Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1090 Settling down in the capital

Xu Yuyang laughed: "You're just kidding! But seriously, Chef Li, haven't all the members of your activity group been decided in advance? If Chef Fu followed me there, there would be no place to stay, so why not come to my side and stay in the store?" You can also exercise and study here.”

Li Dongxu didn't even think about it and blurted out: "Don't worry about it! The boss said to get one more spot for us. We will still be the original staff. Fu Yu didn't take up anyone else's spot, so just join directly."

After saying that, he turned to Yang Ming and said, "What about that? Xiao Yang, please clean up the kitchen table where the food is stored. Fu Yu will use it temporarily, as well as the kitchen utensils and other supplies that need to be brought to the event." , prepare another set according to Fu Yu’s request, don’t forget it!”

After the explanation was completed, Li Dongxu directly dragged Xu Yuyang to the corridor in front of the kitchen.

After leaving the kitchen, Li Dongxu glared at Xu Yuyang: "Old Xu, what's the matter with you? Do you really want to poach me?"

Xu Yuyang coughed lightly: "I didn't just listen to what the boss said. You don't want Fu Yu to join your team. I happen to be short of people here. It would be great if he could come over!"

Li Dongxu was stunned: "Why, have you ever been in contact with him?"

Xu Yuyang said: "It's not that the boss didn't come this morning, and you're not here. The young man I received was Fu Yu. He was really energetic and very polite. I chatted with him for a few words and I felt that I got along well with him. The young man is really nice. good."

Li Dongxu's face changed: "Stop it! Who said I don't want him to join the team? I just plan to check him first. Yang Ming has already checked him for me just now, and he is qualified! Don't worry about it, I will take him with me later. Participate in the event and the boss will secure all the spots!"

After hearing this, Xu Yuyang sighed: "Oh, what a pity."

Li Dongxu said casually: "The event only lasts for two months. I will come back right after it is held. Everyone will be working in the kitchen by then. We will not see each other when we look up. What's the pity!"

Xu Yuyang's eyes lit up: "Yes, but when the time comes, I will meet Fu Yu to exchange cooking skills. You can't stop me!"

Li Dongxu nodded decisively: "No problem!"

Xu Yuyang reluctantly returned to his side.

Li Dongxu frowned: "Is this guy really that good?"

Taking advantage of the fact that no customers had come to dine at this time, Li Dongxu called everyone on his side together.

Fu Yu was formally introduced.

"Fu Yu, you will be a member of our team from now on, and you will also go to participate in the food exhibition and sales event with us this time.

Our chefs here are Yang Ming and Wang Haiwei, the assistant cooks are Peng Zebang, Liu Xiangyu and Yang Zhichao, and the assistants are Guo Jianfu, Zhang Junhe and Wang Xiaodong.

You should also get to know each other, and then we will work together for a long time. "

After the introduction, Li Dongxu warned again: "Fu Yu, you just came to the store, and you are not very familiar with the working process and cooking of dishes in the kitchen. Let's do this. From now on, you will work with Yang Ming to help cook, and then you can wait until you are familiar with it." Start taking orders.”

As he said that, he turned to look at Yang Ming: "Xiao Yang, Fu Yu is new here. You should take more care of him in the future so that he can adapt to work early and participate in the activities of our group."

Yang Ming admired Du Yu very much. Hearing this, he nodded and smiled: "No problem, Chef Yang."

Under Li Dongxu's introduction, Fu Yu and several people here got to know each other and exchanged contact information.

Because of what Li Dongxu said just now, several chefs and workers were very kind to Yu.

Fu Yu is only here for short-term training and will not officially join the store, so he does not pose any threat to them.

And through the introduction just now, everyone also knows the origin of Fu Yu.

This is this year’s national chef competition champion!

The gold content is quite impressive!

When it comes to exchange and learning, it refers to a few chefs. Half-hearted chefs like them still can’t decide who will mentor whom in the end.

Thinking of this, several people couldn't help but become more cordial and attentive to Yu.

Yang Ming took the initiative to help Fu Yu clean up the kitchen table. Since he was going to attend an event soon, the kitchen table was only for temporary use.

Some common seasonings and kitchen utensils were added, and Fu Yu was given a separate utensil holder for daily use.

Yang Ming also specially explained: "You are not familiar with the work in the kitchen now, so stay with me for the time being. When you can take orders independently, Chef Li will provide you with helpers."

Fu Yu nodded.

Now that he has arranged a position for himself, he will work and study conscientiously.

On the first day of training, Fu Yu followed Yang Ming quietly, watching him take orders and cook.

In fact, the modes of taking orders in various restaurants are similar.

At Fuchengchun, the ordering staff will not come to the back kitchen to deliver orders. As long as a customer orders food in the front hall, the ticket issuing machine in the back kitchen will automatically print out the order form.

It actually saves the ordering staff the time of running back and forth to deliver orders.

The orders are not taken in a normal order, but the chefs who have time take orders, and everything is arranged independently.

Yang Ming was already able to take charge of the job on his own, and Fu Yu was beside him to help. In fact, he couldn't help much at first.

He didn't understand Yang Ming's cooking habits, nor was he familiar with the environment in the kitchen and the placement of tableware.

So Fu Yu consciously tried his best to make room for Peng Zebang, a small kitchen worker, from beginning to end, and even did what he could for Peng Zebang in a timely manner.

His job is to connect Peng Zebang's cooking operations and find opportunities to observe Yang Ming's cooking skills.

It has to be said that at the age of thirty-three, Yang Mingneng has firmly become the chef, and his cooking skills are indeed very good.

The most rare thing is that he pays great attention to the details of cooking operations and has many unique insights and opinions.

Fu Yu didn't expect that he would gain a lot on just the first day, which made him look forward to the next work even more.

In the afternoon, Fu Yu received a call from Liu Yunong.

Liu Yuqing's class registration went very smoothly, and specific study arrangements have been made.

They planned to go to the surrounding area tomorrow to look at houses, and asked Fu Yu if he could take a day off, and while they were not attending sales events, they could go with them to book a house first.

Fu Yu hung up the phone and asked Li Dongxu directly to ask for leave.

Li Dongxu agreed simply. He could understand that Fu Yu had just come to the capital and needed accommodation.

Moreover, he hasn't gone to the trade fair yet, and Fu Yu hasn't officially taken over the job yet, so he just has some free time.

However, this matter must be reported to Liu Yongping.

Liu Yongping was even more cheerful and said directly that Fu Yu did not have to work for the past two days and could make arrangements at any time if he had anything to do.

Fu Yu was very grateful to Liu Yongping for taking care of him. He continued to stay by Yang Ming's side in the afternoon and worked with Peng Zebang to help cook.

He acted very low-key and acted very calmly.

Everyone in the kitchen already had a good impression of him, but after asking for leave this time, there was even more discussion.

Everyone is secretly guessing, is the boss planning to poach people to work in the store?

You say it's for further study, but you actually have other plans?

This is another national chef competition champion, and another direct airborne international science and technology food exhibition and sales event.

For the boss to take him so seriously, Fu Yu seems to have a lot of background!

With this fear in their hearts, no one dared to provoke Fu Yu.

Fu Yu's first day of training went smoothly, and he even got in touch with several people under Li Dongxu.

Before getting off work in the evening, Fu Yu and others simply cleaned up the kitchen table and disposed of the remaining ingredients before getting off work together.

After a day of getting along, Yang Ming fell in love with Fu Yu even more.

He specifically said to Yu: "Work hard in the future. In fact, my level of cooking skills is still quite far behind. The most powerful ones in our store are Chef Li and Chef Xu. The other two chefs also have their own specialties." , if you can learn their skills, you will definitely benefit a lot from this training."

Fu Yu was grateful and nodded with a smile: "Yes, I will do a good job."

Back at the hotel in the evening, Liu Yuqing and Liu Yunong had not rested yet. In the afternoon, the two sisters visited two real estate agencies and got a bunch of rental information.

They even packed the local specialties of donkey rolling and sugar fire for Fu Yu.

The three of them shared their experiences today while having late-night snacks.

Liu Yunong discussed with Fu Yu: "Xiaoqing and I spent the whole afternoon. If we buy this house now, the location is really not easy to choose. The location is good, but the house condition is too bad, and the property is not good. The living environment is good, and It's too far from here.

Moreover, when buying a second-hand house, there are many things to consider. You and Xiaoqing are not yet stable here.

I think it's better to rent a house first. After you two are stable and at least one of you can determine your future workplace, you can then choose a house to buy. "

As he said that, he also emphasized: "Of course, this is just my personal opinion. If you think it won't work, you can actually just buy a smaller house nearby and resell it in the future. But considering this One point, when choosing a house, you have to consider some conditions when selling the house.

The environment in which you may live may be somewhat restrictive.

The house will be occupied by both of you in the future, so it would be better to discuss it before making a decision. "

Fu Yu listened carefully to Liu Yunong's suggestion and did not rush to answer. Instead, he turned to look at Liu Yuqing and asked, "I think what sister said makes sense, what do you think?"

Liu Yuqing has had her sister take care of almost everything since she was a child. She originally had a very blind sense of trust and obedience to her sister.

She was very much in agreement with her sister's idea, but when she heard Fu Yu's inquiry, she realized that she had only considered herself and not Fu Yu's feelings before.

Liu Yuqing immediately said: "I can do whatever I want. What my sister said makes sense. You can actually buy or rent a house. Anyway, if you rent a house, you have to pay rent. And even if you can sell the house after buying it, you will probably suffer some loss." Some. If you think about it this way, it seems that any plan is quite feasible."

Fu Yu thought about it for a while and said, "I think it's more convenient to rent a house. After asking for leave tomorrow, I will go to the event with the team members. I shouldn't have the chance to ask for leave again. There is nothing about the branch here yet. After the implementation is completed, you have to go back in a hurry.

Moreover, Xiaoqing's remedial classes are all temporary. After taking the postgraduate entrance examination in the future, the location of the school will definitely have to be considered.

To be more prudent, I think we will mainly rent a house tomorrow. As for buying a house, it will be too late and the time cannot be arranged. "

After Liu Yunong heard what Fu Yu said, he felt very close to his heart.

Fu Yu is a person with high quotient, very good at taking care of the emotions of people around him, and most importantly, he cares about Liu Yuqing's thoughts.

When something happens, the young couple should discuss it carefully, so that the relationship can slowly be maintained.

Liu Yunong nodded and smiled: "Okay, then it's settled. We'll go to the agency to view the house tomorrow morning. We just picked a few places and they're in good locations. Then we'll see the real living environment before we make a decision."

Tomorrow's itinerary was agreed upon, and Liu Yunong told Fu Yu: "Go to bed early at night and have a good sleep tomorrow morning. If you really wait until you officially start working, you won't have a chance to sleep again."

Such caring words made Fu Yu feel warm in his heart.

Early the next morning, the three of them went to a nearby time-honored breakfast shop recommended by the hotel front desk to try some local specialties.

After dinner, we went directly to the agency.

Because I had made a guide in advance, it only took me one morning to visit all the houses I had selected in advance.

Liu Yunong is very experienced in this aspect. From the layout to the interior layout, he even temporarily visited the neighbors next door to learn about the situation of the surrounding residents.

When it comes to dealing with peers, Liu Yunong is simply amazing!

You can win the trust and favor of others casually, and you can naturally integrate the things you want to ask about into normal greetings and polite chats, and you can also skillfully arouse the other person's interest in talking. .

With Liu Yunong's help, Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing quickly selected one of the houses with a good layout and good visibility from north to south.

The overall area is not particularly large, but it is enough for two people to live in.

And the most important thing is that all the furniture and electrical appliances in the house are available. They only need to add some daily necessities and small items such as curtains and sofa covers, and they can move in directly.

All three of them were very satisfied with this.

After carefully checking and communicating about water and electricity issues, we signed the rental contract directly.

I found a nearby restaurant at noon. After eating, I contacted the agency to help introduce a cleaning company and hired someone to clean the house inside and out.

Taking advantage of this time, they hurried to the mall to buy various supplies that were missing in the new house.

After all the things are placed and put away, the new house is completely tidied up and ready to move in at any time.

Liu Yunong was careful and made a video call to Fu's father and Fu's mother to show them the house where Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing would live in the future.

The old couple were extremely satisfied. They chatted with the Liu sisters for a long time, gave Fu Yu a few words, and then hung up the phone happily.

With this, Fu Yu finally had a stable home in the capital. (End of chapter)

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