Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1088: Stubborn Li Dongxu

Fu Yu followed Xu Yuyang to the back kitchen. As soon as he turned out of the front hall, he met a young man wearing management clothes.

Before Xu Yuyang could say anything, the other party greeted him first: "Good morning, Chef Xu!"

Xu Yuyang responded with a smile: "Good morning!"

After saying hello, Xu Yuyang helped Fu Yu introduce him: "This is Mo Xinyi, the front office manager of the store."

It turned out to be the front office manager. Fu Yu hurriedly said politely: "Hello, Manager Mo. My name is Fu Yu."

Xu Yuyang continued: "Fu Yu came here to study in the kitchen, and will follow the activity group to participate in technology exhibitions."

When Mo Xinyi heard this, he smiled and said, "Oh, it turns out to be Chef Fu. Hello, the boss specifically told us before. I thought you would come over later!"

The two shook hands.

Mo Xinyi looks to be in his early thirties, tall, slim, wearing glasses, and looks very elegant and elegant.

Mo Yuyi looked at Fu Yu with no expression on his face, but he was extremely surprised in his heart.

He didn't expect Fu Yu to be so young and handsome. He didn't look like a chef, but more like a newly recruited receptionist.

Mo Xinyi said enthusiastically: "We will interact frequently in the future. I wonder if it would be convenient for you to add your contact information to me?"

Fu Yu quickly took out his mobile phone and added friends and contact numbers.

At this time, Xu Yuyang said: "Fu Yu, if you encounter any problems in the store in the future, you can always ask Manager Mo for help. There is no one or thing in our store that he can't handle!"

When Mo Xinyi heard this, he immediately couldn't laugh or cry: "Chef Xu, you are exaggerating!"

However, after saying that, he still nodded to Yu Yu: "If anything happens in the front hall, you can just come to me directly."

After Fu Yu thanked him, he followed Xu Yuyang to the kitchen.

When no one was around, Xu Yuyang whispered: "Manager Mo is a very good person and has a strong ability to do things. If you encounter anything in the future, you can basically find him to help solve it."

It is still necessary to have a good relationship with the front office manager.

Fu Yu nodded. Mo Xinyi seemed to be a nice person, so he would take good care of him in the future.

When Fu Yu arrived at the kitchen, he was a little surprised!

Even though the Fuchengchun Hotel may not look as big as the renovated Chollima, the kitchen is very spacious and bright.

The two long rows of kitchen counters were kept very clean.

The workers were busy preparing dishes, and several chefs were also idle. Some stood by and watched the workers while they were working, and gave some instructions. Some arranged the spices and kitchen utensils on the kitchen table, and some looked down. Some were talking on the phone in a low voice with their heads down, and some were getting together to discuss things seriously.

Just when Xu Yuyang was about to introduce Fu Yu, Liu Yongping hurried over.

Seeing Fu Yu following Xu Yuyang to the kitchen, he immediately smiled and said, "Fu Yu, you came really early today!"

Fu Yu turned around and saw Liu Yongping, and said with a smile: "Good morning, Chef Liu!"

Liu Yongping smiled: "Okay!"

Hearing their words, everyone in the kitchen immediately looked over.

Liu Yongping introduced: "It's just right, everyone is here, let me introduce to you, this is the chef who came to the store for further study, Fu Yu!

I have temporarily arranged for him to help cook under Lao Li. From now on, everyone will take care of each other! "

No matter what other people think in their hearts, they greet Fu Yu warmly and behave very cordially.

Liu Yongping introduced the kitchen staff to Fu Yu.

As a result, he glanced around and found that Li Dongxu was not in the kitchen.

Liu Yongping looked at the tall chef who was busy adding seasonings and asked, "Yang Ming, where is Chef Li?"

Yang Ming said: "Chef Li went to the refrigerator room."

Fucheng Chun specializes in making river fish dishes. At this time of year, many river fish are no longer fat and tender, so the store specially stores a lot of frozen products.

It needs to be slowly frozen in advance before cooking every day.

Liu Yongping nodded and introduced Fu Yu: "This is Yang Ming, the chef at Chef Li's side."

Yang Ming looked at Fu Yu, smiled and nodded.

He is not tall, but he is very strong, and his smile is a bit silly. He looks a lot like Zhang Jinyu, so he should be easy to get along with.

Fu Yu's first impression of Yang Ming was good.

After introducing everyone present, Liu Yongping said to Fu Yu: "Our store can participate in the food exhibition of the International Science and Technology Exchange Conference this time because the kitchen is indeed very powerful. In the past two years, our reputation in the circle has become more and more popular. , the reputation for both the service in the store and the taste of the dishes is very good.”

Speaking of these, Liu Yongping is also very proud.

"Let me tell you, the Fuchengchun flagship store is now a well-known time-honored restaurant here in the capital. It has a very stable customer base and is very popular with locals. There are also many diners from out of town who come here to taste it.

I said hello to Chef Li and asked you to follow their activity group.

The members of this team are all outstanding talents carefully selected by the store, and their cooking skills are very high. They have participated in many large-scale cooking competitions on behalf of our store, and have also participated in demonstration events like this. They have very rich experience. It won unanimous praise from the circle.

If you follow them and study hard, you will definitely benefit a lot! "

Hearing this, Fu Yu suddenly became excited.

He needs to learn from the strong now and constantly improve his cooking skills!

Fu Yu has not chosen a third career yet. He believes that he can find a suitable direction here.

"Thank you so much, Chef Liu!" Fu Yu said quickly.

Liu Yongping corrected him with a smile: "Let's call him Chef Liu. When there's no one around, just call me brother!"

Fu Yu nodded: "Okay, Brother Liu!"

Liu Yongping took Fu Yu to get acquainted with the environment in the kitchen, and then said: "When Chef Li comes back later, I will introduce it to you.

Chef Li has excellent cooking skills and rich cooking experience, but his temper is a bit stubborn.

What Chef Xu said before was correct. This person really had to follow him, but it would be very difficult to reverse anything he decided.

However, he seems to be a difficult person to get along with. In fact, once you get to know him, you will find that he is just too upright and cannot tolerate sand in his eyes.

I am particularly obsessed with cooking, and I am a bit picky about this aspect and have very high requirements.

As long as you don't mess with him in this area, it's actually quite easy to get along with him. "

At this point, Liu Yongping paused. He probably realized that what he said was a bit too alarmist, so he quickly went back to make up for it: "But don't worry, you are such a good cook and have a good personality. After Chef Li met you, , I will definitely like it very much.

He likes people who are good at cooking and serious and responsible at work. You will definitely get along, don't worry! "

Fu Yu was about to speak when an electronic prompt suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! NPC Fuchengchun boss Liu Yongping’s mission: obtain Li Dongxu’s satisfaction and successfully join the activity group. Reward for completing the mission: randomly obtain one of Li Dongxu’s personal skills]

Fu Yu's eyes lit up when he heard the mission content!

The stubborn Li Dongxu, whom he had never met before, immediately transformed from the image of a coffin board that was difficult to get along with into a walking arsenal of skills.

For a while, Fu Yu also started to look forward to it!

When Li Dongxu received the call from Yang Ming, he was busy checking the inventory in the refrigerator room.

In fact, the day-to-day work in this area is handled by small workers.

After all, the kitchen is busy with work, so everyone needs to rest as much as possible to recharge their batteries to cope with the peak period when customers come in to dine.

Li Dongxu is usually very busy and tired when taking orders, but no matter how busy or tired he is, as long as it is his turn to be responsible for the inventory, he has always done it personally. Not only will he check the quality of the purchasers' food purchases, but he will also conduct warehouse inspections. Inventory of remaining ingredients.

He has just sorted out all the ingredients in the cold storage, and registered the purchase date and freshness of the ingredients.

While recording, the phone suddenly rang.

"Cook Li, the boss just came here with a chef named Fu Yu, saying he came to study here!"

Li Dongxu was stunned and responded: "Oh, I know about this. The person is already here?"

Yang Ming said: "Here he is, he has already been wandering around the kitchen. The boss just told him to join our activity group!"

Li Dongxu frowned: "Okay, I understand."

Yang Ming said: "Come back quickly, the boss is waiting to introduce you."

Li Dongxu glanced at the inventory that he had only half-checked: "You are joining our group anyway, so you should get familiar with him first and see how he is like!"

Yang Ming is an old member of the team trained by Li Dongxu. He was assigned to work under Li Dongxu as soon as he entered the kitchen, and he worked his way up from a junior worker to a chef.

He is a very diligent and pragmatic person. The most important point is that although this person seems to be easy to get along with, he is actually the same kind of person as Li Dongxu.

He is a bit serious, very upright, and not tactful. He always says one thing and another. If you want to hear a lie from him, the person who listens is not that good, but he himself will blush first and tell the truth. Bottom.

Li Dongxu knew what was wrong with him. Liu Yongping had already expressed his attitude before. There was no doubt that this newcomer would be assigned to him.

Since they are going to be together for a long time in the future, it is better for him to meet people later.

Let Yang Ming feel it out first. He has an idea and will be able to deal with it in a while.

Li Dongxu made up his mind. If even a simple and honest person like Yang Ming couldn't look down on Fu Yu, then he didn't need to be polite to him. He could just drive him away after meeting him.

Anyway, he doesn't want such paratroopers, and he can take them with whomever he wants.

Thinking of this, Li Dongxu continued the inventory work at hand and ignored the things in the kitchen.

Fu Yu followed Liu Yongping and got to know everyone in the kitchen.

He focused on memorizing the appearance and titles of several chefs and chefs.

As for other workers, there will be plenty of opportunities to get to know and get to know each other slowly in the future.

After visiting the entire kitchen, Fu Yu followed Liu Yongping to the front hall, walking around from the ordering area to the dining area.

It’s really emotional!

Although the area of ​​​​the store is obviously not as large as that of Chollima, both the decoration and the layout design have made full use of all the places.

After the visit, Liu Yongping sent Fu Yu back to the kitchen and took him directly to Yang Ming.

Liu Yongping explained: "Fu Yu, Chef Li will come over here after he finishes his work in a while. Now you can follow Yang Ming and get familiar with the work process in the kitchen. If you don't understand anything, just ask him directly. .”

After saying that, he told Yang Ming: "Fu Yu is new here, treat him well, and take care of him if he has anything to do."

Yang Ming smiled honestly: "Okay, no problem."

Liu Yongping was busy with work. He rushed to the store early in the morning specifically to welcome Fu Yucai. Now that he had settled down, he went to do other things.

After Liu Yongping left, Yang Ming greeted Fu Yu warmly: "My name is Yang Ming. You can just call me Brother Yang. I am thirty-seven this year, so I must be older than you."

Fu Yu smiled: "I am 24 this year, okay, then I will call you Brother Yang from now on."

Yang Ming was a little surprised: "Hey, you are only 24? You are so young!"

Fu Yu was quite familiar with the kitchen work, but he was not in a hurry to get started with the one-place-one-work-from-one-place-by-place work pattern. Instead, he stood next to Yang Ming and watched what he was doing. If there was anyone who could help, he would Give me a hand.

Then take a look at the people around you.

There are four chefs and four chefs in the kitchen.

In addition, there are a total of sixteen handymen. Each chef has three regular handymen. Among the other four, two are new and are still in the learning process. They are responsible every day. When it comes to cutting holes, the other two successful players just go wherever there is a shortage of people. In comparison, the working hours are slightly longer, but the level is still lacking.

The order taking at Fucheng Chun is very similar to that at Chollima. It also has an order form for regular customers and also accepts customer reservations.

The reservation orders are arranged in the order of ordering. As for taking orders for large and small tables, Yang Ming did not elaborate, and Fu Yu did not ask.

He came here to study, and it was up to Liu Yongping to decide the salary.

In fact, it didn't matter whether he paid or not. Fu Yu originally came here to learn other people's cooking operations and techniques, so it was a big honor not to let him pay tuition.

The pace of work in the kitchen is quite fast. Apart from a few polite words to Fu Yu at the beginning and a brief introduction to his work process, Yang Ming quickly became busy with the work at hand and was somewhat unable to take care of Fu Yu. Yu.

There is no way, Li Dongxu is the most famous chef in the store. He has been working for a long time. Many regular customers come to the store to dine because of his craftsmanship.

If you receive a reservation the night before, you need to prepare the food in advance.

In addition, all the seasonings must be replenished, and the workers must be urged to do the chopping and greasing work.

Yang Ming is now the chef in charge. In addition to being responsible for the size of Li Dongxu's kitchen table, he also has to make preparations on his own side.

Moreover, the little worker he is currently working under has good talent, so he usually pays special attention to him and carefully selects the tasks he assigns to him. He will take a look at him from time to time to find faults and make suggestions.

At this time, Yang Ming was watching the little workers doing the greasy work, while the little workers were ready.

Yang Ming glanced at Fu Yu next to him, without looking back, and said directly: "I'll give him some guidance first. You can rest for a while." (End of Chapter)

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