock, Fu's mother was just preparing to prepare dinner, and Fu's father's cell phone rang.

Wu Bowen specially called and asked the whole family to come over for dinner.

The relationship between Fu's father and Wu Bowen is as close as brothers, and Fu Yu is very close to Wu Bowen.

He had been thinking about taking Liu Yuqing to visit Wu Bowen before, but he was so busy that he delayed it for several days.

After making the phone call, Dad Fu happily greeted the whole family to go out together.

Wu Bowen originally planned to visit Fu Yu's house at noon, but later his brother-in-law Xiao Hechou asked Fu Yu to help him with the affairs. With this situation, it was difficult for him to be a guest, so he invited people to his house. Come, have a nice meal together, and thank Fu Yu in passing. (End of chapter)

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