Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1089 Very rich in gold content

Yang Ming stood in front of the kitchen counter, watching the little workers doing their first greasy job.

The young worker's whole body was tense, staring at the frying pan with concentration and seriousness.

"When frying, the oil needs to be between 300 degrees. Now you can put the end of the wooden chopsticks into the oil pan. If the oil is very hot, small bubbles will form around the chopsticks. Hey! That's it!"

As the worker spoke, he quickly put the batter-coated fish pieces into the oil pan.

At this time, Fu Yu was also standing nearby, watching the workman operate.

The young worker looked young, probably in his early twenties.

Yang Ming looked at the workman's operation and frowned slightly. This was very true. Why did the explosions always look so funny?

The cooking time seems to be okay, and the frying method is also faultless!

The worker is not a person with any talent for cooking, but he has a very good personality and is very diligent. He usually works quickly and he uses it very smoothly.

Yang Ming himself loves the chef industry. After working under Li Dongxu for a long time, he gradually began to become more and more serious and careful about his work.

The workers were hard-working and never lazy. Yang Ming saw this and wanted to promote him, so he took the worker with him to help him, and would give special advice from time to time.

It is said that hard work can make up for weakness, but in fact it is very difficult to rely solely on one's own efforts if talent cannot keep up.

For example, if you are making deep-fried food right now, it is a simple one-step operation, but the workman always fails to complete it well.

It’s not that the fried ingredients can’t be used, but they just aren’t up to the best standards.

Yang Ming has discovered this situation long ago, so he often provides opportunities for workers to practice frying.

But obviously the steps are correct, but there are some shortcomings in the heat.

Yang Ming looked at the workman's operation and suddenly asked: "How many fish pieces do you fry in one pot? Is it a small pot with a certain amount?"

The worker nodded: "It's a small pot. I'm also worried that there are too many ingredients and I won't be able to fry it."

Yang Ming stretched out his head to look at the oil pan and said, "It looks okay. The pot was cooked in the same way just now. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be underheated. Well, you turn it over first and I'll check the color."

The worker quickly did as he was told. Fu Yu was tall and could see clearly from the side.

After reading it, Fu Yu was suddenly stunned for a moment.

The frying done by a small worker seems to be okay at the moment.

Whether it's the time when the ingredients are put into the pan, the thickness of the batter, or the control of the oil temperature, there should be no problem.

Yang Ming said that the frying done by Xiao Gong was not done properly. What was the reason?

Watch as the fish fillets are fried in a pot, control the oil and take them out.

Yang Ming checked it, broke off a piece and checked the quality of the meat. He tasted it again and was suddenly surprised.

"It's strange. The timing of putting it in the pot was fine, and the frying process was fine. Why do these fish pieces just look so boring?"

Fu Yu also moved closer to look at the fried fish pieces in the basin. Indeed, the batter was fried enough. No matter how long it took, the color could not be maintained.

However, the fish meat was a bit too tender, so the texture didn't hurt much, but if we really wanted to be honest, the heat was indeed lacking.

Looking at it this way, it seems that the timing of adding the ingredients to the pot was probably incorrect.

At this moment, Fu Yu couldn't help but said: "The frying process he did should be that the ingredients were put into the pot a little too early, the oil temperature did not reach the standard, and the oil bloomed, but the frying effect was not ideal. In this way If so, can you extend the hot oil time a little longer?"

Oil temperature not up to standard?

Yang Ming glanced at the fish pieces in the basin. He was also looking at them when they were put into the pot. The oil temperature should be okay. If he was the one operating it, he would probably fry them at this time.

The worker next to him turned to look at Fu Yu, who was wearing a brand-new chef uniform, frowned, and defended himself: "When I was putting down the ingredients, I tried it with chopsticks, and there were bubbles around the chopsticks."

Yang Ming said decisively: "Let's try another frying pan."

The little worker did as he was told. The oil in the pot is still hot. Now just put the ingredients in.

The fish pieces fried in this pot were very successful, golden in color, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

There is no problem with the heat being clearly visible.

Yang Ming started to think.

After the worker finished frying the pot of fish pieces, he filtered the hot oil in the pot and poured it into the jar.

The fried oil can be used to make vegetables, stir-fry, and add aroma.

Clean out the old oil and add new oil.

Yang Ming still had no clue, watching the work in silence.

No problem found.

The entire operation process is correct, the first frying is done at the wrong heat every time!

At this time, Fu Yu watched the worker pick up the chopsticks and stare at the oil pan intently, ready to insert it into it to test the heat. This posture and movement suddenly looked familiar!


This was what Sun Qingning looked like when he first learned how to fry.

Fu Yu and Sun Qingning took turns cooking at that time. He got started quickly, while Sun Qingning was much slower.

I always rely on chopsticks to test the oil temperature.

At the beginning, he happened to meet Zhao Meng and Yao Shi chatting, and he heard someone talk about how to cleverly determine the oil temperature.

If you cannot accurately control the oil temperature, you can try this operating trick.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu suddenly felt warm in his heart. They all said that having too much knowledge would not overwhelm the body, and it was true!

Unexpectedly, the operating skills I had learned before would be put to use now.

Fu Yu hesitated, should he say it?

He really didn't think about this at all before. After all, when he was doing oil operations now, he relied solely on his absolute touch and advanced fire control skills to cope with it.

Yang Ming couldn't find the cause of the problem, so he stood aside and watched the workman's operation.

The young worker was trembling with fear, fearing that something might go wrong with him, and his whole body was tense.

Looking at the increasingly solemn atmosphere, Fu Yu suddenly said: "In addition to using chopsticks to check the oil temperature, you can also identify it by the shimmer the oil emits when it is hot.

Look at it, the light is still very light now. It will be brighter and it will be fine. The color is getting heavier little by little, making it very easy to distinguish. "

The worker was stunned, imitating Fu Yu's example, and actually saw the shimmering light emitted by the oil during the heating process.

"See? This light is not enough. Wait a moment."

The worker stared at it for a while and suddenly said: "It's getting brighter, I saw it, the shimmer started to get brighter."

After hearing these words, Fu Yu was convinced that this trick was actually quite easy to master. As long as he figured out the rules correctly, it wouldn't be difficult at all.

At this time, Yang Ming turned around and stared at Fu Yu, with surprise on his face.

This was really the first time he heard of this method of controlling oil temperature.

And the most important thing is that the effect is really good. He tilted his head slightly and through the light, he could clearly see the shimmer of the hot oil.

Fu Yu continued: "You see, this is not enough. We have to wait until it gets brighter."

The worker stared at the oil pan and kept nodding: "Okay, okay, it's getting brighter and brighter. It turns out you can check the oil temperature like this! Fu Chu, do you always do this?"

When Fu Yu heard this, he glanced at Yang Ming, who was staring at him, and explained: "I did this at the beginning, but now I have fried it more times, and I just operate it based on feeling."

"Actually, in addition to this method, there is another method, which is to throw a drop of batter directly into the oil pan. This is what Baiyan does. The method is very rough, but the effect is very good, and it has no impact at all."

“However, if you want to truly master the oil temperature, the most important thing is to work hard to improve your fire control skills.

Once you develop your fire control skills, you will find that frying or other cooking operations will become very simple. "

Yang Ming looked at Fu Yu talking eloquently and agreed with his statement in his heart.

It makes sense, and it is indeed something I have learned from my own experience after cooking for many years.

It seems simple, but if no one talks about it, it will be difficult for newcomers to realize this truth in a short time.

Yang Ming looked at Fu Yu with admiration.

As soon as the two met, Yang Ming felt that Fu Yu was very kind.

Now listening to him speak at a close distance, I suddenly found that this face looks a bit familiar!

It’s obvious that I’ve seen it somewhere before!

At this time, the worker humbly asked: "Fu Chu, do you think this oil temperature is okay?"

Fu Yu took a look and said, "Wait a little longer and it will get brighter. When you see that the brightness is stable, you can start frying directly."

When the two of them were talking, Fu Yu turned his head slightly. Looking from Yang Ming's perspective, he could only see half of his face.

Yang Ming stared at it for two seconds and suddenly asked: "Fu Yu, did you participate in this year's National Chef Competition?"

Fu Yu turned around and said, "Are you participating too?"

Yang Ming hurriedly said: "No, but I saw the video of this year's competition and I said so! Why do you look so familiar to me!"

The competition videos on the Internet are all edited, and when chefs like Yang Ming watch the videos, they usually choose the edited version to watch.

The video footage will focus on the player's operations and will not pay special attention to the opponent's clothing and appearance.

At that time, he heard that Fu Yu was the winner of this year's competition. He even looked for the video. In the cooking scenes at that time, Fu Yu was busy cooking the spoon with his head down or his face turned sideways.

Now that he suddenly saw a real person, Yang Ming was stunned for a moment and did not dare to recognize him.

Yang Ming said to the worker next to him: "Just follow Chef Fu's instructions. There should be no problem this time."

Sure enough, after the fish fillets were fried, they were indeed crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The effect was perfect!

After the worker tasted a piece himself, he immediately said happily to Fu Yu: "Fu Chu, thank you for teaching me such a practical cooking trick!"

Fu Yu smiled slightly.

Yang Ming looked at Fu Yu and was equally excited.

Unexpectedly, the new chef who came to the store for further training turned out to be the champion of this year’s national chef competition!

It's amazing that someone so young can have such superb cooking skills!

It seems that the boss still favors Chef Li!

Yang Ming thought that a person like Fu Yu must be a talent that several master chefs in the back kitchen were competing for.

Now the boss sends people to their side and goes with them to participate in the activities.

My own chef must be so talented that he can actually stand out among other chefs and directly recruit people into his own activity group.

Chef Li is amazing!

Yang Ming happily stepped aside and called Li Dongxu.

"Cook Li, your eldest baby is very rich in gold and is really powerful! Chef Li is mighty!"

Li Dong finished the inventory and was walking to the kitchen. He was stunned when he heard this: "What's this mess? You're talking human language!"

Yang Ming said without thinking: "Chef Fu, he's so awesome. As you know, he's the champion of this year's chef competition! I almost soaked my plate when I watched his cooking videos!"

Li Dongxu was stunned: "So what? The participants this year are all newcomers, and almost no old people in the circle are participating."

Yang Ming couldn't help but speak for Fu Yu: "But he is really good. Anyway, I think he is very good. Come back and take a look!"

Li Dongxu didn't take it seriously. After taking stock of the inventory, he returned to the kitchen with his notebook.

Fu Yu followed Yang Ming. In a short period of time, he not only became familiar with him and the workers, but also took advantage of the opportunity of observing and talking to another chef, Wang Haiwei.

Wang Haiwei also watched the edited video of this year's chef competition online. When Liu Yongping brought Fu Yu over just now to introduce it, he was busy preparing the dishes and didn't take a closer look. Now that he heard Yang Ming say it, he recognized it.

Isn't it? Fu Yu is clearly the competition champion with superb cooking skills and outstanding appearance in the video.

With such a halo around, Wang Haiwei's attitude towards Yu was obviously much more enthusiastic.

"Fu Chu! It turns out to be you!"

After Wang Haiwei took Fu Yu to introduce himself, he said very happily: "I also watched the video of the competition. You are really amazing! Please take care of me in the future!"

Fu Yu quickly declined: "Goodbye, Brother Wang, I'm a newbie here, so I have to ask you to take care of me!"

Wang Haiwei is a fat man with a cheerful personality. When he smiles, his eyes bend into a line, making him look very sincere.

Fu Yu got along very well with him, and they had a lively chat.

At this time, Li Dongxu came back from the cold storage.

Yang Ming had been paying attention to the movement at the door. When he saw Li Dongxu, he hurried forward to greet him: "Cook Li, you are back!"

With that said, he turned around and pointed directly at Fu Yu, greeting: "Fu Chef, Chef Li is here!"

When Fu Yu heard this, he immediately returned to the kitchen table where he was before, and Li Dongxu happened to come over.

When Li Dongxu saw Fu Yu, he was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "Are you Fu Yu?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Hello, Chef Li!"

Li Dongxu looked at the talented young man in front of him, and his first impression was not bad.

It is always easy for people to have a good impression of beautiful things, and Yang Ming's words just now made Li Dongxu re-examine the training chef in front of him who was forced to come over by his boss.

Li Dongxu turned his head and glanced at Yang Ming, and saw that the man was winking at him with a silly look. This meant that he was indeed very satisfied with Yang Ming.

I don’t know what these two people did just now.

Li Dongxu cursed in his heart. Just when he was about to ask Yang Ming to ask carefully, he saw Xu Yuyang approaching with a smile.

Xu Yuyang put his hand on Li Dongxu's shoulder familiarly and joked: "Fu Yu, he is Chef Li. He has a very bad temper. If you don't like staying with him, you can come over to me at any time. We are special You are welcome to join!”

When Li Dongxu saw the smiling tiger approaching, his expression suddenly changed: "Cook Xu, this is my territory!" (End of Chapter)

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