Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1087 Marrying Young

That night, Fu Yu and the others went directly to the Fucheng Chun flagship store.

Liu Yongping invited them to the store for a feast.

There was a table full of special dishes from the store, and a bottle of good wine was specially opened.

During the dinner, chef Xu Yuyang came over to say hello: "Fu Yu, are you Fu Yu? I know you. I was sitting in the audience during the competition. Oh, your cooking skills are quite impressive!"

Fu Yu said humbly: "Hello, Chef Xu, starting from tomorrow, I will come to the store to study. Then you must take care of me for the sake of getting acquainted!"

Xu Yuyang burst into laughter and looked at Fu Yu more and more pleasantly: "That's necessary. Before you came, I heard Chef Liu talk about studying, and I was so happy! From now on, we will be colleagues, okay Cooperate, communicate well, and the main thing is to learn from each other!"

It is said that fate is important between people.

It was the first time Fu Yu met Xu Yuyang, and his impression was very good.

I felt that the dark-faced man in front of me was very irritable.

Xu Yuyang admires Fu Yu very much. He paid special attention to Fu Yu during the National Chef Competition.

Now that Fu Yu was about to work in the kitchen, he couldn't be happier. Being so close would mean there would be more opportunities for communication in the future.

He really had a lot of cooking-related things that he wanted to talk to Fu Yu about.

When Liu Yongping saw Xu Yuyang and Fu Yu throwing tantrums, he immediately became happy and felt happy. He quickly greeted them and poured wine and food, chatting while eating.

Xu Yuyang met Fu Yu once at the National Chef Competition.

Fu Yu was shining brightly on the field at that time, and the live display screen was full of close-up video shots of him. Xu Yuyang sat in the audience and followed others to watch Fu Yu's cooking operations.

Fu Yu's skillful techniques and spoon-handling skills are a combination of systematic teaching, Liu Yunong's personal guidance, and Fu Yu's advanced skills directly copied from the skill libraries of Zhao Meng and Yao Shi.

Moreover, Fu Yu is also good at showing off his own advantages. He is handsome, has a good figure, and is particularly chic and neat in every move. After cooking a dish, he not only shows off his cooking skills, but also uses a very advantageous personal appearance. Quickly win the favor of everyone present.

After a game, everyone was most impressed with him.

In Xu Yuyang's opinion, it was fate that Fu Yu could study at Fucheng Chun this time.

Talking about Fu Yu's performance during the game and the current situation in the store, Xu Yuyang still looked forward to Fu Yu coming over to learn and communicate.

After two glasses of wine, Xu Yuyang pulled Fu Yu and sighed: "It's a pity that you have to go to the science and technology event as soon as you come here. I didn't attend this event. The person sent by the store is Li Dongxu, Chef Li. He is such a person. He is a cooking idiot and is very strict when working. Anyway, you will know when you meet him. He is not a bad person, but he has a bad temper and needs to be smoothed down."

Liu Yongping coughed twice and couldn't listen anymore. He interrupted Xu Yuyang's words: "Yes, Chef Li is still very good at cooking!"

Xu Yuyang echoed: "That is, besides Chef Liu, he is the only one in our restaurant. Unfortunately, this year he has a bad temper and refuses to participate in the competition. He said that there are only two people going back and forth, and there is nothing to learn from and observe, so he is too lazy to go toss.

Chef Liu told him several times, but he refused, hahaha! "

Fu Yu couldn't help but want to have fun, so he quickly drank with the other party.

Chef Xu is quite interesting. He drinks some wine and talks about anything.

Liu Yongping didn't take it to heart, but he still explained it to Fu Yu: "Don't scare you. In fact, Lao Li has a bit of a stubborn temper, but his cooking skills are very high, not only Jiangyu." Banquet, he is also very good at cooking local specialties in the capital!"

Fu Yu couldn't help but think of Zhao Meng, so he smiled and nodded, thinking that as long as he was not a particularly difficult person to get along with, he should be able to deal with it under normal circumstances.

After talking about work arrangements, Liu Yongping started chatting with Liu Yunong again.

Xu Yuyang didn't expect to meet the rumored descendant of Madam Liu, and his attitude couldn't help but become more enthusiastic.

After chatting about cooking for a while, it was natural to talk about Fu Yu's relationship issues.

I heard that Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing had just received their marriage certificate two days ago.

And Liu Yuqing was Liu Yunong's biological sister. Liu Yongping and Xu Yuyang were both surprised.

At only 24 years old, she got married young!

However, they were surprised, and the two of them still made a lot of polite remarks, praising the marriage between Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing as a match made in heaven.

Liu Yunong listened happily and drank some more wine, so she nodded with a smile and talked about how the elders of both parties met and quickly finalized the marriage.

The two children plan to start a business first, so the wedding ceremony needs to be postponed, but if they get the certificate first, they are considered a legal couple.

During the dinner, the issue of Fu Yu’s accommodation during his further studies was discussed.

Liu Yongping said that the store has rented two houses in a community near the hotel as employee dormitories, but the environment is average.

Because housing prices here in the capital are relatively high, renting a house is not cheap. Fuchengchun Hotel is in a better location, and housing prices in nearby communities are even more ridiculously expensive.

Being able to provide free accommodation for employees is already a very good benefit in itself.

Naturally, we cannot be too demanding in terms of the environment.

After hearing this, Liu Yunong explained with a smile that the family was planning to buy a house for their two children directly in the capital, but they still had to choose an address, so they were asked to live in a hotel first. The rent payment had been temporarily paid for a month, and we would see the situation later. , whether to buy a house directly in one step, or to change to a hotel.

The main purpose is to facilitate two people’s daily travel.

During the dinner, Liu Yunong was very respectful and flattering to Liu Yongping and Xu Yuyang, all for the sake of Fu Yu's more than a year of study being smoother and more stable.

Elders have always been like this, always trying to pave the way for the children in the family, for fear that they will be wronged in the slightest.

Liu Yongping really likes Fu Yu, and especially appreciates him as a young and talented junior who is very good at cooking.

In addition, Xu Yuyang drank some wine and was very chatty, and the atmosphere was very warm and harmonious for a while.

The matter of Fu Yu coming to Fucheng Chun for further study has been officially finalized. Starting tomorrow, he will come to the store to familiarize himself with the situation, and then follow the activity group to participate in the international science and technology exhibition gourmet cooking event.

After finishing the feast, Fu Yu went back to the hotel.

Liu Yongping and Xu Yuyang walked side by side to the back kitchen, chatting while walking.

Fu Yu became a disciple of Liu Yunong, and now he married Liu Yunong's biological sister. This was considered a close relationship.

Liu Yongping and Xu Yuyang gossiped together.

Liu Yongping said: "I just realized that Fu Yu was tricked by his whole family! Liu Yunong clearly fell in love with his apprentice. He looked good at the young man and her sister liked him, so she Hurry up and secure the person."

Xu Yuyang is very carefree. He is very open-minded when it comes to these things. He thinks about people and things very simply: "It's pretty good. The conditions of the Liu family are so good. Haven't you heard that they are opening branches nationwide, and they are very fashionable?" Shi Private Kitchen Restaurant is so famous, even I have heard of it.

And it’s not a bad thing to get married at such a young age, as it will save you years of hard work! The woman also helped buy a house in the capital. What kind of family would it take to do this? "

Liu Yongping said with a smile: "They are afraid of long nights and dreams, but they are too anxious. Haven't you heard that they just received the certificate directly after being in love for more than half a year?"

Xu Yuyang burst into laughter: "I've seen it a long time ago. That girl Liu Yuqing likes Fu Yu very much! I didn't notice that at the dinner table, she was helping to pick up the food and pour the wine. She didn't stop her at all and just followed Fu Yu. It comes from my heart. How else could Liu Yunong be so interested? He is planning to get married and helping to buy a house. This is indeed the right person!"

As the two gossiped, they both felt that Fu Yu was a lucky guy!

Liu Yuqing was very fond of Yu, and was afraid that Fu Yu would come to the capital this time to study and broaden his horizons among the flowers. If he ran away, the woman would still suffer.

So taking advantage of the fact that Fu Yu hadn't officially made a name for himself yet, the two of them decided to get the certificate first and calm down.

Liu Yunong was also satisfied with his brother-in-law. He was optimistic that Fu Yu was young, handsome, and indeed talented in cooking. He was now a well-known talent in the country.

You can't rest assured about this potential stock, you have to help your sister catch it and hold it tight!

This matter was brought up intentionally at the dinner table this time, and it was clearly through their mouths that everyone in the Fuchengchun Hotel was informed, so that everyone would know that Fu Yu had a family and a well-off wife!

Fu Yu had a night's rest here, and packed up early the next day and went directly to Fuchengchun Hotel.

Liu Yunong took Liu Yuqing to the training class that he had contacted in advance to report.

Then I made an appointment with some friends in the capital to have a meal. Ask about the home buying situation here, understand the local consumption level, and make some emotional connections by the way.

When Fu Yu rushed to Fuchengchun Hotel, the store was already open for business.

Maybe it's because of the high cost of land here in the capital. Even a large hotel like Fuchengchun actually doesn't look much different from the Maxima in terms of floor space and geographical location, except for the difference in decoration style.

However, Fu Yu stood at the entrance of Fuchengchun Hotel, looking at the guests standing inside and the pedestrians walking on the street, but he felt his heartbeat speed up!

This is the capital!

Even though the restaurant doesn't look that grand, there are all kinds of dishes that I have never come across before, as well as chefs with rich cooking methods and experience.

I have heard Zhao Meng say before that after working in the kitchen for a long time, he will feel familiar when he sees the ingredients. When he hears the voice of the orderer delivering the order, his body starts to tense up on its own without going through the brain at that moment, ready at any time. It’s time to cook with a spoon.

Fu Yu didn't feel that deeply, but he was also a little excited.

This is just like the feeling of anticipation and nervousness when a new class starts in the new semester.

Fu Yu entered the door, explained the situation to the greeter, and was taken directly to the front desk.

The decoration inside the hotel is quite unique. There are various traditional introductions about fish banquets from my hometown, and pictures of special dishes.

The most eye-catching thing is the live fish area that directly occupies one-third of the front hall. Various river fish are farmed in it. Customers can choose the seafood they are satisfied with, weigh it on site, and then hand it over to the kitchen for cooking.

In addition to all kinds of fish, there is also a special food selection area, and some of the best-selling dishes in the store have been made into display models for customers to watch and choose.

This way of treating customers is very novel and can give customers the impression that the ingredients in the store are very fresh.

However, compared to the rebuilt Chollima, the internal layout of Fuchengchun Hotel is obviously a bit too compact.

However, after taking a rough look at the overall design of the hall, Fu Yu felt that this arrangement was very good, which showed that the decoration and design were very careful and that all the places were used to their best advantage.

Fu Yu arrived at the front desk and took the initiative to introduce himself: "Hello, my name is Fu Yu, and I came to work in the store. Is Liu Yongping and Chef Liu here?"

There were three waiters at the front desk. After seeing Fu Yu, a young waitress nodded and said, "Oh, Fu Yu, right? The boss has told us that if you come, let us notify the chef immediately. Please wait a moment, I will Contact them right away.”

After saying that, the waitress directly picked up the landline and started making calls, while the other two people at the front desk also looked at Fu Yu.

This name is not unfamiliar. Yesterday, the boss specially told them that if a person named Fu Yu comes, they must notify the chef immediately. This person is a chef who came to the store specially for further training. He is an excellent person!

If you can come to the store for further training, you must have outstanding abilities.

It was the first time for everyone to see Fu Yu and they were a little curious.

After Xu Yuyang received the call, he rushed to the front hall immediately. When he saw Fu Yu, he immediately greeted him warmly: "Fu Yu, let's go, I will take you to the kitchen. I thought you would have to come over later. Woolen cloth."

When Fu Yu saw Xu Yuyang coming out to pick him up in person, he hurriedly said hello: "Good morning, Chef Xu!"

Xu Yuyang took Fu Yu directly to the locker room, where brand new work clothes were already prepared in advance.

When Fu Yu was changing clothes, Xu Yuyang briefly introduced the situation in the store to Fu Yu.

"There are four chefs in the kitchen. Chef Liu doesn't usually cook, and he doesn't come to the store often. If you have anything, you can just ask any of us."

Fu Yu nodded and changed his clothes.

The chef uniforms at Fuchengchun are different from those at Chollima. The fabrics are stiffer and they are all pure white, but they come with a complete set of black aprons with the name of the store printed on them.

Fu Yu's clothes are a little fat, but they are better than being thin and will not restrict daily movements.

Xu Yuyang saw that Fu Yu had finished changing, looked up and down, and immediately smiled and said: "It's okay, the size of the clothes is quite suitable. You have caught up with the new batch of work clothes in the store this year. The fabric of the previous one was very thin. It hasn’t been washed much, so it’s a little transparent.”

The two of them talked and walked towards the kitchen.

Xu Yuyang mainly talked to Fu Yu about the situation in the kitchen, one was the teaming arrangement of the chef and the chef, and the other was the arrangement of the small workers.

This is very important information for future work.

Xu Yuyang does seem to be quite easy to get along with. (End of chapter)

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