Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1085 Mandatory Task

Wu Bowen warmly entertained Fu Yu's family.

Because I was just getting the certificate and there was no ceremony yet, I didn’t bother to stuff the red envelope with the gift.

The two families had a lively meal.

When talking about the upcoming departure of Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing, Wu Bowen took the initiative to say that he would help take care of Fu's father and Fu's mother, and also told Fu Yu to contact them frequently.

After a small gathering with Mr. and Mrs. Wu Bowen, Fu Yu stayed at home to spend the remaining few days with his parents.

In the past few days, people from the neighbors came to visit one after another, some brought food and drinks, and some just came to chat. Fu Yu's family warmly entertained them.

This is how it is among neighbors. Anyone who has a promising family will be looked down upon by others unconsciously.

Status will also be affected and improved.

Listening to everyone's praise of Fu Yu, this made Fu's father and Fu's mother feel proud for the first time. The joy and pride in their hearts was simply beautiful!

After all, Fu Yu dropped out of school but was often talked about behind his back, and now he has finally turned around.

In fact, in addition to material needs, people's needs are often more important than the feeling of being respected.

A few days passed in a flash.

On the last day of April, Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing packed their things, left the car at their hometown, and took the bus back to Bei'an.

In Bei'an, Liu Yunong set up a table in his restaurant. It was closed for the day. Several old people in the restaurant gathered together and invited Zhao Meng and Yao Shi over to have a good gathering.

This meal is considered a formal farewell banquet.

Tomorrow Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing will leave for the capital, and there is no telling when they will come back here.

Liu Yunong arranged the table, on the one hand, to announce to everyone that Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing had received their certificates.

On the other hand, I also hope that Fu Yu can continue to maintain his relationship with Bei'an in the future.

Whether it is Yao Shi or Zhao Meng, they are both well-known local talents, and they will only get better and better in the future.

Liu Yunong is thinking about Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing now. His career development is now on the right track, and it has obviously begun to exceed the upper limit.

She originally thought that she would be able to survive until the age of forty, which would be considered the peak period of entrepreneurship. Unexpectedly, now that her network of contacts is getting wider and her career is getting bigger, she obviously still has the opportunity to move up!

However, even so, Liu Yunong still has some regrets!

After all, the current progress is still far from her goal of promoting Liu's cuisine.

However, Fu Yu has unlimited future!

In her heart, besides paving the way for Liu Yuqing, she also wants to see how Fu Yu can develop best in the future.

Before at Fu's house, she told Father Fu and Mother Fu that she would be very concerned about Fu Yu's affairs.

One family does not talk to each other, especially her family's situation, each other knows it well.

Zhao Meng and Yao Shi were shocked when they learned that Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing had received the certificate!

Zhao Meng was surprised, but he was really happy for Fu Yu, and joked: "You kid, you are very fast!"

Now that we have obtained the certificates, we are legally married.

As for when and how the ceremony will be held, we can just discuss it later and make a final calculation.

People usually get on the bus first and then pay for the ticket. Fu Yu is so capable!

Liu Yunong introduced several managers of his store. Yao Shi and Zhao Meng might be blamed for whatever happens to the branch here in the future.

Fu Yu was very familiar with everyone here, and they had a particularly harmonious meal.

Yao Shi paid great attention to Yu and gave him many instructions.

Fu Yu was very moved.

After eating, the seniors present and Liu Yunong naturally chatted about Fu Yu's future and their own career plans.

Yao Shi looked at Fu Yu and said: "I originally thought about whether I could leave Chollima next year and run the music restaurant well, but I didn't expect Fu Yu to be so good and win several honors one after another.

Now I am a whole year ahead of schedule, and I have to start running my own business without even mentally preparing myself. "

One sentence made everyone present laugh.

However, Zhao Meng and Fu Yu knew very well how difficult this step was for Yao Shi.

Zhao Meng looked at Yao Shi and couldn't help but laugh: "Chef Yao, you are so good at being so good!"

Yao Shi couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Meng turned around and looked at Fu Yu: "When you get to the capital, and if anything happens, just ask Chef Yao. He gets along very well with Liu Yongping."

Yao Shi laughed when he heard this: "How can I be of any use! You don't know that Chef Liu has been calling me every day to ask when Fu Yu will go to the capital and whether he has booked his flight tickets."

Zhao Meng nodded: "That's okay. Aren't I afraid that Chef Liu will underestimate Fu Yu's strength? This kid is really powerful!"

Liu Yongping is a big shot in the food circle. Even if he stays in the capital, if he wants to know about the big things and small things here in Bei'an, he can still hear a little bit about them.

Fu Yu has been receiving honors and honors these days, his reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and he is getting more and more attention in the circle. As the person in charge of Fu Yu's further education activities, Liu Yongping needs to have a very detailed understanding of this situation. .

As a result of this understanding, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Fu Yu was not only an excellent cook, but also a good medicated cook.

This also made Liu Yongping appreciate Du Yu more and more, and couldn't wait to meet him and have a good exchange.

Fu Yu couldn't help but smile at the two men's teasing.

After talking about Fu Yu, several people talked about their respective developments.

Although they both work in the catering industry, their respective fields are completely different, and they have no worries when talking about this aspect.

Liu Yunong will open branches one after another to expand the business territory.

What their family cooks is private cooking, so they don't worry about being snatched away from customers, and they don't worry about their development prospects.

Yao Shi's current large-scale banquet management is expected to not change in the short term. Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu are now supporting Chollima's kitchen at the same time. It is said that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, but in fact the relationship between the two has become more stable.

The main reason is that there are fewer people in the kitchen, and the burden on the two people's shoulders has obviously increased. If they can't immediately promote the people under them to share the work, they will have to grit their teeth and hold on.

I can't finish my work, so I can't even be in the mood to compete for other things.

When the topic comes up, several people have a lot of ideas to talk about, about how Guan Lai develops, how

When the topic of Fu Yu's future development finally came up, several people discussed it even more enthusiastically.

Fu Yu sat nearby and listened, feeling particularly moved.

What moved him was not how far-sighted or sharp the ideas of the people here were, but the seriousness of planning for Fu Yu, which was extremely precious and rare!

At the same time, in the back kitchen of the Fuchengchun flagship store in the capital, all the personnel selected to participate in the food display area of ​​the National Electronic Technology Expo gathered together and held a meeting on the specific work arrangements for this event.

After the meeting, just as the day's work was completed, everyone packed up and got ready to get off work.

When Liu Yongping was stopped to say something, he looked up and saw Li Dongxu walking to the door, and hurriedly called to stop him.

Li Dongxu turned back again, came closer, and asked, "Chef Liu, what's wrong with me?"

Liu Yongping nodded, led Li Dongxu to avoid the others, and then said: "Yes, I have something to discuss with you."

Li Dongxu followed Liu Yongping from his hometown to the capital to start a business. He was considered his right-hand man. After coming to the capital for more than ten years, he became the chef of the flagship store and was good at cooking various fish feast dishes. In addition, Fuchengchun There are also many innovative dishes, as well as dishes modified according to the dietary preferences of the capital, as well as local specialties.

Unlike other chefs, although Li Dongxu takes orders with others in the back kitchen, he has very strict requirements for the people under him, whether it is the detailed handling of ingredients or the cooking method. certain standards.

Among all the staff in the kitchen, only Li Dongxu always maintains a very serious and disciplined style.

Li Dongxu is not tall, but he maintains an excellent figure. He always wears a clean and neat hairstyle, wears neat work clothes, and has an aura in his words and deeds. It is a kind of majesty that makes people convinced after settling down. .

Liu Yongping said directly: "That's it. Didn't I mention it to you before? I plan to invite Fu Yu, the chef of Bei'an Maxima Hotel, to come here for further training. I plan to let him follow you."

When Li Dongxu heard that this was the case, he responded readily: "Okay, when the people arrive, just follow Lao Yang. It just so happens that Xiao Wang will leave his job next week."

After saying that, Li Dongxu felt that the matter was resolved and turned around to leave.

Liu Yongping quickly stopped the person: "No, I'm going to let him go to the science and technology exhibition with you to participate in the cooking group activity demonstration."

He had turned halfway, but when he heard this, Li Dongxu turned around and refused without thinking: "No!"

Liu Yongping looked at Li Dongxu's stubborn look and sighed helplessly.

He knew that this would definitely be the case.

Every member of the team under Li Dongxu was brought up by him. Even the new workers were only accepted after he was satisfied with the assessment.

Not to mention the few people who will be brought to the science and technology exhibition this time to participate in the event. They are all talents he has personally trained. They have been with him for at least seven or eight years and have a very high degree of tacit understanding with each other. Their cooking skills are also pretty good.

If you pick one out at random, they are all experts who can stand alone.

Hearing that Liu Yongping was now going to add people to the cooking team he chose, Li Dongxu refused without thinking.

He has always been very assertive and will not blindly follow Liu Yongping just because he is the boss. He has his own principles.

The team members participating in the event have all been selected, and now someone suddenly needs to step in, who will be replaced then?

Everyone cherishes the opportunity of this event very much. How can we give up the places we have worked so hard to get?

This is impossible!

Liu Yongping and Li Dongxu have been together for so many years, and they really know each other's temperament very well.

Before he talked to Li Dongxu about this matter, he had already prepared it. He took out his mobile phone, found Fu Yu's encyclopedia introduction, and handed it to Li Dongxu for him to read.

The information on the Internet is quite comprehensive and updated very recently.

This personal encyclopedia introduction was not made by Fu Yu himself, but after he officially joined the National Medicinal Diet Research Association, professionals from the association made it for him. Every new achievement has been followed up and updated since then.

"This is Fu Yu's personal information, take a look at it first.

He participated in the National Chef Competition this year and won the championship. Now he is the chef of Chollima. In addition, he has also joined the Provincial Food Association and is a special consultant of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association. Not only is Hong An good at cooking, he is also a special consultant to the National Medicinal Diet Research Association. The medicinal diet is also very powerful!

In particular, Chollima is also a restaurant that specializes in cooking seafood. It originally had a river fish banquet, so it is quite familiar with this aspect of cooking.

Moreover, his cooking skills have been unanimously recognized by Lu Ming, Shen Jintai and others. I also think his abilities are very good! "

Li Dongxu's eyes were firm and he shook his head: "That won't work either, I've already chosen a good person."

Liu Yongping persuaded: "Let me tell you, Lao Li, people say they are here for further study, but in fact they are here for learning and exchange. We old antiques should also properly accept some new cooking skills and methods, and communicate more with others. , you also have to learn other operations.

Fu Yu will definitely not stay in our store to develop in the future. I think it is good for him to participate in this event with your group. He will definitely learn a lot. "

Li Dongxu looked at Liu Yongping and said: "Chef Liu, you also know the content of our work for this event. The time is tight, the task is heavy, and we are responsible for promoting the country's cuisine. The few people selected now are the most cooperative. , people who can ensure the best possible cooking perfection.

Now, it’s definitely not okay to make rash personnel changes! "

Liu Yongping said hurriedly: "I know, I don't plan to ask you to replace someone. I will send one more person to the exhibition area and have already said hello to the event organizer."

Li Dongxu said stubbornly: "That won't work either. Bringing in a new person who has never worked with him before or even doesn't understand him at all. For such a large-scale event, it will definitely do more harm than good and won't help at all. On the contrary, it will be easier. Affect other people's work.

I don't agree with this matter. If you insist on arranging for him to come over, I think it's good to follow Chef Xu. "

Liu Yongping frowned. Lao Xu would definitely be willing, but their cooking style was too fixed, and Lao Xu's own personality was too smooth.

Fu Yuzhen passed by and couldn't learn anything at all.

But Li Dongxu is different. The people under him have developed a tacit understanding of cooking, and their dishes are more diverse. The most important point is that Li Dongxu is a cooking fanatic.

I have always been kind to people, and never hid my clumsiness. When I meet colleagues I get along with, I never skimp on my cooking experience and knowledge when communicating.

Liu Yongping has been working in this industry for so many years and has a very sharp eye. He can see that Fu Yu and Li Dongxu have some similarities in their cooking methods.

Thinking of this, Liu Yongping directly used his status to pressure the person: "I tell you, this chef Fu is really excellent. He will be here soon anyway, so I agreed.

Regardless of whether it works or not, when people come, you have to help me take care of them for three days. If you are really not satisfied, you can come back to me then! "

After saying that, he quickly turned around and left without giving Li Dongxu a chance to refuse.

Li Dongxu frowned, this old fox! (End of chapter)

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